User Reviews (6)

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  • This movie has a good dose of humor and is quite funny to watch. It is based on a story of both a father and a son who are both cops and have a difficult time understanding each other as they are totally different, but must still work with each other. It is entertaining and light, and is quite funny because of its inside jokes and clichés of father-son relationships. And even though some of the jokes might not be understood for those who do not live in the province of Quebec, most jokes will be understood by everyone. I would give it 7.5 out of 10 if it was possible, as it is entertaining even though it will never become a great classic movie!
  • Even though this movie is not as great as "Good cop, bad cop" and, as some critics said, copies a little bit the typical American comedy action cop movies or series like "Beverly Hills Cop" or "Rush Hour", this one is still one of the better movies of its genre. And it's for sure that you can't really innovate such a genre, so it's for sure that some things are repetitive, but because of its French-Canadian charme and the call of the wild in the movie (all other movies of the genre play almost entirely in cities), this one is almost unique.

    The story is quite simple: In the opening scene, a young police officer, who had an under cover job to do inside a criminal biker gang in Montreal, gets caught and the biker gang wants to exchange him against one of their members who is actually in prison. The police sees no chance to find someone who would have the courage to infiltrate the biker gang again or to say or work against them at the courtyard. The only person who knows everything about all the crimes that the biker gang did is their lawyer, a tough guy and a real professional. But he has a big problem: His son hates him because they have no close relationship, he takes drugs and is in depression and close to suicide. That's why the lawyer's wife decides to make her husband and his son participate for one week in a psychological father-son experience in the nature that may calm down the conflicts and approach them. The police sees this occasion as their only chance and two police officer, father and son at the same job with a lot of problems and a lack of sensibility and healthy communication, go there and the father wants to approach to the lawyer and offer him finally police security and a new identity if he would reveal the place where is caught the kidnapped police officer and give proofs for some terrible crimes which the biker gang has done. But of course, the bikers will also send some of their members to put their lawyer under surveillance.

    The movie lives from two main things: First, the little details around the main story. There are some really funny, strange and emotive events that happen in the Canadian forests between all those fathers and sons and it is interesting to see all the characters changing and developing. Second, there are a few really great actors in the movie, especially Michel Côté, who plays better than in his usual series and is really convincing as the tough father and police officer and who was a rough charme and edgy kind of humour, and there is also Rémy Girard, who plays the convincing role of the lawyer.

    But the weakest point of this movie are some other actors: First of all, there is Louis-José Houde, he is not convincing at all as a police officer and his childish jokes just look really poor next to the brilliant acting of Michel Côté. Houde is more a comedian and has a lot of fans because of his stand-up comedy shows, but as a main actor, he is not like a Patrick Huard and although he is doing his best, it is not really enough to convince. And than, there is the boring love story with the actor Caroline Dhavernas in the movie that is just annoying and filled with clichés. The worst is not that Dhavernas also does a bad acting and has nothing of a charming and beautiful woman, but that there is not chemistry between her an Houde and their love story is lacking any credibility and not really profound.

    So, with this movie, you've got a solid and entertaining action comedy movie with an interesting setting and an irresistible French-Canadian charm and a few really great actors. But there is no surprising element in the story, nothing new and also some weaker actors. All in all, it's an easy to watch movie for a DVD night with your friends and a good choice for those who like the genre or the Quebecker cinema.
  • MikeyB179323 December 2010
    Warning: Spoilers
    This movie is entertaining and funny. The story line keeps moving along and there is plenty of comedic conflict between all the characters. There are ample good and original gags through-out.

