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  • This Hallmark TV romantic comedy about how Kathryn Morris' husband dumps her for a twenty year old acupuncturist and she must move back in with her father at his bakery in Flemington NJ has some good performances going for it. Alastair Mackenzie is particularly amusing and knows how to take a comic fall. However, the occasional clangorous line like "Thank you for not selling out your daddy" prevent it from being much above average good.

    I am taken with Ms. Morris' performance as she goes from pampered upper-class lady to down-to-earth New Jersey girl. A lot of these Hallmark romcoms start by having their heroines starting out obnoxious to make their transformations more dramatic. This one gets you on her side immediately, by a brief, self-satisfied smile at her position and then plunges her into shocked incomprehension as her husband kicks her out, ameliorated by good comic bits. It's those bits that keep this one watchable throughout.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Desiree is a spoiled and vapid socialite, married to a surgeon. She spends her days working out, having lunch with girlfriends, and shopping. Out of the blue, her husband wants a divorce. Apparently, he's been having an affair for several months and is in lust.....oh erm I mean love. Because of a iron clad prenup, Desiree gets nothing but her designer clothes and shoes. Every rich "friend" she has disowns her now, with the exception of her lawyer, who she's known since childhood. Desiree has to move back home with her dad, Paddy, and work in his bakery. It's here that she remembers what really matters in life. Things start falling into place for Desiree, after she creates a new dessert that becomes widely popular. A company wants to franchise Paddy's bakery, with Desiree at the helm. When given this opportunity to become rich again, she declines because it means pushing her out her father. Instead, she decides to stay in her hometown, where she belongs now. Desiree ends up with a big new town family, plus a new love interest.

    In the beginning, Desiree was horrible! She was such a whiny baby who barely acted like an adult. Her screeching got on my last nerve. It was all very overdramatic. Fortunately, as Desiree lost her superior attitude and humbled herself a bit, her really personality shown through. Paddy was such a sweet daddy, perfect for the role. I just wanted to hug him! I also enjoyed the other two bakery employees and the lawyer. They all brought something special to the movie. And finally, Desiree's new love interest Bennie was also a nice touch. I wish he would've been in more scenes though. I enjoy watching movies set in small towns. Sure, everyone knows everyone else's business. But people also look out for each other and actually care.
  • jml198810 February 2020
    So sweet you'll get a toothache! Don't go into this expecting Oscar-worthy acting and screenwriting, but go into it in a good mood and you won't be able to help but smile!
  • This is how the movie goes: Woman loses money. Has to leave comfortable life for hard working average means. Finds self worth and love again. Then money comes back.

    During all of this, she has many mishaps that made me laugh out loud. (I may have a strange sense of humor) Although you might not laugh.


    Okay. We all know how Hallmark and Lifetime movies are. But this one was at least funny.

    Set aside those notions you have and just watched it for fun. I laughed so many times. I mean who's luck could be that bad!?
  • krs-9220228 February 2021
    Why was she always screaming and it wasn't a normal scream it was screechy and annoying. The lead actress was vapid and seemed to come back down to earth very quickly. I didn't love it but at times I hated it. I saw it to the end and will chalk it up to another Hallmark movie that will not be on my repeat list.
  • jewelch1 July 2021
    It was ok it was good to see James Best who played Sheriff Roscoe P. Coltrane on The Dukes of Hazzard. James Welch Henderson Arkansas 6/22/21.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Oh, dear, where to start. First, a squealer (as well as a spoiler) warning.

    The heroine does a LOT of shrieking and squealing, usually accompanying pratfalls like sparking curling irons, runaway mixers, and cans of flour (who keeps an open can of flour on a top shelf?)falling on her head. There is the requisite bumbling but good-hearted father who helpfully washes a dress and it shrinks to the size of a doll costume. Who didn't see that coming? Then, of course there is the handsome, rich, available neighbor who is miraculously drawn to this dizzy blonde.

    There is nothing new here, nothing appealing, nothing interesting. Same formulaic drivel from Hallmark.
  • 6.4 stars.

    I have one word to describe this movie: spasm. A rich woman loses everything because she signed a prenup and now she's out of luck. Next thing she's back in Jersey living at dad's.

