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  • I, like many, like cooper on Twitter and wholly agree with 8645 but this was odd to say the least. I get the premise, I get the satire, but this wasn't particularly funny or good. It had a couple moments that made me almost smile but other than that I watched it on my iPad at 1.5x speed so my time wasn't completely lost.
  • Funny and weird with really amazing celebrity cameos. Really good (unless you're a trump fan)
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I would say if I were the director of this project that I would have sliced and diced it way back, perhaps halfway back to highlight the gems and excise the dross.

    When Sarah Cooper is on, she is a satirical and savage surgeon, cutting directly to the bone. The send-up she and Helen Mirren do on the Access Hollywood material is even creepier than the original.

    The supporting cast are funny and fresh for the most part, but again, things need paring back.

    What I love and what I see in Sarah Cooper is not just a comedian, but a presence on the screen. A charismatic woman comfortable in her skin. A person loved by the camera.

    There were elements I hated but I will give her a pass.
  • Full disclosure, I am an independent who does not like Trump and think making fun of him is totally ok and should be done. However, I am first and foremost a comedy fan. Sarah Cooper is not funny. This special is not funny. It is cringe central. I gave it 1/10 because she made a name for herself without having any talent. She is paraded around and written about like there is no tomorrow but the comedy is non-existent. Just because someone is making fun of someone you despise does not mean you can sacrifice quality.
  • krumblburgh1 November 2020
    Sarah Cooper, popular on YouTube for her brilliant lip-sync interpretations of Donald Trump's flights of blather, has been given a Netflix special of her own. It's a hit and miss affair, though I enjoyed it more and more as the show went on. I feel it's being misrepresented. Yes, Cooper is a comedian. And yes, Everything's Fine is, technically, a comedy. But it's not really a comedy. Because everything is not fine. That's the point.

    Just before you watch this, first do a little mind-flip: Imagine to yourself that what you are about to watch is actually a dystopian nightmare, an episode of Black Mirror with more jokes and immediate relevancy to current situations. Everything Is Fine is really Sarah Cooper screaming as she tumbles down the spiralling hell-hole of 2020 and landing at the stroke of New Years Eve, 2021, only to find it's going to be more of the same, regardless of whatever might result from the imminent election.

    It's still funny. But terrifying. And the pacing is more confusing than useful to tie it all together. But, hey, that's modern life for you.
  • markricks-68-97520728 October 2020
    I love Sarah and think she's funny. This special wasn't. It seemed a bit rushed. I'm happy for her, wish her well, and hopefully the next one will be better. I understand that COVID plays a role with production but the writing needed more work.
  • This show is probably a covid 8, but normally a 5-6. It was funny, with an all star cast but it did seem a little disjointed. That's fine for sketch comedy, but not great for a stand-alone feature. I think they should give her a chance in a series, and I hope to see her in more projects in the future.
  • I love Sarah Cooper on Twitter, but I'm really not sure what this was. Interesting cameos from known stars, but it felt like a random collection of unrelated comedy skits that they tried to merge together to be a single show, but it just came out disjointed and sadly not funny at all.

    My partner walked out of the room about a quarter of the way through. I stuck with the whole show, but sadly it didn't get any better. So disappointed!
  • A lot of people are saying Sarah Cooper is very funny, folks. A lot of people. I wish I could tell you how many. It's a very big number. Probably the biggest number since Abraham Lincoln. Listen, I know all about big numbers. I really do. My uncle was a nuclear astronaut. I have big, burly men, truck drivers, come up to me all the time, tears streaming down their faces, asking me if that was really Helen Mirren and Aubrey Plaza. And I tell them, yes, yes, it was. And only I could tell them that. Obama never did. Only me, folks. Only me.
  • If they just cut it down to 30 minutes it would be brilliant. Keep the good stuff and cut the not so good stuff. Does it have to be long enough for an hour of TV plus commercials? Still enough to get a 6 rating from me.
  • calorne1 November 2020
    Sarah Cooper on Twitter = side-splitting

    Sarah Cooper on Netflix = toe-curling
  • Top topicality. Highlights: Mirren/Cooper as Billy Bush/Trump and Cooper telling Ryder about ... no spoilers. Conclusion: We're doomed anyway. Weird, but good weird. Clever and absolutely enjoyable.
  • alezandradavila11 November 2020
    I like her trump impersonating but this is off I enjoyed it but it's just weird
  • ontemc1 November 2020
    I couldn't laugh once. What a complete mess. Who thought this would be a good idea? Who the hell on Netflix green lit this thing?
  • Have you ever wondered what they were thinking when they watched the takes during production? It seems they didn't, as surely they wouldn't have gone on. I would ask for those 50 minutes of my life back, but the whole year has been a total loss anyway.
  • gibbs-1817210 November 2020
    But the YouTube videos are like waaaaaaaay better. In fact some say as good as Abe Lincoln's
  • The only thing missing from this mediocre comedy sketch mess is an artificial laugh track; it really needs one because no one with an IQ over 80 is going to laugh at more than one or two jokes in the entire segment. The Trump voiceover was fairly funny, but way overdone, and everything else was a mess. Could not watch the entire 50 minutes; only made it through 25. Did not want to waste any more time waiting for a funny joke.
  • New modern Monty pyton crazy humor. Impressive group af actors.
  • chemmerly2 November 2020
    I love Sarah Cooper's lip-syncs of Trump Tweets, but this was just ... bad. Very few real laughs. Great cast, it just didn't come together as a show.
  • This is an audacious experimental comedic work with a wonderful all-star cast. Amazing that it got made. Sarah takes a lot of chances and it is a little uneven, but I could not stop watching. It's a horror story. built at the intersection of William Burroughs' Nova Express and John Lennon's Revolution No. 9, masquerading as a satire. How else to convey the insanity of these times under the depravity and incompetence of the Spray-Tan Shroom, aka, Bunker Boy? In the end, I found it to be quite touching. She is a talent to watch in the future. Ignore the naysayers.
  • I usually don't review shows because everyone can decide for themselves what they do and do not like. However, I think it's safe to say no one will like this drivel. Save your self the time and effort and do not watch this sad attempt at what I assume is supposed to be comedy.
  • Highlights the madness while still keeping the laughs coming. I'm really impressed with Sarah's performance; she proves she's more than a viral tiktoker. I thoroughly enjoyed every sketch.
  • AJ_McAninch30 October 2020
    I love Sarah Cooper's Trump satires, but this does not measure up. .
  • This was terrible... as if the pandemic wasn't bad enough you had to inflict us with this garbage. Why don't you go make something decent like another series of Daredevil instead of wasting our subscription fees on dross like this Netflix. Whoever produced this should be we produce anything again. You my friend have zero talent.
  • Sarah is incredibly funny when she does the Trump material. The rest of it was contrived and not very funny. Cringing at times I was so disappointed as I love her social media material.
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