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  • I honestly kinda see what they were going for. This was the first episode where I laughed through a large portion of it. Donny Blaze and the other magicians were hilarious. Of course, Madisynn was also an incredibly fun addition. She's one of those dumb characters that end up being charming. Her chemistry with "Wongers" was fantastic and I need to see more of it.

    Between the magicians and Madisynn, we get some great gags and references. While Wong seems kinda oblivious of basic things considering he is the Sorcerer Supreme, he also contributes a lot to the episode.

    Jennifer, ironically, is the least funny character that's focused on. Her dating plot was fun, although I feel like there were some missed opportunities for jokes. At least we finally get a good action scene with Wong and her fighting together.

    The direction still isn't very clear, but the show improves here. Whether it will continue to improve has yet to be seen.
  • I think I've accepted that this is going to be one of those shows that isn't entirely for me, but that I still have a soft spot for and want to watch when it's released. It's offering a big amount of charm and a good sitcom-style Marvel show that I didn't know we were getting. With this episode, they're once again exploring some areas of Jen's personal life that I like, while also taking on another bad guy in a classic villain-of-the-week structure that works. This episode was better than last week's because it didn't focus on a whole lot other than its main plot.

    As much as this is a legal show, it's also a classic character sitcom that focuses on Jen's life and doings. So exploring the different aspects of her personal life is a lot of fun. A few weeks ago we got introduced to her family and now we get an insight into her dating life, which could honestly be better. But it provides a very fun gateway for the episode into making some of their classic jokes and touch upon the problems of dating at a certain point in your life. That's where this episode really works. Where it doesn't is on the front of its bad guy. While I like the structure very much, I didn't find this week's bad guy to be interesting at all. The character was super annoying and Rhys Coiro who I have enjoyed in other projects felt completely miscast here. And while what he was doing fit into the system world, it felt like such a departure from the other and more interesting antagonists that they have been setting up for this show. There was nothing that actually appealed to me about this character, and I felt like he was just there to give the main character something to go up against, which is normally what a villain is, but I like them with a little more to them than just that. Other than that whole aspect, this episode was a pleasant delight and gave me the vibes that I originally fell in love with about this show.

    "Is This Not Real Magic?" took the show back to focusing on Jen and her problems and had that fun vibe that I loved earlier. It had some problems with its antagonist and that whole storyline, but for the most part, I looked over that because of the good stuff that regularly went down.
  • I need to see that movie.

    She-Hulk is just entertaining. It gets a couple of unexpected laughs out of me but not much more. I don't have any expectations for it. It's a fun watch.

    It's okay that marvel doesn't always deliver at a hundred percent and I don't think the show is particularly bad. I like the characters.

    What I had hoped we would get to see how the law works in the mc universe with all these super-powered people and not just cases like they show in the previous episodes. I guess they could focus a bit more on that.

    I hope they do in future episodes.

    All in all I had a good time but it's not something I would necessarily rewatch or remember by tomorrow, soo...

    Madisynn amd Wong was a fun pair up.
  • eoinpgeary8 September 2022
    Don't spoil the Sopranos for Wong !!

    So far of the show I haven't been a real fan, I've enjoyed certain moments of episodes but I think this is the first episode I have enjoyed most of it.

    It started well with Wong, the magician thing was a bit all over the place with the court scene, but I enjoyed the fights, the marcher scenes and anything to do with "Wongerz".

    It's funny how She Hulk herself knows the hits it was going to get online, I can't deny I'm one of them, this episode though made me want another like it but again lay off a bit on the jokes, the 4th wall breaks were all perfect today, there was no "female agenda" that's been hitting online

    So far, I like the episode but if it slips back to the past few episodes for the rest of the season I would find that disappointing.

    Good episode in general !
  • Trey_Trebuchet9 September 2022
    Warning: Spoilers
    I suppose this isn't entirely how comicbook fans had pictured a She-Hulk show. We haven't really gone in depth with about the legal details of these cases. That would be really cool, then all being related to something superhero themed.

    It's not bad though! I've laughed one very episode and I enjoy the lead immensely. The structure of the show seems to be very sitcom-y, even four episodes in. If the structure of this show is just going to be different cases and characters and guest appearances each episode, I'm cool with it. Not for everyone, but I think the show is pretty entertaining and doesn't really do anything "too much" that it gets in the way of the plot.

    It'll be interesting to see if there's some big baddie or long-term arc going forward. I kind of assumed Titania would be a big baddie, but all she may be doing is suing Jennifer because of her She-Hulk pseudonym? We'll see. Still, not a bad show, and not nearly as garbage as a lot of the reviews (some of them man-babies) would lead you to believe.
  • This is the first episode of She-Hulk I've enjoyed watching. It was actually kinda fun.

