User Reviews (90)

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  • I have been somewhat surprised at the number of low marks given to this series. Some people even giving it one out of 10 which is quite frankly ridiculous. I have watched the original Scandinavian version and this version and whilst the Scandinavian is better this is by no means a bad remake let's face it some of the remakes of programs like the killing, the bridge, and the girl with the dragon tattoo. Have not been as good as the originals That does not mean that they don't stand up as decent shows in their own right.

    I sometimes think when you get these remakes people seem to take pleasure in dishing them because they think they Are superior because they've watched a program with subtitles. I would agree with some Reviewers that Some of the performances were not great but I thought the lead actors did a decent job, so my Advice give it a go to Particularly if you have not seen the original. 7 out of 10.
  • Hannah Laing's complex relationship with her son is made harder when it becomes apparent that he's involved with a very dangerous, criminal family.

    Ignore the dismal reviews for this show, yes it's a remake, but one I thought that was fantastic. It is incredibly well paced, and doesn't let up for a second, six very intense episodes.

    A few quibbles, why does Bianca have an incredibly English accent, when all her family have definite Serb/Croat accents. Why are there so many sky shots of Bristol, we all know chunks are filmed abroad, and why do they have Jurassic phones?

    Minor quibbles addressed, this is a very edgy, stylish six part series, the acting is terrific Lesley Sharp is first rate, everyone has their part to play, not least Patrick Gibson, who plays Christian.

    It feels as if they've left the door open for a possible second series, I'd be delighted if one were made.

    Thoroughly enjoyed it, 8/10.
  • zorroaca27 June 2021
    A few flaws here and there but decent entertainment. And so good to see Lesley Sharp get another major role... she's an oldie but goodie... I like that. It's also nice when the 2nd half is better... makes you happy you hung in there. And they did a fantastic job of leading into season 2... I look forward to it.
  • I wanted to like this more than I do.

    I don't think originals are always better than remakes (LA Takedown/Heat for example) but not having seen the original I am not liking this much.

    Some good actors in this but I don't see any good performances.

    It is set in Bristol but mostly filmed in Brussels.

    I hate that sort of thing.

    Well chosen locations can play other cities but I know Brussels quite well and it does not look like a British city in my opinion.

    Before We Die is not awful but it is not a tv highlight either.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Who drops a laptop while running away, it's not like he was carrying a dead body. Also, who would let their son come under fire from multiple gunman just assuming he will be ok ??? Really asinine at times.
  • DownInOz12 December 2021
    The producer bombed out many times.

    Seriously, if you were under cover such as Christian, would you risk sending so many texts at times of being in the company of "the family"?

    Also the attempts of running from them whilst being chased by a car, mostly done on main roads. Hilarious!
  • Please ignore the critics and reviewers who seem to have seen an earlier Swedish series of which this is a copy. Use your own judgement based on this production, not a different one.

    This first episode was quite good, in my view. The acting was ok and the story moved along - although I did find a couple of plot holes.

    I look forward to the next episode.
  • The acting is terrible, how you could cast people so wrong is embarrassing, this really is one of the worst things iv ever watched.
  • Ignore all these negative reviews you've read . This is an excellent drama with an excellent cast and I hope there is a 2nd season . Loved it.
  • Watching episode 2 at the moment. Some usually good actors and the plot is OK. I may come back and review my review when I've watched the whole series but at the moment I'm sad that Vincent Regan , normally a good, English, actor, has a very fake Scottish accent. Do we not have any decent Scottish actors like David Tennant, Ken Stott, Richard Madden, Martin Compton etc that could have played this part....or did they not want to be in a remake of a previous Scandinavian thriller?
  • After watching a reasonable season one I was looking forward to season two.

    However what a total disappointment this is.

    Police Chief needs sacking. Leaves the evidence of corruption on his desk instead of reading it and finding out who the culprit is.

    Who can believe how stupid these Cops characters are?

    The last 10 mins of episode sums up the unbelievable script.

    They set out for the Airport after the plane has landed?? Why are they not there to meet him?

    They go to the Safehouse and instead of getting in there quickly decide to have a chat on the roadside. What a waste of time this series has been.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Before We Die is a gripping, intense English cop drama. Whilst it follows the British convention of telling a single story across six or eight episodes, it differs from many English cop dramas with its international flavour, its fast pace and the ever present threat of having those uncover betrayed.

