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  • Warning: Spoilers
    Large meteors are about to hit Earth in 12 hours, and the lady President is worried about 12 crew members in an orbiting space ship, all while strolling calmly on the lawn asking questions. The story and script are THE most important aspect of a movie, the audience is willing to accept cheap special effects, no sound score, and even a hand held camera!
  • It was going well until the dreadful shakycam started. A few factual errors too, for example there are no meteors in space so how could a space station be hit by one? LOL (Meteors only occur in the atmosphere)
  • This was not a bad movie if you set your expectations off low budget films right. Yes some off the acting wasn't great at times and yes there was some inaccurate scientific details but despite that it was an enjoyable film, the special effects were not too bad I've seen way worse in higher rated movies!. I enjoyed it, didn't find it boring at all but again i had realistic expectations. I see alot off bad reviews but i guess these people have only ever watched box office hits. Is it perfect? No. But despite the problems I've stated it was a an enjoyable movie. Would definitely be worth a watch.
  • david-robin11 November 2011
    A meteorite from outer space collides with a human space station called Hyperion, killing immediately 12 astronauts from the NASA. More meteors are falling on Earth, causing terrible damages in the cities. A scientist is investigating why the warnings regarding the dangerous trajectory of the meteorites were hidden, causing the accident to happen.

    The plot of this film could be the basis for a good 70's-like disaster movie, or a post-2001 conspiracy film. Unfortunately, the acting is awful, the script is horrible, and the art direction is terrible. Did I mention the extremely bad acting?

    It looks like a TV drama, but it worst than that. Stay away from this film.
  • Very poor writing based on what must be zero research. Some classically bad acting.
  • Does your grass need cutting? Could you go for a walk? Do it - even the actors are bored with this dreadful pile

    Don't even bother 😱😱😱😱
  • Leofwine_draca3 October 2018
    Warning: Spoilers
    FALL OF HYPERION is a cheap and cheesy TV movie-style disaster flick about a damaged space station crashing to Earth and the peril it brings to those below. It's made on a level even cheaper and more boring than your average Asylum-made movie. The film is dialogue heavy and completely boring, running through predictable situations without a moment of enery or insight. The lack of any recognisable actors hurts it too.
  • Horrible dreadful movie. I am a fan of B movies. Most are stupid and the acting is subpar. But this film can't even come close to being a mediocre B movie. The film features a lot of unknowns, except for megastar Cynthia Gibbs. Just kidding about the "Megastar" thing. But Gibbs does make an appearance. She does not sing, however. Anyway skip this syfi thriller whenever possible.

    I gave this one star for sorting purposes only.