User Reviews (57)

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  • In the midst of writing my first screenplay, I was keenly observing reviews from my close ones about the movies they liked and disliked and the reasons for them. I acquainted myself to the grim reality that people still don't want to see something real on the silver screen. Movies are a getaway from reality and there is this unanimous love for their stars. That's why our movies are about glamor, glitz and almost always no impressive storyline. Aamir is fantastically different to the clichéd movie world, we live in India. Cinematography reminiscent of the great Nicolas Roeg's lens work, Alphonse Roy is the hot new talent to watch out for. He managed something that a lot of movies based in Mumbai could not...the only notable exceptions being Slumdog Millionaire and Salaam Bombay. It has a gripping plot and keeps you edgy but isn't devoid of a few Muslim stereotypes. That said, there are a whole lot of other pluses which make it a must watch. Rajeev Khandelwal looks dapper, plays his character and displays angst, fear and horror with great facial precision and makes you wonder why he has not been casted in another movie yet, are we all sleeping or are we just too obsessed with our stars? Editing is first rate, direction has a sense of purpose and the whole ensemble of actors plying their trade meaningfully gives Aamir a definite must watch tag. What is lacks is the finesse of an Anurag Kashyap screenplay, but still is a valiant attempt in trying to change the face of cinema in India. Aamir should be lauded, applauded and celebrated as one of the best, coming out from Bollywood factory in the year 2008.
  • You might have seen many good Bollywood movies but I am sure you surely haven't seen something like this. Most of Bollywood cinema almost always is all about glamor, fancy locations, item numbers and typical love stories. This is one of the very few movies which stick to reality and dare to be different than other. Prepare yourself to see the dark side of Mumbai unlike the glamors side of it you might have seen it in most of other movies.

    I will not tell anything about the plot because the less you know about it the more you will enjoy the movie.It will surely pull you in the shoes of the lead character from the very first scene.

    Background score and music is just perfect with the theme of the movie.

    This is a debut movie for most of the cast and crew surely most amazing debut in Bollywood after a very very long time.

    This surely is best of this year, don't miss this one.
  • A Masterpiece showing a reality of old Bombay at present, a small budget movie with great significant of present issues photography was excellent by Alphonso Roy, A great effort from rising star of film industry"Rajiv Khandelwal" sure he'll going to have rocking future like S.R.K. If we put ourselves in the character then we will realize the psychology of the maker & excellent story with a power punch to think Aamir=Leader title is perfect beyond the politics Watch it at any cost. the life of the people in Mumbai-3 is being well portrayed the locations were all real no sets at all. filming was done in a short period of time
  • I for one found the negative comments about this film really in bad taste. Guys if u are into typical Bombay cinema pelvic thrust versus mega wedding haven't seen even 1% of what cinema is. Rubbishing Aamir is like proclaiming to the world that Caviar is not edible because you have been brought up on the highly nutritious burger. Or like proclaiming that since you are used to "Desi" ..champagne is as good as salt water.

    Aamir is one of the best films I have seen of late . And I am writing this review immediately after seeing it. Its a dark and grimy narrative that is at once gripping without being frivolous. It makes no bones about the fact as to the aim of the director...A short gripping sequence ..thats it. And what a development of story line. Amazing . Nothing short of it. Starting from the much raved cinematography to the subdued expressions ...its a winner all the way.

    As to the philosophical argument that portrays followers of a particular sect as accomplices to terrorist crimes. ...It might be politically correct to tow the "secular" line but we all know deep inside us what exactly is happening. Just wished we had more such characters in this world who can say that a religion develops when an individual develops....
  • How often we come across a movie which forces us to see inside our-self even before we start criticizing others. Aamir does this in the knock-out style. Brilliant Acting, awesome camera work, tight script, haunting background, extreme locations (even i would not dare to go in daylight) and message for all. This film showcases what we have become off late in the name of fighting terrorism. Religion cannot be criteria for judging a person. Portrays the Grim realities and dilemma of a modern young Muslim who are often torn apart in the name of religion and love for their country. One of the best movies which do not screams about patriotism but shows it's our inner self which defines what person we are not our race.
  • The TV star Rajeev Khandelwal makes an impressive movie debut with this one. The movie is a thriller which will keep you guessing all the way. We have seen similar thrillers like cellular or phone booth but this ones shows an entirely different scenario.

