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  • I stumbled upon the 2021 horror comedy "Let the Wrong One In" by random chance here in 2022. And of course with it being a horror comedy and a movie that I hadn't already seen then I had to sit down and watch it. Now, I hadn't even heard about "Let the Wrong One In" prior to watching it, so I wasn't sure what writer and director Conor McMahon had in store for me.

    And as it turned out then "Let the Wrong One In" was actually surprisingly entertaining and enjoyable. It was a nice approach on the vampire genre, and the comedy in the movie was good. Not really the type of comedy that had be toppled over laughing, but it was a make-you-feel-good kind of comedy. And it definitely worked in favor of the movie.

    The storyline was adequate, albeit somewhat on the generic side actually. But luckily then the character gallery more than made up for the shortcomings of the storyline. And also the acting performances did quite a lot to alleviate the somewhat generic storyline.

    I was surprised to see Anthony Head on the cast list in "Let the Wrong One In", but it was a nice surprise, because he usually does add a lot of charm and flavor to the things he stars in. And such was also the case for "Let the Wrong One In". I wasn't familiar with lead actors Karl Rice (playing Matt) and Eoin Duffy (playing Deco), but they were nicely cast and carried the movie quite well.

    Something that really worked out for "Let the Wrong One In" was the blood and mayhem. That was quite a treat, and it was a nice surprise, because I wasn't expecting that from a movie such as this.

    If you have the chance to sit down and watch "Let the Wrong One In", then do so. Especially if you enjoy horror comedies with a vampire theme. I was genuinely entertained by this movie.

    My rating of "Let the Wrong One In" lands on a six out of ten stars.
  • kosmasp18 October 2021
    With the added vampire experience by the one and only Anthony Stewart Head. A great funny role he has here, even if he is not front and center. But he lends quite a lot of gravitas. And his acting choices ... genius - even if it is only a facial expression for example.

    Overall the humor is hit and miss. The logic is out of the window (with sunlight obviously "hitting" characters at time without it affecting them, vampires not being shown in mirrors but through video calls and other stuff like that) ... if you don't mind those things, you can have quite some fun with this. And you really shouldn't overthink it.

    If you are an animal friend, you might have some issues (emphasis on some, not less or more) with how a certain pet is treated ... but maybe in the end you can have a laugh! Pun intended.
  • This is a movie that I caught part of the trailer while going to the Gateway Film Center. I let Jaime watch it and this one intrigued her. There were limited showings of it though, so she wanted me to go and report back. I did know coming in that this played at FrightFest where Duncan from the Podcast Under the Stairs saw it along with, I believe, Scott and Liam vs. Evil. Seeing the title, I figured this was a play on Let the Right One In, but just more of a comedic take. The synopsis is a young supermarket worker discovers his older brother is a vampire and must choose whether to help him or slay him.

    We start this in Transylvania for a bachelorette party. Sheila (Mary Murray) is getting married and she is there celebrating with her friends. It appears that she stole a beer from a bar and didn't pay so a bouncer is chasing her. He corners her but flees in terror. A vampire has appeared behind Sheila.

    The movie then shifts to Dublin, Ireland. Matt (Karl Rice) lives with his mother, played by Hilda Fay. She wakes him up as he makes a great breakfast. While they eat, we learn that Matt has a brother, Deco (Eoin Duffy). We see him stumbling around and needing to avoid the sun. There is a funny scene of him using a broken umbrella as he makes his way to his family's house. The problem is that he cannot enter. Ma is still upset with him. Matt has a soft spot for him and also feels a bit guilty. After their mother leaves, Matt invites him in.

    Deco's problem is much bigger than one he's ever had. He wants Matt's help, but he must go to work. He decides to call off when Deco vomits blood all over him. He tries to call a doctor for his older brother, but this takes a turn. Deco's urges are getting worse the longer he goes without blood.

    Complicating things even more, there is a vampire hunter searching for creatures of the night. His name is Henry (Anthony Head). Sheila is also from Dublin and returned as a vampire. She is the one who bit Deco. She is turning others almost on a nightly basis. This is becoming problematic and drawing attention, so she comes up with a foolproof plan, in her eyes, to allow her and her friends to feed more easily. As the synopsis states, Matt must decide what to do with his brother as well as this growing problem in the city.

