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  • sfsm9711 May 2008
    For a regional movie, it was OK. I would have liked it to be a little more fun and funny, but overall I think it was a watchable effort. Some parts were a bit over-acted, but it moved along quite fast.

    It does offer glimpses of Muslim thinking and culture (at least as practised in some parts of Egypt/Indonesia). Nevertheless, remember it's a fictional movie, guys.

    For those not from the Asean region - suggest you watch it with an open mind, and I'm sure you can enjoy it too....don't pre-judge based on your religious prejudices.

    BTW does anyone know whether the actress who plays Maria (Carissa Puteri) is a Muslim in real life?...just curious.....
  • Fahri (Fedi Nuril) is an Indonesian religious student who's studying in a prestigious religious university in Egypt. He's the all round nice guy, who's pious as he is moderate in his values, as well as being the resident stud with whom every female he has the fortune to meet, falls head over heels with. To some of us, this seems like heaven, but seriously, it's more trouble that Fahri can ever imagine. Through him, we learn a little bit more about Islam, and his little fights against extremism, and correcting those who conveniently hide behind being deliberately out of context. Naturally this charm of sincerity and standing up for the underdog brings him admirers.

    First there's fellow student Nurul (Melanie Putria), whom Fahri and his friends go to for academic assistance, because of her ties with their professor. She takes a liking of Fahri because he's probably a genius to her eyes, and being the best looking amongst the cohort of course. Then there's Noura (Zaskia Adya Mecca), a poor soul who's constantly abused in public by her father, whom Fahri takes pity and rescues. For Noura, it is obvious she's in love with her knight in shining armour, while Fahri, in his heart, sincerely just took pity on her. There's Maria (Carissa Putri) of the Christian faith, one of the first Fahri meets in his student days, and as his neighbour, they share a lot of time together in studies and play, and both find good virtues with one another, coming close to ending their search for soulmates. That is, until Fahri meets Aisyah (Rianti Rhiannon Cartwright), a German Muslim with whom I think most guys would go for without a doubt - someone who shares the same religion and has deep affinity for it, a loaded family so cares for material wealth takes a backseat, and probably best of all, which I think the director Hanung Bramantyo teased on purpose, is a stunner behind that veil that she wears (you can hear gasps of exasperation when trick camera angles were used to hide her facial features).

    If you were Fahri, who would you choose? In keeping to the spirit of not spoiling it for you, I shan't tell too. Of course he chooses one, based on certain criteria of his own, which doesn't surprise (hey, we're guys OK?), but the manner in which it was presented, made it seem rather shallow and superficial, whence it should be something more of a deeper connection that he should feel for his wife to be. Anyway things are never rosy with a marriage, and soon enough, melodrama dictates that his marriage will be on the rocks since husband and wife hardly know each other - with a matchmade like ritual being the bridge between two hearts - and a more severe trial being put in their way, which calls for the courts to be involved.

    As mentioned, Ayat-Ayat Cinta never fail in finding opportunity to talk about religion, and in fact I enjoyed such moments as its principles can be applied regardless of your own personal beliefs, as they are universal and would be in agreement with any reasonable person. And it brings to mind certain things we do too, such as the doubts that creep into the minds of even the most pious, when it seemed that the almighty had somewhat forsaken us when we are stuck in a rut that we believe couldn't happen to us since we should be in God's good books constantly for putting his sayings into practice. But I guess the old man above has his own sense of humour and share of wanting to shake things up a little to separate those who pay lip service only, from those who are truly sincere.