    However, there are still things I dislike:

    Firstly, I'm having some trouble getting onboard with all the fourth wall breaking. It works in some shows, but I don't like it in an MCU show. Because the MCU is all linked, if one character acknowledges that's it's just a show, then it breaks any perception of realism for the whole MCU, which spoils it, at least for me.

    Secondly, the Hulk CGI is bad, especially in Jen's face when she's talking as her Hulk self. It's almost cartoonish, with more than a hint of the uncanny valley about it. It's unsettling.

    I think with better CGI, and none of the fourth wall stuff, I could probably start to like the show.
  • So far this show has somehow managed to get worse and worse every week but in this episode they just achieved new heights of cringeworthiness, unprofessionalism and lack of respect to the audience for me.

    I won't even mention the plot of this terrible show because there's none whatsoever. I just wanted to warn everybody who hasn't watched the Sopranos yet: Please, don't watch this episode. You'll thank me later. The Sopranos is one of the finest and most ambitious pieces of television ever created and throughout the entire episode, one of the characters just casually throws away major spoilers for the show. And by major I mean deaths of some of the main characters that happen in the last couple of seasons. And I get it, the Sopranos is a classic, most people have seen it by now. Well, maybe, but surely not everybody. I for one saw it only last year and was absolutely blown away by it. Now it's one of favorite shows of all time and I would be furious if some pathetic garbage show like this one spoiled it for me in such an obnoxious way. I felt absolutely disgusted by it and sad that now many people won't get to enjoy the greatness of the Sopranos the way the should. I mean, how could anybody who calls himself/herself a filmmaker do something like that? Was it supposed to be funny? Well, it definitely was not. It was pathetic and lacking any sense of good taste.

    I really cross my fingers for She-hulk to enter the imdb bottom 100 list of TV shows. It's the only prize it deserves. What a waste of talent and resources.
  • vg-591068 September 2022
    Warning: Spoilers
    This episode was pretty good, it was funny, had lawyery stuff like the previous episodes and again had set up for the 'big villian' as well as a sub plot.

    Obviously my favourite part was wong and madisynn, she was a pretty great character, i hope she appears more in the future.

    The Cgi i felt was a bit wonky, marvel can do better .

    Over all a great episode and the show is getting better, don't listen to the haters, the show i getting better.

    Last one more thing, the Sopranos spoilers were on point, they added a certain element to this episode as well and if you haven't watched the Sopranos, probably do before watching this episode because there are some HEAVY spoiler in this episode:)
  • I wasn't planning on reviewing the next couple episodes until the end of the season but I feel like things have actually taken a change in episode 4. I actually liked it, much better than the previous ones and is a huge step up. The first few episodes were tolerable at best while I was actually engaged in this one, the story isn't anything mesmerizing(yet?) but it's a fun watch. Wong was really good in it and I hope he stays in the show for longer, and again I still like the post credit scenes even if others don't. It was actually what helped me keep interested enough to keep watching for the next episode otherwise I was only watching because I don't like leaving series without finishing a season. Everything's still not yet at Marvel standards but it's definitely taken a turn for the better. Hope that continues and the show might actually be salvageable.
  • SHU_Movies8 September 2022
    I'm going to be brutally honest here. This episode was plain bad. It had few decent aspects, was definitely the worst episode so far, and it's gotten me really worried about the rest of the show. I've been a dedicated MARVEL fan for as long as I can remember, and it's not like I'm going to give-up on the MCU or anything, but this show just really isn't interesting me very much. Between the bad writing, the bad VFX and the bad stories, the only thing saving this show are a few guest appearances (like Wong), and a small handful of semi-decent performances. I'm going to be continuing the show, and it's just because I'm hopelessly in-love with MARVEL.
  • BarneyGrapes11 September 2022
    If you're trying to get this show to make sense or fit in with the rest of the MCU....just stop. It's just ridiculous fun. They're not trying for anything more. Sit back and take it in like you would take in an episode of Family Guy or any other episodic slapstick comedy. The situations are ridiculous, and aren't trying to build up to some world ending vilain. It established that on episode 1

    This episode made me smile more than any so far. She Hulk dating :) And while she hulk cgi is not great, those daemons were incredibly well done. And fun.

    As far as spoiling're stretching for more reasons to discredit the show. I didn't even think twice about the fact that something was spoiled since it was just another slapstick joke....until people here made me think that something in a real show was actually spoiled. I haven't seen soprano's yet, and I was so enjoying this episode, I didn't overthink the sopranos joke. But now after reading people complaining about it I am.

    This show is an absolute zero stress romper to relax to. No seriously stressful situations and just plain fun.
  • chikken711 September 2022
    So many people trying to convince themselves that they hate this show for the CGI or the "character not acting like they should" when they are really just pushing mad that the show about the female character is actually focusing on the female character.