    An Indian doctor on returning from London founds himself in precarious circumstances where his family is kidnapped and he is made to run around the city by goons. Its a simple story but told very effectively. The movie's impressive direction, editing and performances make sure that it never looses the pace.

    The movie packs a punch and will be worth your money and time.
  • You would want to stand up and applaud when the end credits roll, for this will be easily one of the finest films you have seen in recent times. And it becomes all the more commendable considering the fact that most of the names in the credits are debutants, including the lead protagonist and director.

    Debutant director Raj Kumar Gupta dares to tread the path less travelled with a dark, hard hitting drama thriller. The film starts with some candid shots of Mumbai and the candid shot keep flooding showing the unknown and dark side of Mumbai. The director and the cinematographer grip you to your seat for entire duration. You feel as suffocated as the lead protagonist. And when he beats the hell out of some road side snatchers, exhausting all his anger and frustration, you wish you could also hit a few blows to help him. And to add to the class of the director and innovation of cinematographer, there is impeccable background score.

    Rajiv Khandelwal, probably the most precious Bollywood import from television and best debutant this year, showcases the character that is traumatized, shocked, feared, determined, strong, venerable all at the same time. He shows what he is capable of. We only hope he is nurtured and used well in Bollywood, for he is a talent to look out for.

    Looking at the kind of cinema that's being churned out these days, you'll have to wait probably really long to watch a film of this stature. So, don't wait. Don't miss this one. For this really deserves to be stand and applauded.
  • A calorie free movie which sans the "phormoola" (the must-have superstitious ingredient for every Bollywood movie).

    Aamir rests heavily on the technical department and needless to say it is rock solid, hence works big time. The concept is innovative, story is engrossing, screenplay is deft, music is captivating and of course direction is first rate. And above all, if the performances would have even fallen short by a degree – it would have been a fly in the ointment. Kudos to all the new faces, Rajeev Khandelwal deserves a special mention (and so does the lady who plays the hooker).

    The director spares no moments to gets straight down to business and you get sucked into the whirl hole. The choice of locales deserves a special mention – very realistic and add the background score to it, you almost feel it is virtual reality you are experiencing.

    Somewhere in between, you get déjà vu as though the entire plot is a bad prank (Bluffmaster/ The Game) – but eventually it dawns that the funny bone does not exist.

    And ah yes – the ending couldn't have been better! As the credit rolls, you will be enlightened with a few answers.... and left with barrage of questions.
  • m_shankar209 June 2008
    What happens when a director is in full control of his craft, his crew and his subject? You get an unexpected wonder like Aamir. Nevermind that it is built on a shoe-string budget, has a low profile cast and hardly had any publicity-spend.

    The screenplay is brilliant. It is built piece by piece to create riveting drama. The camera work is raw and real. The locations are actual Mumbai mean streets and alleys. The supporting cast is very real. It is like Rajeev Khandelwal is walking through a real day in his life. Ah yes, Rajeev Khandelwal ! He is plain amazing. The character he plays is in a turmoil - vulnerable, helpless, frustrated, tired and angry. But Rajeev Khandelwal - he is just effortless. Easily the best performance of the year so far.

    Raj Kumar Gupta makes a fine directorial debut. He does not fall into the clichés that a newcomer may be susceptible to. It would have been an easy choice to shoot the story in a dark night instead of the broad daylight that Gupta chose. He chose not to hide in darkness. He throws his craft open in blinding sunlight. Instead of a la-Hollywood film-noir style, he places his drama-thriller in the dusty Indian landscape.