    Given that the story's central theme is on love, you don't really get much of that until the last act which lasts not more than 20 minutes on screen. Touching on love and sacrifice, you'd wonder how those who have polygamous relationships handle the requirements of it all, and the superb time management which they supposedly possess. Juggling multiple girlfriends or dates is a piece of cake, although sometimes there's always that very few close shaves. Juggling more than one wife under the same roof, calls for some serious soul searching, and the obvious courting of trouble with a capital T. While there are those with virtues like patience, tolerance and the likes, I doubt many women out there would willingly (and this is the keyword) share their husbands with another woman. Here, it's out of circumstance to save his own rear, at least how it was played out, despite obvious clues that it wasn't, and it again serves as a reminder to think through this vowed devotion very thoroughly, before taking the plunge. It boils down to being fair, being honest and being sincere, versus what you think might be pleasing in the eyes of a deity. Again without spoiling it, you do feel for the character who has to make this call and sacrifice. Love hurts, doesn't it from time to time?

    Ayat-Ayat Cinta in its separate acts, have moments which stand out and fulfill their purpose, but when strung together, you'd feel that there are plenty more it could have addressed without relegating some issues to the backseat, and of course some minor elements which could've been dropped. I guess like the relationships in the movie, it had to pick and choose its battles, and what was delivered was still engaging enough to sit through.
  • two thumbs up and hats off to the director of this movie, Hanung Brahmantyo.

    from this movie, you could see another side of Islam. I guess the director is success to bring the core idea of this movie that Islam is not always related with brutality.

    rianti cartwright as Aishah has played her role perfectly. Her eyes is so magnificent. I can see her emotion through her beautiful eyes although she used a 'cadar' ( i don't know this word in English, a piece of fabric that covers his mouth ).

    cant say nothing else, i have watched it for 6 times on the cinema, the most highest appreciation that i have given to an indonesian movie!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    In some level, this movie represents such high perception of marriage and life. If most of us are lost in love and lust, not with Fahri and Aisha. There's a certain exclusivity that we rarely find. They both could be this couple we look for, with their high devotion in their religion.

    It's pretty interesting when I see women in the movie are obsessed with Fahri. It's ordinary if a guy chased a girl, it's pretty much in the nature. There are moments when he's just so perfect, it's too good to be true. Sure, he's cute with good manners, a combination we usually never find. It's his character to be innocent, but I see it kind of annoying. He's slow with reading signs and expressions (from a woman) and slow in making decisions.

    Aisha is this perfect woman, brave and good heart, played very well by Rianti R. Cartwright. She's more tough than Maria. Maria in the other hand is more childish and more balanced with Fahri. She's as good heart as Aisha, but not that mature.

    This is pretty much the only movie that can make me understood why polygamy can be done; it consists with humans that make marriage only in the name of God, not others, pure and that is it. But, cynically, I can only say this picture-perfect might be only in this movie.

    Other things that made the movie different, it's the exotic feel of the location. The story is actually based in Cairo, Egypt, but instead of shooting in Cairo, the movie was shot in India and Semarang, Indonesia. Well done.

    Should definitely watch this movie if you're a bit curious about Islam. It can be watched in general.
  • Overall, it was better than most Indonesian movies about love. the rating is a bit equal with Deddy Mizwar's films. But of course, Deddy Mizwar's films was better :)

    This movie was originated from a famous novel with the same title. The novel was written by Habiburrahman El-Shirazy. But the full story of the movie was different, compared to the original novel by Habiburrahman El-Shirazy. Because of this, many Indonesian people who've read the novel before watching the movies was so upset, because they've many differences. :O

    If you've read the novel,then you must watch the movies ;)
  • Warning: Spoilers
    What a great movie this is, supported by a strong story line based on a famous novel with the same title by Habiburrahman El Shirazy, an Indonesian writer that has produce several quality novels. The quality of directing isn't bad either, it deserves a compliment, hats off to Hanung Bramantyo, he keeps on delivering good movies lately. keep it up!

    The overall look of the movie is beautiful, although mostly show indoor/studio scenes it made me believe that they were really in Egypt while actually the outdoor scenes was shot mostly in India, it's not perfect but it's pretty.

