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  • The porn-parody team of Will Ryder and Scott David have made big bucks ripping of mainstream entertainment (ranging from "Grease" to "The Brady Bunch") but stub their toes with this 2-part, poorly scripted lift from the long-running TV soap opera.

    Beyond Ryder's customary poor writing and direction, the causes of failure are obvious. Porn-parody works for a segment of the Adult Cinema audience craving nostalgia and also the knee-jerk impulse along the lines of "wouldn't it be fun to see Lt. Uhura have sex with Kirk or Spock or both?". But the daytime soap lacks anyone to make fun of (beyond Eric Braeden, who made me a fan of his way back when he starred in classics like "Colossus" and "The Rat Patrol"), and Ryder only steals the title.

    Story is set in a small college town and concerns two families; that of college dea Steven St. Croix and board of trustees member Alec Knight.

    Somehow Ryder managed to forget injecting any humor or satire in the deadly dull happenings here. Much of story/character-driven porn (especially that which is aimed at women or couples from labels like Adam & Eve or Sweet Sinner) is soap opera, so this pair of features plays like uninspired Adult content, not parody.

    Sorely missing are the dramatics or over-dramatics of campy soaps like Joan Collins in Dynasty. Adam & Eve's "Dallas XXX", not made by Ryder, was a far more viable project.

    We're left with a nothing role and nothing performance by Holly Heart as St. Croix's addicted wife, and a slew of jail-bait actresses taking up space led by no-name, poorly cast lead Bentley as Steven & Holly's daughter.

    Musical score chosen by Ryder is very poor, sometimes mickey-mousing the action but often seeming random.