    Of course, there are overtures of terrorism and disillusionment of a community but these are not the highlights of the film. And thankfully, the film does not editorialize. It is basically a drama-thriller - and a good one.

    There is excellent use of slow motion in the climax. It makes it the edge-of-the-seat moments of the film. Best film of this summer !
  • I don't have enough words to express my feelings about this movie. Never before in Hindi cinema, anyone has made such a thriller (without introducing any ghosts).

    Brilliant direction, story, camera work, background music is far beyond expectation, special credit goes to director for choosing such real life locations during shooting. No rush of characters, no additional drama..... simply the director has filled everything up to the brim perfectly.

    Excellent acting by Amir, I can't remember his name, probably Rajiv.....congrats man, you can expect "critics" award next year, some of the incidents in the story are almost our common life experiences like the custom officer matter.

    Overall, it is simply a masterpiece. I don't know whether people in India will get to know about the movie or not ?? Last year such an unexpected movie came out "Jhony Gaddar" but this one is far better than that dealing with a real life story from different angles.
  • At 99 minutes, it's one the shortest feature films from India. And it actually contains three songs, that go well with the narrative and don't include any dancing.

    Story takes place in underdeveloped areas of Mumbai. Aamir, who just came to India, discovers his family is kidnapped and kindapper don't want any money but to get his work done. There are interesting plot twists within. The set up is realistic. Shooting took place in busy streets, which is hard to do.

    The director did a great job in stretching it to 100 minutes. Don't get me wrong, this is not a criticism. If you actually take a timer to count how much time has Aamir spent walking in streets, it will make half of the total runtime. And final sequence was way too slow and about 25 minutes long. Rajiv Khandelwal was excellent throughout.

    There is not a major flaw in this film. But more the film itself, the subject matter is important. People from all ages can watch it. I would say it's a must watch.
  • The only reason I am not scoring "Aamir" a 10 is that it is apparently a remake of a Filipino film...a film which I'd really like to see! The film is terrific and I especially appareciate the way the film ends, as Hollywood NEVER would have chosen to end a movie that way.

    The film begins with Aamir Ali (Rajeev Khandelwal) arriving in Mumbai. He'd been educated and worked abroad and is returning to his beloved town and family. However, soon after his plane lands, a man runs up to him--tossing him a cell phone and running away with no explanation. Suddenly, this phone begins to ring...and the voice on the other end tells Aamir that his family is being held captive and he must do EXACTLY what he's told or they'll die.

    Considering that India has been racked with terrorist violence, what happens next is generally no surprise. However, the script is brillian and takes some very unexpected turns and twists. Additionally, the tension in the movie is supurb and the movie is, from start to finish, a great movie. A must-see, in fact.
  • rajdoctor21 June 2008
    Warning: Spoilers
    So much is said about Aamir – the movie - by most critics that I was very eager to see this movie. The movie surely has an interesting theme, very rarely presented and seen in Bollywood.

    Aamir Ali (Rajeev Khandelwal) – a doctor, returns from UK to India. He faces religious discrimination at the airport and when out of the airport is drawn into a web – when he knows that his family is kidnapped by some Muslim extremist, who want Aamir to run from one place to another in Bombay and end it up by planting bomb on a crowded bus. Will Aamir plant the bomb to save his family? Or will he save the people in the bus? Will he take revenge? Will be fight the Muslim extremist and kill them? I won't tell you the ending and leave it to you to see it.

    This is a very good effort by the first time director Raj Kumar Gupta, who has also written the movie. He has maintained the tempo and pace of the movie until the end. There are lots of other characters who come and go but Rajeev Khandelwal as the main protagonist has done a great job in enacting the role of the educated Muslim youth.

    The technique of the movie is good and reminds us of some Hollywood style movies. But, does the movie really satisfy you? I would say NO.

