User Reviews (8)

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  • trustgodever10 May 2022
    I really enjoyed the movie. I don't or can't speak for anyone else, but I like it. Good actors and good acting, hopefully there will be a part 2. Chris Stokes is a good director and Jordyn Woods is a beauty.
  • Was hard to finish. I kept watching because of Flex Alexander and Wesley Jonathan. The story line had potential but the acting could have been much better.
  • This movie is absolutely booty juice, a dumpster fire, hot trash the acting is absolutely abysmal, the storyline was terrible, the way the plot kicks off is dumb the makeup is terrible the stunts are terrible this movie is just a bunch of things happening. I feel terrible that they actually had reputable actors (Flex, Wesley, Obba) in this and they couldn't save this waste of time. The way that this wraps up is bad. Everything about this movie is terrible. Jeremy Meeks is not an actor please stop casting him in things!!!! Jordyn Woods I'm not gonna say anything cause I think this is her debut so she gets a pass. I don't normally make reviews but this movie was bad sorry Mr. Stokes you've made better movies but this was bad.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    ABSOLUTELY AWFUL!!! IT WAS LIKE A DRY SKIT AT BEST. Fake acting. Extremely poor writing. I'm surprised some of the well know actors signed on to this... Bad career move. It reminded me of skits on In Living Color- laughable. But not to offend In Living Color because they had good writers. The worst skit ever. Where is the talent? True rating is 0/10 .
  • This was painful to watch.

    The story line was average The acting was average

    If you enjoy being entertained, give this a miss.
  • The storyline was good and the acting from the professional actors like Flex and Wesley was good too. But two of the leads in Jordyn Woods and the Hot Felon guy were lacking because they are simply not actors, just people who do acting as a side gig to legitimize mostly being talentless influencers famous only for their looks, especially the Hot Felon guy. Chris Stokes needs to stop casting these types in his movies because it just looks like you're doing them a Hollywood favor and trying to get clout for your films, just like how he hires his friends and relatives to be regular in his films, at least most of them like Marques actually are actors. If they auditioned you know you would not pick them. First he started with Karruche (who now thankfully does have a real acting career), then Dreya, the ones in this film, Erica Mena and others in more recent films. It's just cringey because they rarely give good or even decent performances.
  • maria_starr18 May 2021
    Good story line. Loved Jordyn Woods in it, she made the movie.
  • nate-215172 February 2021
    Warning: Spoilers
    Hate they all died but it was worth watching. It could have been more action in the movie tho.