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  • Loved it! This is a charming, nostalgic story, blended with a surprisingly brutal look behind the scenes of the contemporary "reality show" genre (that seems to be destroying television these days.) Bitingly satirical, I guess I'll never know how much of it is real and how much was fake. Even lead Ruth Anson, who the movie is all about, seems to be swept up in the momentum of the project. You get the feeling the only one who really knows is Director Marc Cushman,who plays his alter-ego, Director Marc Cushman, to maniacal perfection. Or is he playing a character? Ruth Anson's sweetness and charm carry the movie, and most of the cast seem to get genuinely angry, which is fun to watch. Beatles fans will enjoy the dead-on Beatlesque songs by Alan Bernhoft. Unexpectedly touching and uplifting on many levels. Quite a bit of originality and skill in the conception and production.