    The reasons are – first, the protagonist behaves like a stupid and an idiot from the first scene onwards when he is so unaware of his baggage, or while catching the mobile thrown at him, or replying the mobile when he knows his luggage is driven away in the car. He continues being foolish throughout the movie except the last scene, where he smiles and does not reply the mobile ring. A thing he should have done in the first place, in the first scene.

    Second, Indian Muslim issues are portrayed from a terrorist viewpoint. All issues though true loose substance and become flimsy because of that. There are also many other causes and reasons (local, national and international, economic) for terrorizing Bombay. Drama looses credibility.

    Third, there are annoying scenes – especially the one with the prostitute, or the joke scene in the hotel and the fight scene of hero.

    The best part is the way the life of Bombay is capture on the celluloid. It is brilliant – especially the dark lanes and chawls. The music is okay and some songs are good and hummable.

    Raj Kumar Gupta has done good job for his first movie, but the movie could have had been much better. Let's see if the director is a one film wonder or has some potential to surface again with another interesting theme.

    (Stars 6 out of 10) and an above average rating.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The movie concept was good . Rajeev's acting was good too but had flaws at so many places like when he runs behind the taxi , its like he working out and getting tired there no concern in his face . And for most of the shots he has the same expression , even in a scene where he is is supposed to be happy he is just normal . The script is small and has been stretched. The only story is in the middle and the end . after half the movie you can simply forward it to the end . In all a good debut for RK but the direction could have been stronger to get more expressions on Rajeev's face except fatigue . He could have shown more concern , sadness, confusion , anger ... Well but looks like a lot of effort has been put in though to make the movie and kudos to that :-).
  • Undoubtedly one of the best movie of the times.. natural actors and natural acting. Even after 10 years of its release I am watching this on Netflix today. Good that we have streaming services to watch these kind of cult movies else it's unfortunate that such movies bombs in Indian box office.
  • Right from the first minute the thrill starts, keeps you on the edge. Short, crisp story. No unnecessary drama, romance. Has beautifully covered extreme crammed up localities of Mumbai, people's struggle in that city with its cinematography. Worthy 100mins.
  • Aamir is a nice film and can be seen although the subject is inspired of 2005 released Cavite . The title is played by Rajeev Khandelwal, and watching him on small screen i always doubted him but his performance did astonished me. And I was glad this guy could really act too. He was perfect with the emotions part, since he didn't had more dialogs he expressions for portraying the emotions were really good. But what lacked is his voice, I believe if he has a bit heavy voice he can surely do wonders. Coz when you see him in the film in scenes where he's suppose to be agitated and angry and whenever he shouts, the expression were OK but his voice is so low pitched that it just didn't faired the moment completely. Nevertheless, when I expected nothing from him. He certainly gave me a pleasant surprise.
  • I was pretty much dragged to watch this film and due to some screw-up in the ticket vending machine, contrived to miss the initial 5-10 minutes. Thankfully, I didn't miss much.

    Apparently inspired by Nick of Time and the Filipino flick, Cavite, most of the reviews have been glowing and have predictably lauded Rajeev Khandelwal for his portrayal as the hapless doctor-hero. But, credit must go where it's due: the screenplay. A majority of Hindi films compensate for poor screenplays by over-the-top lines and unnecessarily slick cinematography. Aamir scores here because of its length, dictated by a simple and tight plot.

    Having said that, I found a couple of scenes bit strange for my taste. For instance, what happened to the constable who chases Aamir after he makes the long-distance call? And why did he chase in the first place if he was in cahoots with the booth-owner? Also, the analogy of using a wound-up drum-beating doll as the remotely-controlled Aamir was a bit jarring and too obvious. However, these are small nitpicks in a flowing canvas and don't take anything away from the point being driven: that Mumbai (and India, by natural extension) is as much about the poor souls as it is about the wealthy, famous, and powerful.