    Set in modern day Bristol, at the centre is DI Hannah Laing (Lesley Sharp), her boyfriend and fellow cop Sean Hardacre (Bill Ward) and her 25 year old son Christian (Patrick Gibson). Sean is captured, tortured and killed by a prominent Croatian crime family the Mimca's headed by up and coming syndicate head Davor (Toni Gojanovic). Hannah teams up with a prickly Scottish colleague (and ex MI5 spook) Billy Murdoch (Vincent Regan) to track down Sean's killers. Christian had a part Croatian father and speaks the language and begins to work at the Mimca's restaurant (the heart of their criminal activities) where he gains the confidence of the family so that he can infiltrate their plans and find out what happened. He is motivated to undertake this dangerous undercover operation as a non-cop because of the close relationship that he developed with Sean.

    What unfolds is a taut, exciting dive into gang style shootings, international drug running, Christian falling for the beautiful young daughter of the crime family and police corruption. The plot lines are strong and believable, the criminal family has authenticity because a number of the actors are British Croatian and all the lead actors acquit themselves extremely well. This is a most compelling show and a lot more racy and violent than the average UK police drama.
  • jayydee315 August 2024
    I enjoyed this series. The main actors were more like real people would be with their emotions and frustrations. I thought the plots were quite well done. The only glitch in my mind was Chief Superintendant Kane's rank insignia-- A Chief Superintendant wears the crown with a diamond or "pip" below it. Kane is wearing a much,much higher rank such as Commissioner or Chief Constable. If the wreath were taken away on his epaulettes the rank would be correct. Just odd that no-one would have researched this. Overall an enjoyable watch and good acting with a minimum of swear words and overkill.

    Higher rank.
  • This is a straight remake of a 2017 Swedish Series which can also be found on All4. I watched it earlier this year and It's vastly superior to this.

    For me the adaptation didn't travel well or ring true set in Bristol but shot in Brussels? Lesley Sharp is an excellent actress but she has too much to do here as the supporting cast around her is very weak. Direction was mediocre with a lot of forced scenes, the score was busy and cheesy often telegraphing the action or destroying the drama within scenes. A poor script with much clunky dialogue.

    Overall the remake felt dumbed down and a lot of the relationships didn't work. The original was subtle and built slowly but this one gave away the plot cheaply.

    If you haven't seen the original and liked the first episode stick with it as the series storyline has a great pay-off. But if you weren't convinced by the first episode and enjoy Scandi Noir watch the original Series on All4 as it's miles better.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Major plot flaw: S1E1 does not explain how Christian came to be in possession of Issy's phone. This plot point is critical to the whole show. Except for the fact that this flaw makes the entire show unintelligible, itbis a pretty good show.
  • ... there's quite a few really good actors in this production doing as best as can be expected with the script they've been given... uneven is being very generous, at times doing things implausible to their character and circumstances... it could go to a second season, but will loose viewers rapidly if not overall improved.
  • My Review - Before We Die U. K version on SBS My Rating 7:10 The best thing about this British version of an original Swedish series for me was Leslie Sharpe cast as Detective Hannah Laing who becomes deeply conflicted when she discovers her son is playing a crucial role as an undercover informant in the investigation of the brutal murder of her lover a married Detective.

    Her son Christian is played by Patrick Gibson who is a very charismatic young actor who from the opening episode is at odds with his mothers career of law enforcement . After a stint in Prison where he forms a friendship with a young criminal Christian becomes invaluable to a Police investigation into a European cocaine smuggling family and their crime empire.

    I kept thinking while watching this English version that something has been lost in translation and that often is the case .

    I'm not sure why but I may find the answer when I watch the original Swedish version.

    This first series is only 6 episodes and of course there's a cliff hanger but I was left thinking I'll watch the rest in Swedish .

