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  • dshirlyn-113 September 2021
    I literally put this on to pass the time as background sound and fell in love with it. The characters are well animated and so cute. Reminds me of SpongeBob but it has its own appeal. Love Mr Wilk, he's adorable and so confused. I fully recommend for adults and kids. Too cute.
  • 3lazycats19 November 2022
    This is a delightfully weird and wonderful cartoon that has an infectious pace.

    It's about anthropomorphic bakery items who aspire to have beautiful frosting, aka hair-dos, and they are magically transformed by Bread, the best barber in Bakery town. Bread is assisted by Wilk, an adorable hardworking carton of milk, his sassy receptionist Choco the muffin, and their bodega cat, Sausage who is a sausage but also a dog. They interact with a menagerie of side characters, including Butter, a stick of butter, who is the most beautiful person in town, and a host of others including body building croissants, mean pies and more than could possibly be described here.

    This is a fast, fun watch, with strong attention to detail. I'm looking forward to the next season, and plan to re-watch the first two seasons when it comes out.
  • This is something interesting. Animation by korean artists. Seems creative although its not something new, as it resembles some other cartoons especially strawberry shortcakes, kacang, etc. Its like toys story with little to no human interaction. Some of the characters were cute, some were awful in a funny way which were intentional. Great intro and outro, basic music and just an okay english dubbed voice casting. Although i like this characters design but im not a big fan of the 3d animation and the colours were almost pastelly. Not much on the storylines as there arent any. Great for childrens. Recommended.
  • zayn-kazmi15 February 2021
    I was stumbling through Netflix and somehow through an act of God ended up on this masterpiece. Plot? Wow. Character Arcs? Wow. Voice acting? Wow. The 2 minute intro of this 8 min per episode show alone had me at a loss for words. I have never felt as emotionally exhausted at the end of season 1 since Kevin James's stellar performance in Paul Blart Mall Cop 2. Eagerly anticipating season 2.

    Sorry for my English I'm a 2 month old Golden Retriever.
  • parade-5998830 March 2021
    This one's soooo good! I started watching it with my kids who are 9 and 12. They were hooked and so was I. I loved the fun stories, life lessons, adorable sweet characters and the brilliant wise sayings! Everything was well thought out and so creative! South Korea has done it again after Larva. I can watch them over and over again.
  • Seriously, wtf is it? I see all these 10/10, and I have to think they are ironic, because Jesus this is unwatchable garbage. The intro song is vomit inducing, the voice cast is grating and the "stories" are completely illogical. I know its a show for toddlers, but have SOME standards. It's literally just bright colors, noise and fart sounds. I let my kids watch it one time and then I shut it off once I started paying attention to it. HOW DID THIS GET MADE? I want to find the Netflix executive that approved this, sit down with them and ask them "What is wrong with you?" "Are you on hard drugs?"
  • maxwellrobertjames21 March 2021
    YES!! So GOOD! My friend showed this to me on Netflix and I thought "I don't have time for this show, I am above it!" and I couldn't have been more wrong! The intro song starts, and what a banger it is!! I was up on my feet tippin and tappin on my toes makin the ground shake and the roof rumble, the song is so catchy that I forgot where I was. The show starts with the guy with the really big head who is getting bullied (which isn't very nice) so that wasn't good, and he makes a babay cry so he goes to the Bread Barbershop (!!!?!!) and then the show starts for real. The Bread man had some trubble but he manages to figure it out when he applies blood and banana and doritoes to the affected areas. The one cake manages to become a "best seller" which doesn't really make sense so I'll dock a point for that, but the ending theme is such a banger that it gets it back. Also I get to see WILK in the endging theme so its good. WILK IS DREAM MAN!! Sorry for my English. I'm running.
  • I am blocking it. Why are people showing this to children?! They are NOT watching it again. Everyone is angry, constantly....doing terrible things to each other, calling each other names. Tonight they had an exorcism. That was enough for me. I've been telling them we're not watching this anymore but was just being lazy. After this, I said - NOPE!! Thanks a lot for the great programming Amazon Prime. This is what's wrong with America. Since I need more characters, the themes are NOT for children, not positive, not wholesome, just destroying the fabric of our culture and everything I believe in teaching my kids. It's awful.
  • ej_8082 November 2021
    My 2 year old and I randomly clicked on this this and we both are hooked! Really well done show with an extra side of actual pastry education sprinkled in at the end! Wilk is my favorite haha!
  • mamekyun4 August 2023
    In my insatiable hunger for Asian children's cartoons, I've come across yet another "SpongeBob SquarePants"-esque food one (the others are "Simple Samosa" from India and "Crazy Candies" from China). And I don't need to watch the whole first season to know that "Bread Barbershop" is weird - even compared to "Crazy Candies", a potentially lawsuit-inducing knockoff of "SpongeBob SquarePants"!