    In terms of performances, the director, Rajkumar Gupta, deserves the kudos for penning and executing a tight thriller, something Bollywood is not prone to do. It would be interesting to see the kind of fare he dishes out in the future. Next is Gajraj Rao, who breathes spiteful vengeance with his malevolent rhetoric. Jhilmil Hazarika, as the leering hooker, is crass and clichéd. The rest of them are just there to make up the numbers. However, Rajeev couldn't have asked for a better launch vehicle, given a meaty role most seasoned actors would give their right hands for. He emotes accurately at the right moments and as the bread winning protagonist, appeals to middle-class families.

    Watch it without any expectations, but whether you want to delude yourself by thinking it can't happen to you, is completely up to you.
  • I had heard a lot about this movie. But somehow, never got around to seeing it. And what a time to watch it too! After having seen an interesting version of Mumbai in 'Slumdog Millionaire', here was yet another version of watching Mumbai bare itself unashamedly. What got me even more curious was that the whole crew of 'Aamir' was practically unknown and given the rave reviews it had been getting, I decided to take a chance. And boy! Am I glad I did!

    'Aamir' is a story of Dr. Aamir Ali who returns from London to his home in Mumbai only to find that someone has kidnapped his entire family. All he has are clues given by an unknown face and cellular phone cues that take him to a mirage of places that are simmering with lower middle class Muslims. He finds himself face to face with a society he had never seen before yet all the time doing what he is being told in order to save his family. At the end of the day he finds himself sitting on a bus with a suitcase that he has been told contains a bomb. He is then told to get off the bus at the next traffic light leaving the suitcase behind.

    This is as far as I want to tell you since the final few minutes of the movie are a revelation. I wouldn't go as far as to say I was completely taken aback by it or wasn't expecting it to happen, but the conviction with which a normal regular common man steps from those shadows of cowardice and attempts to personify his name 'Aamir' – a leader – was what I found most endearing. For a first time director, Raj Kumar Gupta surely treads a risky path as he tackles a burning issue in India head on. He enforces the ideologies that are so often taken for granted and makes the protagonist finally attempt the perfect antithesis of terror and a terrorist.

    I must say, it was quite a show. The movie albeit, is slow in parts and could have used some faster reactions from the leading man and some chop offs here and there, but these are trivialities when compared to the message the movie attempts to send across. I recommend everyone to watch 'Aamir', as such 'in the face' almost surreal seeming plots very rarely make for a good viewing.
  • My Rating : 7/10

    I'm not sure if making this 'frustrating to watch'-movie was intentional, if it was, the filmmakers have succeeded indeed.

    But my god, it's painful to watch it unfold. I will never watch this movie again, now you can either take it as testament to how awesome the movie is for having that sort of effect on the viewer or not. You have been warned.
  • sharlons9 June 2008
    This movie is a must watch... its a beautiful, it short and absolutely no nonsense..... brilliant pace and beautiful camera work... although its "inspired" from a Filipino movie Aamir is well directed by debut director Rajkumar Gupta ..

    Your heart goes out to Aamir Ali and what he is been put through... and in a country like ours and the differences we have it gives you a whole new perspective on society and its pressures.. but how an ordinary man makes takes a stand.....Another good point of the movie is real locations.. no artificial sets .... the camera works its self well through the streets of Mumbai

    this movie is a good movie and a must see
  • flyrohit15 July 2008
    When you see lots of bad movies, then even an average movie starts looking very good, and Aamir is above average. So, when I first watched this movie, it looked a very good movie to me. But when I again watched this movie, flaws started to come out of the surface and it looked to me not so very good movie.

    Infect, Aamir is just an above average movie in terms of everything, acting, the pace of the movie, cinematography, everything but the story. The story of the movie, I must say is good.

    The protagonist of the movie just returns from London and soon he finds that his family is kidnapped by some people and the only choice he has to save them is to do whatever is asked to do by them. What they ask him and whether he does that or not, Aamir is all about that.