    It's just brilliant. The fourth wall breaks, the legal procedural-in-superhero-times idea. Tatiana Maslany is an absolute rock in all of this. The performances are so good! And it's a hilariously realistic look at what life would be like in a world where you COULD match with a super hero on Tinder. (Though let's be real, they'd all probably be on that celebrity one).

    I LOVE watching these characters we know grow and change and reveal more about themselves. I LOVE that Wong is becoming besties with a drunk party girl over their shared love of dramatic television. I LOVE watching a super hero trying to date.

    It's absolutely brilliant and I can't recommend it enough.

    Sure, there's lots of CGI, but ITS A SUPER HERO SHOW. Don't be an idiot.
  • kadenkgcampbell8 September 2022
    Good I guess. A little more action than other episodes but I feel like this show doesn't show enough She-Hulk. All these empty cameos with Wong and Abomination, why can't she have her own story. And my gosh all the jokes. Can we go 5 minutes without a joke? Or is all of New Marvel just comedy? To think that Daredevil will also be in this show is insane to me. Four episodes in and still no sustenance or an actual PLOT. Who's the antagonist? Men?

    Kind of ridiculous at this point. Even in WandaVision the plot was finally shown in the 4th but this was just another filler episode.

    I hope to God they don't ruin Daredevil too. If he cracks one singular joke I'm done. If this is how they're making show I worry for the future. Way too much content with no substance. Truly quantity of quality. This show hasn't impressed me yet and it's the 4th episode but I'll keep on pushing through until the end and then rate the show in its entirety (unlike all the shallow reviewers who rated the show a 1 just off the first episode).
  • She-Hulk is a great character. In the comics that is.

    I was excited to see this show and how it tied She Hulk's legal antics into the world of the MCU. Instead this show tries to be a comedy and fails miserabley with jokes you can see coming a mile away.

    This episode was utterly dull. I give credit to everybody's acting and Wong had some fun lines, but it feels like this show is just spinning in circles. She Hulk tries to do something, has a problem, realises something about herself, end of episode.

    The problem with this show is that it feels so lazy. Everything looks cheap but expensive at the same time, with She Hulk's CGI being especially bad.
  • You cannot go wrong with Wong. He is irate that he cannot watch The Sopranos in peace in his Tibetan retreat.

    Even more incensed that two bit magician Donny Blaze is using the mystic arts to transport people.

    So he hires She-Hulk for a motion to file a cease and desist motion.

    Meanwhile Jennifer tries out a dating app. Only to find that she gets more pings as the She-Hulk.

    I found it to be a fun episode. I do think the CGI was better, in the previous episode She-Hulk was more animated.

    It had a nice insight on going on blind dates from someone from a dating app. The shallow men.

    It all goes bat crazy when Donny Blaze really messes up with one of his mystic art tricks.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Ok! Ok! But, could he SURVIVE MAN!!! UPDATE ... they took my advice!! SEX, EH??? OK! OK! Donny Blaze's foolishness, his attempts at magic single handedly SAVE THIS SHOW!! How, you ask?? Well Wong has to show up to fix the bogus magician's mistakes, and we FINALLY get to see She Hulk go into high gear fighting those icky demons and by the way disrupting her SEXY date time!! And does she get ANGRY??? YESSSS!! POUNDING AND THRASHING: BOUT TIME!!!

    But, they did it!!! Finally wrote what we've all been watching for: WOULD HE SURVIVE!?!?!? DANG!! She changed back by morning!! He was alive.... ALL IN ALL THE BEST EPISODE!! WHEW!! WHAT A NIGHT!!! ;)
  • Ok the cgi is still terrible, the support cast in their entirety are still forgettable (4 episodes in and I couldn't tell you a single one of their names).

    BUT it wasn't that bad of an episode, it's the first episode where it felt as if most things worked, Wong was brilliant, the comedy didn't make roll my eyes, there was finally some action and just a generally fun episode.

    The biggest issue I'm still having with the series thus far is there is zero stakes, there's no main plot other than she's a hulk, nothing to that makes you excited to come back the following week to see how it all pans out.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    ...You've got a second rate magician who is using teachings of the Mystic Arts in his show. So the sorcerer supreme, you know the guy who can manipulate time, create portals to other realms and such, finds out that a former student uses it. So what to do what to do as sorcerer supreme? Ah of course! You take him to court! And seeing as this is about powers of mystical arts you not just go to any court. Noooo. You take him to the almighty American court. But of course your dispute won't be settled by any common laws. Nono, it will be judged by American law.... I mean make it make sense.

    And remind me again? Wasn't Wong a fugitive from those same courts, you know, after he just took abomination out of prison so he could train? So how can he be in court and not get arrested?

    And of course we see more of that men bad women good stuff. And the supposed to be funny 4th wall break downs.