    The show is about a slice of bread named Bread Pitt - and, by the way, that's canon AND his name in the original Korean version - who runs a "barbershop" where he gives foods decorative makeovers with help from his snarky cupcake cashier Choco and enthusiastic assistant milk carton Wilk White. They also have a sausage dog mascot named... wait for it... Sausage.

    So, positives. I like how the show gets a lot of mileage out of a simple concept. A good comedy should have a lot of potential, and this one wastes no effort in story ideas, ranging from customers needing makeovers to shenanigans outside the barber place, all while having food themes it works off.

    As for negatives, the characters can be mean-spirited, the humor is not that good and often relies on lame food puns, and a number of plotlines and jokes seem like they'd be inappropriate a show rated TV-Y (ages 2 through 6) in the United States. There's an episode where they attempt an exorcism on Wilk, deciding he's possessed. Apparently exorcisms are appropriate for preschoolers, everyone. Its worldbuilding is also confusing; why are none of the foods who are interested in getting put on display on a display shelf aware that they may be eaten, yet Wilk eats the crust off a client with no problem? And why is Wilk's misspelled label a biological thing?

    "Bread Barbershop" is best suited to older children (about aged 9 and up), but its sense of humor and worldbuilding make it extremely obvious that it's not meant to be taken seriously. Just don't have high expectations for it, and just treat it as fun, but mindless. Mark my words; "Bread Barbershop" is a meme waiting to happen.

    Apologies if my English is not terrible; I actually care about my capitalization, spelling, and grammar.
  • I love non-sense and mindless shoes but this one takes the cake. It has a good story to follow and it's not too much of a commitment but if you're looking for a show to commit to, why are you looking at a piece of bread that cuts hair? This show is like sausage party and spongebob had a baby (without all the inappropriateness and what not). It's very entertaining and family friendly. Couldn't recommend more.
  • tugtheman20 December 2021
    A fine craft. While watching this, I was amazed by the piecing together of this masterpiece. I have never seen such an astonishing performance since I saw Kevin James in Paul Blart Mall Cop. Besides that, stellar show.

    Sorry for my poor english, I am a 3 millisecond old baby.
  • rajdeepb-8383714 February 2021
    Was hesitant to try this show at first because it looks so darn silly and was surely made for toddlers.
  • arhamali279915 August 2021
    I thought that this would be a complete mockery before I watched, but as I was graced my Wilk's presence, I wish I had started watching this show earlier. An amazing masterpiece cartoon with sensible humor. Recommended watch for anyone looking for a good time!
  • This show is so good, I'm always looking stuff for my kid to watch and actually enjoy watching too, very funny and cool animation!
  • onliviakim24 February 2022

    I LOVE THE CHARACTERS, LIGHTNESS, some solutions for life so so lovely! Thanks a bunch for making this, such a sweet and fun thing!
  • I was looking for something to show my little guy because I'm tired of repeatedly watching the same thing over and over again with him. He chose Bread Barbershop based in the thumbnail picture Amazon Kids provided.

    Now here we are, only a few minutes into episode 1, and it's awful. They've already started whining and acting up, made fun of someone's looks, called somebody stupid, and offered up some seggsual innuendo.

    There is no point of showing this to any child, or any person frankly...but definitely not a toddler. (Yes, I read the suggested age rating. No, I don't really pay those any mind for more reasons than I care to go into here.) To be completely transparent, the show has definitely got his attention...but there's too much subcontext and not enough substance. We'll be taking a hard pass on this show from here on out.