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  • jcp-5510118 January 2023
    I'm not sure why everyone is ganging up on the narrator and using all 10 rating stars against only the narrator, and not the content, editing, production, score, information etc. I think the previous people that reviewed this are very bias against the people who made these documentaries and do not understand documentaries. Documentaries and meant to be informative and not exciting or lively... I give this series 6/10 stars. I'm not considering the narrator in this rating. The content is pretty standard for YouTube style documentaries. Narration over pictures of the assailant and victims and sometimes stock photos to fill gaps where there are no pictures of the ladder. The editing and production is also very standard with nothing special. The score is very average however the producer did a good job with the track. The information presented throughout these series are why I place the rating at 6/10. When making a documentary EVERYTHING should be FACTUAL, however, the makers of this series add several speculations that are not factual, or not proven to be factual throughout the series.
  • It would be okay, if not lifeless young man's narration. Makes it look very amature, literally like 16 year old boy reading the text, without changing expression ever. The material itself is not bad, some of the stuff told was new to me.

    I would rate it 8/10 but the narrator easily steals 3 stars from my rating.
  • acatmom12 February 2023
    I have seen many negative reviews about the narrator that I don't entirely agree with. However, I have cringed several times at his pronunciation errors. I do like the fact that the narration is matter-of-fact, since I don't like sensationalized narration. It's a good series, nonetheless. I've learned new things from this series like details from their youth and have seen some new photos. If you're like me and like to crochet while watching television, this is a great way to spend a Sunday. If you can get past the cringe-worthy (in spots) narration it's quite interesting wiith interesting killers.
  • suestj-486338 August 2020
    The commentator on this programme is absolutely terrible. Almost makes the series unwatchable.
  • retro_tiger28 November 2020
    For true crime fans and those interested in learning more about serial killers, this series is brilliant And may have watched the whole series twice
  • I recognized the narrators voice immediately. My ex used to listen to him read ghost stories on youtube. The man whispers....dully. I honestly cannot comprehend why anyone listens to him or watches this.... aside from using his voice as a sedative.
  • This is produced by a Top 5 YouTube channel. And that's what you get, minimal information and nothing you can't find on Wikipedia. Skip this. Read a book instead!
  • matthewmmccausland7 December 2020
    Narrator on this is a joke, monotone terrible writing this this awful
  • Between the monotone, dull, and annoying narrator's voice and the endless loop of background music, it's impossible to watch. I don't care what the subject matter is...I just want to shove forks in my ears.

    For an hour and a half, my wife continued to watch the story about Bonnie and Clyde. This is the lowest budget and most amateur thing I think I've ever seen. How did this ever get picked up by any streaming service??? It's as if the narrator was hidden in a closet in his mom's basement making this documentary on his 15 year old laptop. I can't begin to accurately describe how bad this is.