User Reviews (5)

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  • Warning: Spoilers
    The office is being robbed.

    Not a bad episode. but the best part was Phyllis helping Dwight to get Angela back. Too bad it didn't work. Dwight slicing her tires to get her out was a great moment. Michael and Holly's talk in the beginning was also good, they sure are very much alike.
  • Edvis-19976 November 2021
    It wasn't bad, a little bit better than previous episode. I'm always celebrating when Michael has a chance to hit a woman, if you know what I mean, lmao.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    After Phillis slapped Dwight after he ignored her help to him in angella's case, Dwight thought that Phillis did nothing wrong but she was trying to help him so he kept raising the bid of Phillis' hug as he was saying I am sorry and that's why Phillis smiled to him when he eneterd saying 300 hindered dollars and a penny.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Michael and Holly hit it off and they start going out. On the day of their third date Michael straight up asks if they will have sex. Holly says Hell yeah!

    Holly pretends she forgot her keys and brings Michael to a room where they start kissing.

    They forgot to lock the door and the office building was robbed. Michael makes a charity auction and David Wallace even comes. Ryan looks away.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This episode has by FAR one of the funniest scenes in the entire run of the series. And the crazy thing is that you can't even SEE ANYBODY. I remember that the first time I saw it was, I believe, in 2020 and I just laughed so hard that I almost choked! It's the scene where Michael and Holly are going to go out and then they go back in the building. They go into a closet and then she asks him "do you think they can hear us?" and he answers "not if we turn these dials ALL THE WAY DOWN" while, OBVIOUSLY, in the most Michael Scott style, turning the dials gradually up until the volume is at maximum. I'm watching it again now and rewinding again and again. My God, just PERFECT comedy. Love the series.