    The center figure, Fahri has a character of what Indonesian boys traditionally taught to be, modest, religious, brave and sincere. However the movie shows that even though you have all that qualities, you still have to go through realities in life which can be painful at times, in this case Fahri is wrongfully accused of raping a girl whose actually in love with him.

    At the same time Fahri has to go through an unordinary marriage life of polygamy, which he refused initially but had to go through with it, His first wife is actually the one told him to do it.

    Overall this movie tells a good story of life, brave in telling that polygamy isn't always bad, and pictures a poetic love story in Islamic way.

    I hope Indonesians will produce even better movies in the future, Cheers!
  • tira1239 July 2012
    This is a great romantic movie ever made! I love the storyline, actors soundtracks and everything on this movie.

    Btw, this movie is based on the best-selling book of the same name by Habiburrahman El Shirazy.

    I think if you read the book you would like the movie more. And honestly, I haven't read the book.

    Overall, I think Verses Of Love is an Indonesian version of all the romantic movies based on Nicholas Sparks' books because it will touches the audiences. I'm not crying while watching this movie, but maybe if I'm in the good mood when I watch this, maybe I will crying. Who knows??
  • Warning: Spoilers
    "Although most Indonesians practice a moderate form of the faith, a small-but-vocal minority are hard line, militant Muslims who want to see Islamic law implemented in the country. Filmmaker Hanung says his message of tolerance is aimed at all Muslims and that he thinks the movie is popular because it reaches out to common people and talks about ordinary lives and ordinary problems. He says using the media is one way to get out Islamic teaching and values to the general population." - by: Nancy-Amelia Collins -. Just satisfy at home. Get the DVD. But, I do not know when the DVD will be released. Anyway, I want AAC in English. visit : a a c i n t a . b l o g s p o t . c o m
  • Well. I am no movie expert. But since the movie got a lot of hype, I was hoping that the movie can at least be a decent one. Another disappointment. The director wasn't able to develop each of the character fully. The main character Fahri, is like a cartoon superhero character, like spider-man or batman, that we know already exist before the movie starts. Too superficial. Each scene is cut too obviously, no flow whatsoever. The storyline is OK, but the execution needs a lot of work. To me, the best actor in the movie is the crazy person in jail with Fahri, the main character. And I think that, the title doesn't suit the movie at all. I don't see any love in it: Love of Fahri's, nor Aisyah, or Maria. And the lessons about the goodness of Islam: The lessons are good. Very practical and common sense. But the way its delivered, its too 'stiff'. Very "set-up" and forced. Doesn't go with each scene. May be they are after the PG audience.

    And oh.. the commercial. Product placements. Its ridiculous. And I think its not appropriate. Makes the movie really cheap. The only positive thing about the movie, is I think the soundtrack.
  • Maybe it's just me but why can't Indonesia make better films?

    Pramoedya Ananta Toer was one of the greatest writers ever to grace this earth what has happened to Indonesian cinema. Saw this on a Singapore to London flight and it did make me cry much to the amusement of my Indonesian relatives who spent the whole film laughing and taking the **** out of it.

    Why can't Indonesia produce the quality films coming out of Korea, Taiwan and Hong Kong instead of rubbish like Arisan !. Opera Jawa was a good effort but what's needed is the bravery to deal with emotions openly instead of hiding them behind tradition, culture, religion, or the life style of the rich.

    Islam is not the reason, many other Muslim countries have produced great cinema.
  • why I state awful? Maybe people will said I am not Islamic or the bad Muslim. Oh yes! I am Muslim and I'm practicing sunnah and whatever in my life but this picture was very very bad! Compared to its' novel, this movie was really really make a spoil for the people who still doesn't read the novel. A bad impression I think. Just same with Indonesian typical drama on TV. Habiburrahman was so sad with this movie because he can't direct it himself.We can understand its' story but its' so boring, try to act pious but fail.Bad acting and many more bad.I'm so frustrating because it's the best novel I ever read in my life and the worst adaptation film I ever watched in my whole life!