User Reviews (36)

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  • chanmacy-841756 January 2021
    I don't know why I'm surprised that there are so many 1 and 2 star reviews by men who seem bitter that a woman made a television show about 1) herself 2) women in general.

    Yes, she probably has tried to capitalise on the success of shows like Fleabag, game face, etc. But the show IS still decent in its own right. It's funny and touching, and the characters are generally well written.

    Sarah Pascoe herself is funny and intelligent and that comes through clearly in the show. Despite her intelligence and ability to critically examine issues in a sophisticated and nuanced manner, she comes across as a fence sitter (not just in this shown but in general) which can be super irritating. If you're gonna be preachy, at least commit. For example, her comment about the blurb of a book about women being "trans exclusionary" before launching into a couple of episodes which explicitly mention the differences between male and female bodies. There was no need- it felt forced. If you're going to write about something as factual as male and female bodies, do so unapologetically.

    The pacing is a bit weird and clunky.

    It's a good, funny but surreal, touching introspective story about working on yourself and (kind of) working through pain and cynicism.
  • Ignore the poor reviews. This is clever comedy with some substance to it. I'm pretty confident the main reason for people giving 1's and 2's are men who don't like a woman explaining science and basic psychology to them. If a man wrote and starred in this I'm sure it would've done much better.

    It's wacky, silly irreverent fun but with a bit of depth to it. Sure it's got Pascoe being herself but it's more than that. She hits on ideals, tradition and what it is to be human and what society expects of women. Not much on TV tries to deal with any of this - it's good to see.

    It also shows Pascoe looking inward at herself and realising the ideals and expectations she has of others are particularly flawed. She accepts she is wrong about some things and wants to learn. She's not perfect but neither is anyone else. And sometimes the majority of people can value the wrong things but never realise it.

    Really not sure why so many bitter, strange people have been so volatile in their negative reviews. It's hardly offensive or controversial unless you think a show which tackles modern ideals about sex, gender, marriage, love, loneliness, family and depression to be exactly that.
  • There are some truly horrid reviews on this platform, this is a mid point.

    There are some at 10.

    There are some at 1.

    For me it's a 5. It's trying something new, unique, and different = good. But classed as a comedy, it's not funny = bad.

    The cast are great. It's BBC produced = great It's well made, it's actors are very good. Sara Pascoe is a great voice for women in comedy = good Sara Pascoe as an actress playing 'herself' = bad It's too odd. It's too meta. It's too surreal. It's not funny.

    Sorry, it tries, but at points is preachy.

    Ade Edmondson is wasted.
  • JBLOSS16 December 2020
    I watched part of the first episode when first broadcast and it didn't really work... but I came back to it and tried again and it took a while for it to get into its stride. It is a bit disjointed and some scenes work far better than others. However, I did find the final episode to be pretty tedious and repetitive so it ended on a low. The middle four episodes though were pretty good, I don't think it's a classic but Sara Pascoe tried to do something different and that in itself deserves credit
  • prylands-389-56748024 October 2020
    Disjointed and puzzling. I enjoy surreal comedy but this has no emtertainment quality. I like Sarah Pascoe and have been to see her stand up but this does not work. Not enough drama or comedy - it's just random scenes which leaves you wondering what is going on.

    A pity as I was really looking forward to enjoying this.
  • frukuk20 October 2020
    A whole programme, written by and starring Sara Pascoe -- what could possibly go wrong?

    The basic problem I think -- and I write this after seeing only the first episode -- is that Sara Pascoe needs to be diluted, rather than concentrated. Five minutes of her shtick is fine; almost thirty minutes is far too much.

    Sara Pascoe can certainly do shouty speech and can ham it up like a pro, but she seems particularly unable to write a genuine comedy.
  • matsurr10 November 2020
    Yes it's odd and a little slow but it's wonderful. You could say that it covers some mental health issues ,cos it does. You could say it covers ALOT of women's issues cos it does. But is it funny? Well yes it is!

    Sarah plays Sarah a character that is very much how I imagine she is in real life .

    If you've seen her stand up and or seen her on TV and enjoy watching her, then this is a twisted fun version of that. Enjoy.
  • MJP8825 October 2020
    I find Sara Pascoe annoying normally, she's too self obsessed but I thought I'd watch this with an open mind and give it a chance. Unfortunately, it's truly terrible. If you think she's self obsessed normally, wait till you see this car crash of a show. It's just her, and her ego - irritating, self indulgent and annoying (much like Sara Pascoe). I can only assume the handful of 10 star reviews are from her close friends or the cast or something.
  • thomasshahbaz-5254122 October 2020
    This show will either speak to you, or you'll hate it. That's kind of the point perhaps.