    It is very difficult to sympathize with a character that is so unlikable and spastic. She seems nice underneath the snooty exterior but it takes a long time before we are graced with a decent personality trait.

    The people who work at her father's bakery are endearing and fun, and that's what makes 'The Sweeter Side of Life' tolerable. Several group scenes are humorous and lively, as the synergy of the whole gang together brings the laughs. The whole New Jersey vibe is authentic, except real accents are strangely absent. People in Jersey say stuff differently, like water is wuh-der, or worter, and vowels are stretched and slurred. "No" is more like naow and "bright" is bruh-eat.

    Does she have to be so shrill all the time? The nasty attitude creates conflict for the viewer's experience, because her character is too convincingly aristocratic and stiff. Soften her up 25 minutes sooner and this becomes a much better picture. I'm pushing 90 minutes and there's no redemption in sight.... I really liked her in 'Cold Case'. That show was brilliant and accommodated her acting style. She's like a fish out of water in this film.
  • Jackbv12328 January 2017
    Warning: Spoilers
    Through the first 5/8ths of the movie, Desiree was totally unlikable, even ditsy. She was arrogant and rude. In the name of humor, too many of the characters were exaggerated, almost buffoon-like. And how does an MBA from Columbia sign a prenup, against her lawyer's advice, that leaves her with nothing, not even her ring. Her snooty friends dump her harder than her husband did. Her lawyer shows up for a meeting with her husband's attorney drunk, or high. Then Desiree kicks into high gear and what she does next with the bakery is a little ridiculous even in a Hallmark movie. And somehow despite her rejecting him twice, Benny still wants to date her. And on the first date, which includes her Dad and his friends, he falls madly in love with her, or is it lust. Finally she does the 180 degree character change that is so common in romance movies and no longer wants to live on Fifth Avenue or even associate with her rich ex-friends. I was waiting for the enjoyable part to kick in and it never did.
  • This might have been a really cute, feel-good movie just like the rest of the Hallmark brand. BUT, the characters or caricatures in this case are so badly drawn that they aren't even believable as humans. The story line could have done with a lot fewer pratfalls and devices to carry it along. The idea that the woman is leaving a fifteen year marriage to an extremely wealthy man with nothing is simply laughable. In the end, when the epiphany comes, it is impossible to believe that this simpering, vapid shopper is even capable of an original thought.

    The writers do a great disservice to women everywhere when they portray us as such pathetic creatures, totally dependent on some man's identity.
  • I was originally attracted to this movie to watch James Best perform. I have been a fan of his for years and have never been disappointed in his performances. I was also aware that this was the last movie that he was in before passing away about eighteen months later. As usual, Mr. Best was at the top of his ability and delivered another solid performance. If he was having any health problems, it did not show. It can be said with clear conviction that he went out on top.

