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  • cgatwood-7461210 July 2020
    There were a few funny parts but over this was one of the worst show's I've ever seen
  • Had a feeling this was going to be terrible but gave it a chance anyway. (3 episodes watched) None of the videos were any good at all except Kevin Smith's "Son in Lockdown" videos. Actually I kinda liked Ja Rule's video also (yeah I know I thought I'd hate his too) I'll probably just watch Kevin Smith's and far forward thru the rest. A real shame cause this could've been good.
  • lhmosca3 August 2020
    These so called celebrities will go to any lengths to try to remain relevant during this pandemic. I think we're all realizing how much we do NOT need these people in our lives. Don't waste your time on this, there are much better ways to fill your time.
  • I'm not sure which is worse -- this cheap, talent-free show, or the fact that TBS repeats the same episodes about 10 times a day.

    Why is Mayim Bialik involved with this disaster? She's the only one on the show with any talent, and has all the money she'll ever need from the Big Bang Theory. What she's doing on show with a bunch of Z-Listers is truly confounding.

    Bella Thorne -- "Social Media Megastar"? Like the announcer says, that was over 10 years ago. Since then she's made a couple dozen completely worthless and forgettable "films".

    At least Kevin Smith proves why he hasn't made a decent film since...oh wait, he never made a decent film.

    The WIllis Sisters? Shoot...they just bowed out of the show. Maybe they're smarter than anyone gives them credit for. But without these superstars on the show I don't know if I can go on living, especially knowing Tori Spelling is taking their places.

    If you thought 'The Misery Index' is bad, you haven't seen "Celebrity Show-Off". Just incredibly, inexcusably, painfully bad.
  • Total cringe worth tv, celebrities kissing each others @$$, and host that is she really relevant? Overall just a bunch of celebrities pretending they are in this pandemic with us.
  • You broke? You delusional?? What next? You going marry Bobby Brown? Geez
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Just really bad and terrible. I can't stress this enough. Annoying celebs hamming to the camera. The only redeeming point is when Kevin Smith jumps from the roof of his house and uses his loose skin as a wing suit and buzzes the camera.