    Perhaps the father-son psychological gestalt stuff gets carried away at times, but even this was zany – a Taliban father-type!! The acting was also credible with good performances. Don't watch this for a realistic police drama – its' hardly that. This is first and foremost a comedy that works. It's character driven with some real good zingers about parenting. Also there is a resolution at the end which I feel always helps.
  • I saw this film the first day it came out to the general public. I had seen some previews and interviews on TV with the main actors but I must say that whatever I had seen or heard did not compare at all with the film itself. Firstly, the titles are very imaginative and quite different. The musical track is very interesting. Even if there are no catching musical pieces it is just to the point without being too much. Now for the story itself, the beginning of the film is quite interesting as a police movie and as good and ever better than some I've seen. When you get into the plot itself you never stop laughing and even to the tears sometimes. The actors are fantastic and Louis-José Houde is amazing in his first important role. Those who have seen him in his one-man show will find he is quite natural with some of the same mimics we are used to. Michel Côté is once more incredible as usual. You will discover a great actor in Patrick Drolet as well as all of the others actors. The pictures, especially when they are in therapy in the woods are quite spectacular. I heard some not so good comments coming out of the theater but they came from what I would call older frustrated men who cannot relate to the new way with parents and children.
  • Siamois30 December 2009
    After the box-office success locally of Bon Cop, Bad Cop, there is now a will in the Quebec Province to replicate the success of the funny crime thrillers, which have been so popular and successful in Hollywood (Lethal Weapons, Rush Hours, Bad Boys and so many more). Basically, mix some action and fun scenes and make a product that's not meant to be taken entirely seriously.

    Unfortnately, where Bon Cop, Bad Cop shined with a cool cinematography, evocative characters personified by great actors with chemistry and scenes that were hilarious, De Père en flic has little of that. Louis-José Houde is simply not credible as a cop, and is simply not as funny in a full role as he could be in a cameo or as a stand-up comedian. Michel Côté is better but has very little to work with. Rémy Girard is a wonderful actor but here, seems to go through the motion and repeat his character from "Les Boys". Finally, the very pretty Caroline Dhavernas is totally lacking any credibility as a cop and annoys us with her wooden acting. Her lack of chemistry with Houde also kills their romance.

    The actual crime plot and story? Completely ludicrous and cliché. The writing and direction fails to engage the viewers at any point in the story. In most movies of the genre, it is good to remember we often know how it's going to end, the point of these films is to make the ride enjoyable by creating cool action scenes, poignant moments and of course, making us laugh at times.

    This film fails. And if it wasn't a local product, the rating would be closer to the 5 it deserves. I suspect a lot of reviewers are being nicer because of the local factor and that just doesn't cut it with me.
  • As a bilingual speaker living in a French Community, I get to see both American and French-Canadian movies. I'm more of a comedy and action addict, and most movies my province releases are dramas, who most of the time, are pointless or are comedies that sometimes don't make us laugh at all. The main problem with that is that our filmmakers have a tendency to over-stretch a recipe that made us laugh once, but after a few pointless sequels, don't make us laugh anymore. But since I'm more into big visual effects, I don't go watch most of my province's movies, and if I do, it happens around once a year, which is not a lot considering the fact I go to the movies every two weeks.

    To tell you the truth, when I first saw the trailer for this movie at the theaters(when I was about to watch The International), I wasn't at all sure whether I was going to see it or not. Then I saw the trailers over and over again and when it came out, I heard positive reviews from my grand-parents (My grandpa has a lot of trouble watching a whole movie) and my parents and before I knew it, I dragged my friend along to the movies. And I'll tell you I enjoyed Louis-José Houde and Michel Coté in this movie. Their chemistry seemed to work perfectly and for a French-Canadian movie, it was awesome. Some scenes make you smile while others make you laugh out loud. The story was very well elaborated and the script itself very well written. I have no flaws to tell you about this movie except perhaps the fact that it probably won't be released in the United States (though there is an English version available, but I don't know if it is dubbed or subtitled). All in all, a person living in Québec should absolutely see this movie and for the people who aren't living in Québec, look for a film called ''Father and Guns'' (the English version). Two thumbs way up, and this is a film that all French-Canadian directors should take example on.