    Many Wongs don't make it right and this show is just wrong or for 12 year olds. If the latter is the case maybe I can understand this pile of ... better.
  • mooeymouse10 September 2022
    Warning: Spoilers
    This is definitively the best She Hulk episode so far. The shovel joke was actually funny, and the cg wasn't horrendous (yet). I think the plot was great since there weren't by any subplots like last time (Asgardian Shapeshifter) or loose threads that go nowhere (Removing Abomination from Emil). The plot was given a whole half hour to do it's job, and wasn't dependent on cameos to make it interesting. It sets up the next episode well, and the credits scene was really funny. Good to see Wong finally adjust into society, and I hope "Wongerz" and his new friend Madisynn show up again. I like that the show so far hasn't been dependent on credits scenes (same thing with Hawkeye) so I'm glad to see where that goes. However, the biggest draw is that She-Hulk (the character) just isn't that exciting or entertaining. It's just the people around her that make the episode finally good. Honestly, Wong needs his own show at this point.
  • This is the first and likely only episode I'm reviewing in the series...

    This is a weak series, mostly due to its writing. This episode made me chuckle a couple of times due to Wong's unwitting humor. I'm really sad to see a show with such potential wasted. This may as well be the last Marvel show I'll watch, since all the others disappointed me as well, but this one's on a whole new level.

    The length of the show is also quite underwhelming. Expected a 50 minute episode, as standard, and got a 30 minute, and sometimes that doesn't even evolve the story in much of a meaningful way. We still don't know the main villain of the story. We still didn't see Daredevil or understood his role in the plot. I won't say anything can't be redeemed, but this is as close as it gets. And it's sad, as it seems like some people (including the main actress) are giving it all they got, but the plot sure isn't helping them in any way.
  • * This is not a review bomb *

    Overall this episode is around a 3 or 4 / 10 but ruining major character deaths from The Sopranos? It's a disgrace!

    They've ruined TWO key arcs of one of the best TV shows of all time, for thousands potentially hundreds of thousands of people and for what?

    It's petty and unfunny and just plain wrong.

    The Jen character is somewhat likeable but everything else about this show is terrible so far and again the Sopranos spoilers.

    It's a real shame because She-Hulk was and is a great character.

    The episodes are too short, men are treated as either hyper-aggresive, chauvinistic, idiotic or weak, whereas the few women we see are stereotypes. Men, women, comic book readers, fans of the She-Hulk character, the MCU and quality writing and character development in general...we ALL deserve better than this tripe.
  • bobcobb3019 September 2022
    Warning: Spoilers
    Not a great episode by any measurement, but this is certainly good harmless fun. Tatiana Maslany continues to do an excellent job in this role whether it is the Jim Halpert looks at the camera, being a lawyer or even being the She Hulk character. Would love to see a second season of the show and for them to explore things deeper, but I doubt we'll get it.

    I think a lot of the negativity is around the fact that it doesn't seem to have a purpose. There is no big bad villain. Walters seems to have accepted being a Hulk pretty quickly and is comfortable with her superpowers. So where is the drama going to come from?

    But episodes like this are good, harmless fun. Just keep Jon Bass off of the show moving forward. Even just a cameo as a date for Walters was more than he deserves.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I thought this show was decent until this episode. I'm only 21 and just started watching the Sopranos this year, but this show thought it would be funny to spoil the Sopranos for the sake of bad comedy. They spoiled two major character deaths before I turned it off. I have never been this angry at a tv show ever. One spoiler is too many but two is just a slap in the face. Marvel been dropping the ball left and right anyway for a while now and this really was the icing on the cake. I will not be finishing this show and it will be the only Marvel project I have not seen in the MCU. I hope someone got a cheap laugh out of this episode because I am livid.
  • chunkylefunga13 October 2022
    This woman has trouble dating?

    So we're to believe that a smart, successful, and gorgeous woman like Jen would ever have difficulty finding a boyfriend? And she would then have to resort to useless a dating app that apparently only attracts weirdo men, then she for some apparent reason has to resort to going on dates with?

    Have the writers ever met a smart, succesful and beautiful woman??? She would have zero issues dating.

    All that aside this episode again fills like another filler episode.

    Are the writers incapable to writing a decent storyline with some actual substance and not having to resort to filler and clichés.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Wouldn't Wong have been arrested on sight for his role in freeing the Abomination, albeit temporarily, from prison?

    Would the judge have allowed an obviously intoxicated woman to testify? (See "Trivia" for answer).

    Are most young men, and women, who do the bar scene or use dating apps that shallow and narcissistic?

    With the possible exception of Wong, I have yet to find a sympathetic character I care about. Including She Hulk.

    She could go work for a non-profit, or do pro-Bono work like her cousin did in Third World countries.

    She's a freakin' super hero.

    Why not represent the Avengers or other super heroes after all the collateral damage they cause fighting the "bad guys"?

    Finally, where was Wong sending those "gremlins", Switzerland?
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