    That is where I'm going to leave my recap for this movie. Where I want to start is that this is an odd comedy. As I said in my opening paragraph, I saw this movie in the theater. I do think that hurt my viewing of the movie. I didn't have a bad experience, but the accents of some people are a bit thick where I couldn't understand what they were saying. That made me miss some of the jokes. It didn't ruin the movie, but it hurt it.

    Sticking with the theme of this being odd, we are blending something like Shaun of the Dead with even dumber comedy and mixing in drugs. We don't see the latter, but that is what Deco is accused of. There is some heart in here. To explain my comparisons, we have Matt who feels guilty about Deco being kicked out of the house. Ma is so upset with Deco, she doesn't even want to hear his name spoken. This made me think of the relationship between Simon Pegg, Nick Frost and Peter Serafinowicz. The latter hating Nick, but Simon is his friend and defends him. The antics in this movie are funny. Matt wants to help Deco, but he's bitter. I can't fault him for feeling that way. The problem is that he's making bad decisions that result in him being in the place that he is. We are with a middle-class family that is a step up from struggling, so there is that as well.

    There is an issue I have with this film though. I was bored. Part of it goes back to not understanding what people were saying, which I think subtitles will fix. The other problem though is that we focus on the relationship between Matt and Deco too much. Some of it was funny, but then it goes on for too long. The more interesting thing to me is Sheila and what is she is doing. We get a bit of that and it is the catalyst to what starts everything. The movie almost seems to forget about her for long stretches. It is interesting though since they introduce that Henry has a connection there. I'd bet not everyone has my problems, but I unfortunately did.

    That should be enough for the story so I will go to the acting. I thought that Rice was solid as our lead. It is interesting that in the beginning he feels guilty for the predicament that Deco is in. We see as it goes on that he gets stronger as a character and stands up for himself. That works as our hero. Duffy is quite funny as his older brother. He has some street smarts, but also does things that get him into trouble. Head is fine as our vampire hunter. It is funny with his role from Buffy the Vampire Slayer television series. Fay is good as the mother. She is in a tough spot so I don't blame her. Lisa Haskins plays Natalie who is the scary girlfriend to Deco. I thought she worked. Murray and the rest of the vampires were also solid as well to help round this out for what was needed.

    Then the last things are the effects, cinematography and the soundtrack. For the former, I thought the practical ones were good. There was one time with blood spray that I could tell wasn't coming from a character's mouth. I'll give credit for trying. The look of the vampires is good. When we get into that a bit more, I like what they do with practical effects. The CGI wasn't great. It did take me out to be honest. There is a moment with a bat though that had me laughing. I think they ran that gag just a bit too long though. Going from there, I'd say the cinematography was good. This movie is shot well from what I could see. There is a moment of green screen that wasn't great, but not horrible either. Then finally the soundtrack I thought fit the movie for what it needed in my opinion. It didn't take me out of the movie or enhance it too much.

    In conclusion, I thought this movie had some promise. Not sure that it fully captures it though. We have an interesting premise with this family and their issues. Coupling that with one of them becoming a vampire, having a hunter after him while a growing menace of more of these creatures. I think that the practical effects were solid, the cinematography and soundtrack were fine. I did have issues understanding characters so not all the jokes landed during this first viewing. The CGI wasn't great and the film is a bit boring for what they focused on. I would say that because of it, this movie is just over average for me and lacking elements for me to go higher.

    My Rating: 6 out of 10.
  • BandSAboutMovies28 September 2021
    Warning: Spoilers
    Matt's older brother Deco turns up with a hangover one morning - like always - and when he's let in, it turns out that he needs more than just some aspirin and sleep. His new fangs prove that he's been attacked by the vampires that haunt Dublin, led by the ex-fiancee of Henry (Anthony Head, Giles of Buffy the Vampire Slayer), once just a trainspotting history lover, now a vampire killing cab driver.

    Obviously taking its title from Let the Right One In, this is a comedy take on vampires filled with more gore than you'll see in several undead movies.

