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  • It is very much like taking a walking tour of the modern day area where Jack the Ripper roamed and killed. Much of the footage is of current day but then older photos are blended in as the events that took place there are described.
  • The narrator, Liam Daley, had clearly not read the script as every word he says sounds like he's surprised to see it, and is pronounced in such an unusual cadence and way it sounds almost foreign and you can barely understand what he is saying. The content of what he's saying seems like he's reeling off the trading habits of Victorian London and reiterating the (false) fact that all of the victims were prostitutes. It's like taking a really lacklustre walking tour of London with a sub par history teacher who's just landed from out of space.
  • More or less a slideshow of modern day London with historical photos of the Ripper locations. If you have been on a Jack the Ripper walking tour of London, you will get the gist.

    The current day footage looks like it was all shot on the same rainy day with a camcorder. Many of the Whitechapel areas of London where the murders took place have been redeveloped so you are essentially looking at anonymous wet streets and carparks. This may have worked with some visual effects to merge the footage, but you are left with nothing more than a dreary PowerPoint presentation.

    The worst element is the narration. Unlike the theatrical guides on the walking tours of London, the unseen host delivers the bland script with a strange robotic speaking style, placing an emphasis on the wrong syllables and words.