    If you see yourself in her, you'll love it.

    It's absolutely hilarious and very poignant, and features an ensemble of superbly cast actors delivering the hilarious dialogue with perfect pitch and timing.

    A surprisingly polished gem, imo.
  • crgalway15 November 2020
    Thought we'd give this a try last night - got 10 mins through the first episode and it was making me feel uncomfortable. It was a pained watch. Cringy and at times, felt stiff like a cheap stage production. Sarah Pascoe's acting was forced and not funny. It's possible it may get better but we tuned out. I much prefer Sarah Pascoe on Frankie Boyle's New World Order. She's intelligent and witty!
  • lynnmothersole2 November 2020
    Oh dear - I like Sara Pascoe on panel shows so I thought this would be good. I managed 10 minutes and found it total rubbish and not funny. Maybe I'm not the right age group for this type of program (mid 40s) but I thought I might be able to relate to the female character. I think it has been advertised too much and I defo wouldn't recommend. Sorry Sarah.
  • anitajbox-internet20 October 2020
    Clearly Sara Pascoe wrote this after her breakup with John Robbins. It's bitter, unfunny, cringy rubbish. I gave it a go, but had to switch off after 10 minutes.
  • Really enjoyed this show, especially the final episode where the format really comes together perfectly.
  • Baffling why this got commissioned as a series. Comedy isn't supposed to be depressing its supposed to make you laugh and this certainly doesn't. A sad failure that's just an unamusing rant that goes nowhere and offers the viewer no incentive to come back for more. Real shame all those involved couldn't have come up with a better structured vehicle and a decent script as she's a very funny comedian and performer.
  • One of the best sitcoms very written. It's very well-observed, intellectually interesting and uproariously funny. Ignore the bitter trolls.
  • I had cancer last year. That was infinitely funnier than this car crash.
  • colmitch721 October 2020
    Pitched as a 'comedy'....really??? Who commissioned produced and edited this over hyped self indulgent vehicle for personal therapy on TV? Beeb friends? Sorry Sara stick to supporting more established comedians like Frankie Boyle for now Im sure you will learn from this disappointing experience and come back stronger when you're in a much better place emotionally.
  • rextonjackie24 October 2020
    I struggled to last 15 minutes, but I literally couldn't watch anymore, this is so very bad, one star for trying God help them . It's an effort I'm assuming to capitalize on the brilliant TV that is "Motherland" and "Catastrophe" but it doesn't come even close, it's a miserable failure and not worthy of even being commissioned for television release. What were they thinking ? This series is a "Catastrophe" all right, but in the literal sense I'm afraid, avoid this at all costs !
  • Written in a different way that gradually starts to make sense and indeed grow on you. It's not only educational and funny, but the characters are amazingly good. It's a breath of fresh air. So...

    I wholeheartedly recommend this TV series.
  • Based on first ep: Too much of most good things is not good in the long run. Too much mediocre Pascoe is.... well, let's just say this is Pascoe at her worst; -self-obsessed & unfunny with sick on top.
  • Watched it chilling out on my own after a stressful day!! And it made everything OK. If you don't actually like it then honestly your life is to normal and boring to have any meaning. Welly done Sara you smashed it xx
  • I was prepared to like this but suspected it would be awful....never realised just how s*** it would be. Screechingly manically horrible. She probably meant it to be like this. I literally would sooner watch Miranda....
  • per-18123 October 2020
    I tend to like most types of comedy, including really weird and surreal stuff. And I do see a lot of it. Also, I usually like Sara Pascoe, at least when she's not preaching. But this? An incoherent mess of totally unfunny moments, like visiting a schizophrenic ward on a really bad day.

    This show even makes stuff like Mrs Brown's boys or Famalam seem quite good - which they certainly are not.

    I'd rather listen to political speech disguised as stand up by Nish Kumar than watch any more of this cr*p.
  • stebsmeister3 November 2020
    The characters are both anodyne and unlikeable, the acting is largely terrible (although Juliet Stevenson gives it her best), the comedy isn't funny and the drama isn't compelling.

    I'm oddly impressed by the BBC for having the courage to broadcast this, as they must have realised within five minutes of the first episode what a stinker they had on their hands.
  • Having read Sara's excellent book "Sex, Power, Money" I was looking forward to this, and was not disappointed. Her combination of witty humour, psychology, a sprinkling of science and clever insight into human behaviour is wonderful. A highly entertaining watch on a variety of levels.
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