    Director Conor McMahon made Stitches a few years back. This is a big movie for the director and feels like exactly something Shudder would pick up, just like 2019's Thirst. The film also boasts lush scenery - and some Dublin dives - including Ringsend, as well as the Bram Stoker Museum/Castle Dracula in Clontarf.

    While it's played for laughs here, the metaphor of drug addiction being like vampirism and you make the problem worse when you invite the person into your life - or the vampire inside your home - is a solid one. It may not contribute much new to vampiric lore - seeing Giles teach a young kid about sandlewood stakes is a nice touch - but it's the kind of movie that is out to make you laugh, cheer and shout out loud.
  • Comedy about Deco, a slacker drug-addict in recovery who turns vampire. He races the sun home only to be heckled. Vampires aren't that uncommon here in Dublin. He needs help from his brother but his family have had it with him fokking up so much. This is like the Irish Bordello of Blood. Instead of a bordello they go to a night club hosted by the OG vampire queen bee. This flick is cute, silly and funny.
  • ccarrie795 September 2023
    I love a good horror comedy but this is not it. Besides not being able to understand the actors over half of the time I couldn't root for any of them they were all so stupid. I had some hope when "Giles" showed up but he was underused so badly. I honestly didn't care if any of these people lived or died. Really I would have been just fine if they all died a horrible death. Not a good sign if there is not a single person who you want to survive. It sadly felt so short of its promising potential. There are so many better horror comedies out there. Just a frustrating show overall without a single good character.
  • Enjoyed this movie very much. All cast picked perfectly and blended very well together. I laughed so much. The special effects were veru good. This move is a vampire shaun of the dead. Definitely worth a watch.
  • Okay.. So, it's actually kinda funny. Lots of "blood" and injuries.

    Reference to Twilight was something unexpected.

    But the accent was something terrible. And I know that's the point here. That it's supposed to be funny, but in some parts it was very annoying and unlistenable.
  • arrmeen23 April 2022
    I enjoyed this movie, although I must admit inspite English been my first language some Irish banter and dialogue was hard to catch without subs. But nevertheless I got what I was expecting, a good ol' Irish horror comedy with some decent acting and blood and gore thrown in. Overall it's a different take on the Vampire genre, although not completely new but it keeps you till the end. Watch it on a gloomy day and you'll definitely have some sunshine to burn the fangs.
  • 'Let The Wrong One in' is a 2021 horror comedy by Conor McMahon. I was familiar with his previous movies 'From The Dark' and 'Stitches' which I both liked. This movie is kind of a mixture between those two movies. It's a vampire movie like 'From The Dark' and it has the comedic aspects from 'Stitches'.

    Younger brother Matt is visited by his older brother Deco who lives a questionable lifestyle and got thrown out of his house by their mother. But Deco does not visit for a family reunion, he got bit in the neck by a woman and now seems to turn into a vampire. Now Matt has to decide if he wants to help his brother or needs to stop or even kill him to save others.

    The movie did a good job for its low budget and the british humour was good. Also there was lots of blood and some gore involved. The movie overall has a similar vibe to 'Shaun of the Dead' but obviously with the much lower budget and not quite as good. If you like light horror comedies and don't mind the low budget you will probably enjoy this one. [5,1/10]
  • I've spent many weeks looking for a new horror movie to watch that I can actually enjoy.

    So much garbage is being made these days, it's painful for the eyes.

    That's why I normally watch old films because then I know they'll be worth viewing.

    But something about this film struck me before I even watched it and that was the play on title, Let the WRONG One In. Haha.

    This film is a little gem. Excellent humour and brilliant knockabout stuff. All the cast are brilliant. Nothing is forced, it just happens naturally.