    I did not recognize the name "Kathryn Morris" and was doubly impressed with her ability to do comedy. No disrespect to Ms. Morris but I had never seen her do comedy before and she acted like she had been doing it for many years. Also, Ms. Morris can certainly carry the torch if Goldie Hawn decides to retire but I hope Ms. Hawn stays at it for awhile longer. The comparison between Ms. Morris and Ms. Hawn is not meant to diminish either one of these very talented performers. To my great surprise when I checked IMDB to find that I had had been watching her in Cold Case. As an all around actress, she is A#1. This is a good, clean, funny, family movie without being syrupy. Well worth my time. Good job everyone and rest in peace Mr. Best.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Where to start with this schlock-fest? Casting was clearly aiming for a Goldie Hawn ditzy blonde effect but on a mini-budget. The main character mugged, screeched, huffed and puffed at maximum volume to the exclusion of any acting efforts. This woman was supposed to have a Columbia MBA and yet was such an airhead and kardashian-reject that she was a cartoon. A symphony of "WOOOO HOOO" acting. Left with absolutely nothing after 15 years of marriage because she signed an egregious pre-nup? Was she comatose? Then we have the other characters - the obligatory big-hearted Irish dad (Paddy? Seriously?), the lovable, street-smart black teenager, NUNS in HABITS, handsome rich French- English doesn't miss a cliché. Hallmark movies are all hopelessly corny but this one is such a ridiculous waste of time that it puts others to shame.
  • ricktidd22 April 2018
    This is the first review I have ever written but had to comment. I love hallmark movies but this was pathetic. The acting was atrocious. Could not even finish watching it was so bad.
  • lcally0419 January 2019
    This was badly written and the acting was worse.The story is not cohesive, silly and just pitiful. The lead actress is pretty and that's about the nicest thing I can say. My guess would be a fifteen year old wrote this. What a waste of time.
  • cassielea16 February 2021
    Within the first 20 minutes of watching this train wreck there are so many red flags but I just want to address two here: the main characture (yes you read that right) mentions in her drug induced haze that she forgot to tip the taxi driver to which the over the top stereotypical Irish father responds that the driver is a Jew and already charged for that. WOW. Really Hallmark?? Then when she goes with her father to his bakery we meet his employee, yet another stereotype this time of the heavy set Italian to which she and Paddy (father) bash his weight. Then have to shove him into a car. Dang. This may have been humorous to some almost a decade ago but now it's just plain hate. I love Hallmark but really they need to pull this crap fest and bury it. I mean they pulled Lori Loughlan movies for her what? Buying her kids college entrances? This movie is offensive why not pull it??? Disappointed.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Her whole entire life collapses suddenly when her doctor husband wants a divorce so that he can marry his pregnant acupuncture lady.

    Our heroine's life goes upside down. With a pre-marital nuptial agreement, there is no money for her, her friends disown her and she returns to plain existence in New Jersey, to be with her baker father.

    There she comes back to regular, ordinary people and does baking for her father. When one of her new products is a hit, a group wants to build a franchise around it, but without her father. Our lady has learned her lesson well. It's still about people and not the luxuries of material successes. This point driven home made the film so good.
  • Sherim28 January 2013
    I wish I was good at writing reviews, but I'm terrible. Still had to write regarding Sweeter Side though. What a cute,fun, family movie. It was good to see the main character come out on top after so much bad things that got thrown her way. And to see a family stick together too. I couldn't get enough of it. We need more fun movies like this one. Keep them coming. I highly recommend everyone watch it. ") Everyone involved, did a great job. I also loved the music that was featured. Will be buying the soundtrack, if one comes out.I plan on buying it when it comes out on DVD too. Applause to the writing and directing team of Michael and Janeen Damian.
  • Good family movies are all too rare; we need more like this! At first, I thought the "ditzy blonde" scenes were a little much, a little corny and overdone. That is, until I watched with grandchildren who thought they were hilarious. Then I realized that those things MAKE the movie family fare... something to appeal to all ages. The acting was perfection, itself; I was very impressed with the personality characterizations. In fact, I admit that I even had to wonder if James Best still "had it". Yes, he certainly does; he was just the right guy for the part. Don't hang up your acting hat yet, Jimmy!

    Hats off to the Damians for another great movie!
  • And I'm not talking about the plot, which follows the same message. A well-maintained, pampered woman falls out of a marriage to a prominent New York physician and has to return to Kentucky and the loving arms of her adoring father. This is the last movie of James Best, lovingly rendered by his daughter, Janine and her husband Michael Damian (recording artist, Broadway star and longtime YATR regular) as writers, producers and director. What a fitting last project for a great actor, who earned most of his bucks playing heavies in early television. James Best did everything from Gunsmoke to Twilight Zone and many movies in between. I really saw the man through the eyes of his grown child, with love and grace afforded him in his old age. Like his character James was always up for anything. A hilarious comedic turn I haven't seen since his "Dukes of Hazard" days. His life was a fascinating adventure worthy of it's own movie. Kathryn Morris proves she can smile, after all those years in the clinical police procedural "Cold Case". When she said, "Dad, I won't steer you wrong", I melted! A didn't know she had such comedic instincts. Some of my favorite actors in key roles. Alistair McKenzie (Law & Order UK, Monarch of the Glen) as love interest with Jane March, Sam Douglas and others. Makes you feel like a Hallmark movie should. Escapism with an icing of familial affection and sentiment! Great dessert!