    The film keeps its grip on you for most of the part spite of several flaws. As far as the rating goes I shall give this 7 out of 10 and would recommend to watch if you want to see a good sensible film.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The movie really proved to be an "Eye Opener".

    The places shown really depicts the condition of people living miserably with/without knowing it.

    Aamir's character of a non-discriminating individual was nicely portrayed. Amazing acting by Rajeev. Man, I liked his acting since "Kahin To Hoga". His role in "Left-Right-Left".

    The end left me with mixed emotions. There was a bitter feeling about the reporters' Terrorist Coverage's statements.

    The movie did make an impact. At least for people like me (with Amir's Thinking). It deserves an award. "Piece of work".
  • It is inspired by a Philippine film Cavite. I haven't seen it so that saves me from comparing the two.

    This film is for the discerning audience. It raises many questions in the mind of the viewer and leaves many questions unanswered. It's almost as if it's a film for the festival circuit. The script is the backbone of any film & this film will reinforce your belief in good scripts. The end, as the beginning, raises many questions. About how unsuspecting Muslims are used by those in power to spread terror. Aamir is a well written film. It takes you into the middle of the story right from the beginning.
  • SinglePlex11 June 2008
    Warning: Spoilers
    I am surprised to be the only dissenter among an overwhelming majority of positive reviews for "Aamir". I do not fancy myself as a non-lover of serious cinema and I am all for experimentation with the craft-- be it theater, cinema or comics! "Aamir" failed to make the cut in my book, in terms of being *good* cinema.

    ***Probable Spoilers***

    The best way to enjoy this movie is to not know ANYTHING about it at all. The slightest hints can be a spoiler because the best things about this movie are the beautiful location shots (how lovely they make Mumbai look on screen nowadays, starting with the adorable "Taxi No.9211" montage) and the starkly non-bollywood treatment. Very gritty, very real and extremely under-played. Not an iota of gratuitous action or superfluous plot-points. For these two alone, it could score a 10/10.

    On the other hand, I give it a 2/10. There are three main reasons: 1. The film progresses like a thriller, throwing surprises and giving hints. One usually expects such cinema to culminate in some sort of "revelation". Such thrillers also beg a "motive" and a secret someone who was leading the hero all along. In "Aamir", the first 5 minutes give a feel of what the sinister shadow wants. The plot ("Using amateurs to carry out terrorist/assassination jobs and then eliminating them to leave a cold trail") has been done to death in Sanjay Dutt's movies. Money or threat to family are about the only two means of inducting these recruits. Given that, I was surprised that RK Gupta expected *THIS* revelation to be the "Aha!" moment in the climax. Worse, there was no other "Aha" moment, this was it.

    2. For a thriller, the pace was excruciatingly slow. I guess RKG wanted us to feel the characters frustration and helplessness as time moved slowly but surely towards his family's doom. Even then, I would expect a man in a hurry to not pause and ponder before delivering every dialog, before making every gesture. Again, the slow build-up did not lead to a satisfying closure.

    3. My final grouse is I failed to see the point of the writer. Did no one notice the number of people in diverse professions that seemed to be aware and implicit accessories in the act? To me, the story reinforced rather than negated the suspicion that many seemingly everyday Muslims are secret sympathizers to the terrorist cause. If everyone was in on it, how difficult would it be to entrap another innocent man to commit yet another bombing another day? For all the right intentions, "Aamir" fails both in its exposure of society's prejudice in judging a whole community for the isolated acts of a few-- as well in becoming a taut, entertaining cinema. A single man's sacrifice in a story that envelops many thousands, in my opinion, has a hollow ring to it.

    While the "it takes ONE to start a MOVEMENT" theme is pretty cool, it stays rather diluted in "Aamir". This belongs to the genre that believes serious cinema equals obscure but all worked-up cinema.
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