    I don't usually like horror comedies as the humour often doesn't work. But yes, this is a fun watch definitely. I'd say this is a 6/10 film but I am gonna bump that score up to 8/10, because it deserves it, holding my attention and I enjoyed it.
  • For an indie film, it's not that bad. With a bigger budget and better effects, it can be a decent movie. The problem is Karl Rice, he still needs some acting lessons. If he wants to be a better actor, that is. Oh, and about vampire lore, the writer should be more consistent with it. Some vampire just dead when staked, some have their faces melted, some turn into ashes. Just pick one and stay with it, can you?
  • Irish vampire horror comedy with a title that is an obvious play on the Swedish movie "Let the Right One In" (2008), that was a classic, this one most certainly is not. Opening scene has an Irish woman get bitten by a vampire in Romania whilst there on a hen night. So far so good. Rest of the story is set in Dublin, young Matthew soon realises that his older good for nothing brother Deco is a vampire. Taxi driving vampire hunter Henry soon turns up at their house, will brotherly love prevent Deco from being staked? Henry does look like a lot like the late great Peter Cushing, who played Van Helsing in Hammer's Dracula movies. If this was intentional then it was a nice touch. There are several glowing 10/10 reviews here written by users with just one review to their names, it doesn't take a genius to suspect that these are most likely people connected with the movie. This is not a 10/10 movie, quite the opposite. The acting is amateur, not being Irish myself there were many instances in which I could not understand what was being mumbled in thick Irish accents. There is plenty of gore, it is low budget and it shows, some of the special effects are good fun, others just look crap. Near the end Deco turns into a bat but retains his human head, he takes Matt for a night time flight over the city. This is very silly but equally memorable. Director Conor McMahon's slasher spoof "Stitches" (2012) really made me laugh, sadly I can't say the same for this film. The laughs are far and few between, the acting is poor and it felt too long.
  • Conor McMahon had twisted approach on vampire tropes with underline family problems. While CGI wasn't the best quality, its solid practical effects made up for it. Rice & Duffy formed such lovely brotherhood that you can cheer in this Irish horror comedy.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This film was laugh a minute.

    The accents, the jokes in the background, the acting, it was absolutely pitch perfect.

    Me & the missus were killing ourselves laughing.

    Seemingly, nothing could spoil this film.

    And if it could have stayed like that beyond the halfway point, then this film would have been perfection.

    But like a lot of films, you can't maintain that level of awesomeness forever.

    The second half of the film didn't float my boat. The missus still found it funny, so don't dismiss my second half review of this film. You too many find it as amusing as she did, in which case, this film could be your almost perfect EIGHT.
  • After a wild night out, a man's brother returns home with a series of strange ailments and a story that seems entirely too much like a vampire attack, and as they try to cure him with the help of a vampire hunter, they soon realize his vampire powers might help them more than hinder them.

    There was a lot of fun to be had with this one. Among the better features here is the hysterical comedy that comes about from the goofy setup and premise at play here. The engaging opening that tells how he came to be bitten by the vampire and his quest to return home to his brother who's entirely too convinced of everything from the start offers a fantastic series of sight-gags and jokes about the situation, from trying to remain out of sight of his mother despite the incoming sunlight burning his skin or the comments at his stupidity in not realizing what's going on. The back-and-forth banter here is just a start as the type of comedy present here carries on throughout this one with all sorts of humorous situations detailing the need to keep him away from others only being caught up by their clumsy behavior and ineptness for a grand series of hysterical slapstick comedy and wordplay jokes. With this in place, the series of horror ambushes at play here are quite fun and have a lot to like. The opening attack that shows the vampires turning the bride into their kind and going wild on the rest of the bridal party starts this on a strong note, while the flashback getting to see the attack on the brother that initially turns him into one mix together laughs with some solid blood splatter. The later scenes at the house where they battle the hunter trying to stake his brother continues that kind of goofiness and genuine genre action, while the scenes involving the female crew coming together to stop them from getting the upper hand provide some rather fun times. The finale, where he races to get his captured mother out of their compound while the vampires try to kill them off, has a lot of fun graphic battles ends this on a high note with a lot of fun action and a nice bit of blood-spray in the graphic kills to both human and vampire to give this quite a lot to like. There isn't much to dislike with this one, but it does have a few minor problems. The main drawback here is the films' sudden decision to suddenly turn the brotherly relationship into a growth experience between the two which feels incredibly out-of-place here. The sudden decision to turn this whole thing into a growing experience as a means of how they originally got separated and brought back together again just doesn't have the same interest level as it comes out of nowhere with very little point to doing this. As well, the confusing nature of the finale where the introduction of random characters and some jarring revelations for several characters that makes no sense for the sake of creating light-hearted action on display which is quite a big letdown. Along with some cheesiness due to the attempt at comedy that might not be readily accepted by most out there, these are the only real issues to be had here.

