User Reviews (2)

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  • Warning: Spoilers
    Speaking as a Soldier who has also returned from war to a family and children who barely remembered me, this film captures both the joy of the return but the awkwardness that quickly sets in. The Soldier tries to return to his 'normal' life, while the life of his daughter changes as this stranger comes to live in her house and becomes an intimate part of her life. It would have been nice, in real life, if the reconnection happened in one night... but the director gets it write in that it is in the little things that the connection is regrown. It took over a year for my daughter to make me a complete part of her life, but it was all those 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star' songs at bedtime that made it happen. The craft and performances in the film are top notch. I highly recommend this film!
  • Witt's Daughter, is a touching piece of art. Articulate in its' writing, and directed in a style that flows naturally. Although the stage is set in post Korean-war America, it is easy to relate to any time a soldier returns to his home after serving his country. The main character struggles with trying to pick up where he left off, but finds it difficult after returning home from active duty. War effects everyone; the people who go off to fight, and the families they leave behind. This film eloquently captures both sides of the coin.

    Nothing stays the same when someone leaves to serve their country. Life goes on while they are away. Ironically, while someone is separated from their loved ones, they tend to desperately cling to an image of life, as it was before they left. They are also changed by the experiences of war. This film captures the essence of this experience, and how everyone is affected as a result. The film also serves as a reminder that even the life of a small child is changed when adults are sent off to do the bidding of the powers in charge of a country. Overall, a very well done picture.