    I read that Series 2 which has been commissioned will take a different plot path to the 18 part Swedish version perhaps they should have done that in Series One however it's worth watching and entertaining I like the casting just not some of the plot lines.
  • I have only seen one episode so far and enjoyed it very much. Looking forward to binging on the rest. I have not seen the original as I dislike sub-titles so am pleased I'm able to see the English version.
  • This is one of the best thrillers of the last few years. I'd put it up there with Gangs of London and Godfather of Harlem and not too far away from Peaky Blinders. If you likes the shows I've mentioned, you'll like this!!
  • Why are we watching a bad copy of an excellent original ?

    The acting , apart from Lesley Sharpe , is woeful, having said that, I wish that she would STOP saying CHRISTIAN constantly, and why is she speaking in that slow deliberate way ???

    A scene in the kitchen , where she shared a cigarette with her son was pretty cringy , at one point I though that the son had forgotton his lines !!!

    And , the Croation family ? The acting here is so bad , very amateur .

    There are so many scenarios in this whole series that are so hard to believe and take in , totally implausible.

    Everything about this production is just forced and badly directed.

    I do not recommend this one , but do watch the Swedish original, its well worth it .
  • Ignore all of these reviews on here. This drama has a great twist, with a compelling storyline and fantastic acting. It's a brilliant watch and I would highly recommend it.
  • I appreciate some people struggle with foreign language shows and there are those that just can't be bothered but, for the rest of you, regardless of what you make of this, I urge you to watch the original Swedish series.

    I have managed to get through the first series of this whilst making this judgement.

    As with the original, this series is left open for a second series but I hope they don't bother.

    Both shows are available in full on the All 4 website as I write.

    Matt Baker has adapted this and I really hope he hasn't murdered Professor T. (another brilliant Walter Presents show) he has adapted and is out this week).

    I kept watching because they guy who plays the Colonel had a magnificent role as someone with dementia in Professor T. He will be hoping his role here is soon forgotten.

    The actors lack charisma and comradeship but it does improve a little towards the end of the series. They seem to be playing the original actors rather than making the characters their own.

    I appreciate this was made during the pandemic but plenty of other shows have managed to put on a decent show.

    Stockholm is now Bristol (and Belgium - I thought we had left the EU!) while Lesley Sharp plays Lesley Sharp from Scott And Bailey, Steve Toussaint plays Steve Toussaint from everything he has ever been in (including Scott And Bailey) and, for some unknown reason, Bjorn is now Billy with a Scottish accent.

    They can't decide when the Croatian family speaks Croatian or English to one another and the performances seemingly put the wooden into woodentops.

    One of the biggest plots in the Swedish version was motorcycle gang warfare but there is only 1 bike in the whole of this series.

    It would have been better to do a Hinterland and get the original actors to film the show in English as well as their native tongue but this is about money rather than entertainment with Belgium using it for some sort of tax break.

    The Belgian backed show should have got Poirot on board because he would have more of a clue. If this is Bristol fashion then it is far from ship shape.

    I hope people don't put this effort on their bucket list of things to do Before We Die.


    I have niw watched series 2 and things don't improve with several of the main cast returning with a lot of goofs along the way.

    Hopefully, the conclusion to series 2 means there will be no series 3.

    I love eagle eye drama shows but this is probably the worst they have done.
  • I've been watching this with my family and all of us have been hooked from the start. There were so many twists and turns that we didn't see coming so I'd highly recommend watching this with other people. The cast were great, especially Kazia Pelka as the terrifying matriarch Dubravka and of course Lesley Sharp who's always wonderful. The only thing I would say is... I hope there's a second season!
  • oleswava17 August 2021
    Well, I haven't watched the original and I really enjoyed this version.
  • If you are going to make a copy of a hugely popular Nordic noir original then at least make half an effort. This UK production of an original set in Stockholm is supposed to be Bristol, but is in fact filmed in Brussels, pretending to be Bristol.

    The plot had been mashed down into just 6 episodes from the original 10 thus losing all the delicious Nordic noir build-up of tension from the original.

    The kindest thing to be said of the acting's wooden at best. The script is laughable and the fake Scottish accent of character Billy Regan, is just that. Fake. Pretty much sums up the whole show.

    Tbh 1 star is too generous. If you want to watch this show, I suggest you start with the Swedish original of the same name which is far far far superior and written by heavyweights Niklas Rockström and Wilhelm Behrman who can actually write and have awards to prove that.
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