    Rated Unrated/R: Extreme Graphic Language and Graphic Violence.
  • A thoroughly enjoyable comedy gore fest that delivers exactly what it sets out to.

    Punchline after punchline lands, especially if you're familiar with colloquial Dublin humour and in no small part down to Eoin Duffy's (Deco) exquisite comedic timing!

    As with all good small budget productions they unearth great local talent and I'd hazard a guess that this could be a breakthrough role for Duffy who serves up some great one liners that are truly laugh out loud.

    To top it all off the master stroke of casting Giles from Buffy as, yes you guessed it a vampire slayer tells you everything you need to know about this film being quirky and clever.
  • Absolutely fo-kk-in hilarious!

    From beginning to end, and even after that, 'cause it still gives you a treat in the credits.

    Great job, and one of the best comedies I've sunken my teeth into this year, if not the best one.

    This is a very close second to "Shaun of the Dead" in terms of quality, and definitely a keeper.
  • Then have a look, irish bloody good vampire comedy, with a stash of blood gore and hilarious humour, made on the budget n1/1000 part of draculas.

    Acting fun, speed and jokes very nice, feels like an amateur bot but really hits the good old nerve of a grumpy old man that reviews this one. Am norwegian and look forward to some cc'd version, cause irish a full speed is kauderwelsh at times.

    Its a must see.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Another low-budget production, but with so much heart, with fresh ideas and fun, without the political infestation of nowaday soulless big Hollywood productions. The only thing I can criticize is the casual violence, sensitive viewers might be offended by. But it is a vampire and horror movie in the end, and as such it does a great job. It is not stripped of everything, it is pure, back-to-the-roots storytelling, with fun and creativity, done with love for the story and not trying to defame anybody, no political BS, like it has become popular in Hollywood, paving the way to extinction for the hateful big blockbusters and making way for gems like this. Back to the roots and, yet, the future of film.
  • With the last three years we had this film gave us some hearty laughs to enjoy. I highly recommend. A great film to sit back and just enjoy. It doesn't take itself seriously and that's honestly the charm.
  • Every minute there's just something new and funny. And the way it leaned on old school Terence Fisher horror was just amazing to see. A lot of true horror fans will get enjoyment out of the throwbacks to vintage horror.
  • Let the Wrong One In is an example of what a great Horror/Comedy should be. It's paced well, has good casting, and is hilarious in moments. The kills/special effects are also beyond satisfying. A lot of these Horr/Coms that come out these days feel like they try to hard. The comedy in this film feels natural never forced, which kept me invested the entire runtime.

    I've seen a lot of Vampire movies, and this one has two of my favorite Vampire kills of all time. The climax was amazing, (maybe a bit cheesy) but it just works so well here. This movie is a must watch for any fans of this subgenre.
  • bmurphy-8989822 January 2023
    I watched this film yesterday and I throughly enjoyed the film. It has a great story & some even better acting from the cast. Specifically Eoin and Karl, I felt they both made it quite thrilling.

    I read this was a low budget production but you wouldn't identify this when watching as the production and acting is very good! This is an easy, funny and entertaining watch and one that would suit all ages. The two main actors have a great touch of bringing Irish comedy to the fore front and make the film that extra bit enjoyable.

    This I would strongly recommend if you are seeking a relaxed but hilarious 2 hours.

    Highly recommend!
  • This is brilliant!

    Actually entertaining, hilarious and well-lit! This is what most of the new movies lack, entertainment, wit and light. I can't see what's going on on the screen most of the time. The scripts are boring and I don't care what happens to the characters. Well, not this time! If you like real cinema, good comedy and great acting, let the wrong one in! I couldn't stop laughing from the very first scene to the end of the credits (yes, it has funny credits, too). I also loved the 1980's-looking special effects. In the sense, they seem creative and funny here, like back then when people had to come up with their own ideas. The script is comedy gold and all the actors deserve ten stars each. Deco is my favorite vampire now. He and Sheila deserve a place in the Great Vampires Pantheon. The kid who plays his younger brother is very good, too, very natural and unpretentious. Anthony Head - very charming. The whole cast is fab! And ten stars for the funny umbrellas!