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  • nogodnomasters2 January 2019
    Warning: Spoilers
    The DVD is divided into three parts. The one that says, "Play Movie" consists of an hour of short features which involve killing somebody and on occasion eating them. The second feature consists of more of the same low budget stuff. The third feature is the old black and white film, "Carnival of Souls" being witlessly hosted by Scarlet Fry (a guy). A more fitting title would be "Abandoned Amusement Park of Souls" but who would pay to see that...other than me.

    If you just want to watch cheap effect idiotic killings with no plot, this is it.

    Guide: F-bomb. No real sex or nudity. One scene with a quick grope and flash of side breast meat.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Scarlet Fry's Junkfood Horrorfest is a no-budget horror anthology which, if you're in the mood for this sort of thing, gives you just what you'd expect: Cheesy gore and some clever shoestring effects in a series of straightforward horror tales with some intentional (and probably unintentional) comedy. The big difference for me was all the extras on the DVD - In fact, the extra anthology and feature are probably more fun than the featured anthology. People interested in making their own no-budget horror movie can learn a lot by watching SOV horror flicks and anthologies like this one. Here, you get two for the price of one and even a horror hosted version of the feature 'Carnival of Souls' - How did they fit all that on one DVD? If you're looking for a no-budget horror film school, this has a lot of bang for the buck.
  • Stars: Calico Cooper & Walter Ruether This Anthology kicks off with a reference of drugs being swapped for a VHS MOVIE,Really ? Tried to keep the segments separated by titles,But,As you'll read,Why ? 1) Blood Thirsty Butcher-Forgettable and really in poor taste(pun),Ours not theirs.

    2) Solution-A Park,B/W filming(why), Invalid with an odd nurse,There appears a sniper that shoots invalid in a wheel chair,Mind You,And then runs off with nurse… 3) Griptape Spank ( Googled this:gripe tape is used on skating boards and the 'Act' of spanking the victim in this segment)-A PLOT,What half way thru the film and this segment has characters developing and coming to conclusions.Skaters want dope and have to turn a S/M trick on a dude to get cash…Spanking his bare behind with their skateboards ( Lie a prinicipals paddle 'Old Skool').Hey Scarlet,Umm Walter -Whats with all the exposed logos on shirts and cigs ? Let us examine some issues,This may have been made in 2007-Self Endulgent-No pay-off in most segments,Lets have a punchline in a freakin' moment.

    4) Devil Made Me Do It- Satanic Guy of course wearing a white wife beater gets shot by his abused woman—Then a non-ending he comes back.

    So,SFJFHF is about to end and then— 5) Love Is Blind-This has babymaking,s/m,and revenge for misguided love.MADE US WAIT for this,Thanks loads.This is a great little scene or two and completes a journey to viewing an horror pic.