User Reviews (36)

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  • Nothing new under the sun but entertains: brain shampoo movie.

    One more movie trying to be the best, it does not succeed (at least for me), even so it can be entertaining for many.

    Special mention for Dawn Olivieri, she doesn't save the film nor does the director let her show her talent but there she is and she tries well.

    Digression: Has anyone ever wondered why the "bad guys" are always in black military-style uniforms?
  • Warning: Spoilers
    It's not often I find a movie with this kind of genre. Rom-Com mixed with action, crime and thriller. It's refreshing and done pretty well. And although the chemistry between the two main characters wasn't strong enough, the movie is still watchable. I've seen plenty of bad movies and this is not one of them. So if you don't have anything else to watch, you can try this one to fill your time with.
  • She has the look, the moves, the personality. She did an awesome job in the role and made the film enjoyable.

    Overall the movie was a fun romp of bad guys giving the chase, but it did showcase a talented young woman.
  • I saw the trailer: it looked low budget but kind of interesting, so I gave it a go... wow, what a mistake!

    You know those really crappy kung fu films when there's a fight every 5 minutes - just because - and the fight is awful?

    This is kind of like that, only it has really sucky dialogue in between each action scene. Some may say that this was all tongue-in-cheek, but when the female leads talks about string theory... you know it's pretentious crap!

    Honestly, I couldn't last even half of this film before turning it off - it's THAT BAD!

    Please, do yourself a favour and avoid this stinker!

    Also, why are there so many high ratings here?

    10? Several 10s?

    I suppose is the writer, director and lead all logged in, that would explain the 10s. Trust me: this is absolutely horrible.
  • Garbage movie, feels like a really low budget movie. Acting is okay, story is below subpar. Many things in the movie do not make sense. Many loose ends. Horrible dialogues. Don't waste your time watching this.

    I think anyone rating this movie 5+ are fake or paid.
  • "Double Threat" had both an interesting cover/poster and synopsis, which made me sit down and watch this movie. I hadn't even ever heard about this movie from writer CJ Walley and director Shane Stanley, so I didn't know what to expect.

    And there were aspects of the movie that proved interesting enough, but over all as a movie then it just failed to be overly enjoyable or entertaining. It was because of the majority of the storyline just felt irrelevant and pointless, and that made for a lousy viewing experience.

    I wasn't familiar with the cast in "Double Threat", but they actually put on good enough performances despite of having little to work with in terms of script and storyline. And I will say that lead actor Matthew Lawrence (playing Jimmy) and Danielle C. Ryan (playing Natasha) were nicely cast for the movie.

    If you enjoy a good action movie, then "Double Threat" is not really the best of choices. But hey, maybe this movie is just what tickles you in the all the right places.

    My rating of "Double Threat" lands on a generous three out of ten stars.
  • imdb-392-49246715 August 2023
    Terrible script, terrible acting, no chemistry.

    The fight and chase scenes are ridiculous.

    This "hot crazy chick who is a bad ass" and the plot coalesces around this plot holes be damned!

    The fight choreography is non exist. All of the focus is on hot chick flipping around for eye candy while bad guy wait to be killed.

    I've seen children play fight a more convincing rumble.

    In an early scene several dozen bullets fly but other than one window shoot that becomes a later script mention, not a single bullet lands even with the two vehicles side by side.

    If this scene makes you question your movie choice, listen to that gut feeling. It isn't going to get better.
  • This was such a childish production, was it made for a twelve year old audience? I gave it one hour and then just couldn't take it anymore. The story was so cliched and predictable, and then add that there were more cringe moments than anything close to a worthy comical laugh. It was lazily written, mushy, corny and simply a waste of time. Nothing really happens except for the same cat and mouse game, with a split personality being the so-called tough act, then the forgettable whiney drama queen, and that got boring real fast. Within the first 5 minutes, Danielle C. Ryan's character gets annoying and it just keeps getting worse, and you'll start noticing this entire film is laughable, then it becomes cringe with all the monotony. For that matter, every character and performance was cheesy and annoying. I can't understand how anyone would have the patience to sit through this entire sloth. Even at a mere 92 min runtime, a lot of nothing happens. At 30 mins in, it felt like I've been watching paint dry for at least one hour. Don't waste your time on this, anything is a better watch and more entertaining. It's a very generous 3/10 from me, all going to some decent directing and cinematography - that's it.
  • Suspend belief, enjoy the good dialogue, ignore the bad. The fight scenes were pretty decently done, reminiscent of Natasha Romanoff I thought. But the sex scene - really? In these days of freely available porn which is so much better (I'm told) these sorts of semi-modest scenes are a bit cringeworthy.
  • I cannot think of a single good thing to say about this embarrassingly bad movie. Incoherent script, unbearably amateurish acting, inept directing, cheap sets - one downgrade after another. Utterly unwatchable.
  • Not ten full minutes passed and I was absolutely delighted. 'Double threat' is astoundingly direct and briskly paced, and we are launched headlong into the plot. The action rears up its head with such speed and forthrightness that one can only laugh in bewilderment. This is no accident, though, because this movie isn't purely an action-thriller - it's an action-comedy. And it's a whole lot of fun!

    'Double threat' is nothing if not a vehicle for star Danielle C. Ryan, and this is emphasized by the fact that protagonist Natasha is the centerpiece of the plot generally, and both the action and comedy specifically. Natasha is vibrantly flippant, irreverent, lighthearted, and free-spirited - at times stopping just shy of "ditzy" - but switches on a dime to startlingly smart discussion, highly trained and practiced combat skills, and brazen confidence. Ryan manages these aspects of the character, and the shifts, with wonderful dexterity and range, and it's genuinely a joy to watch her at work. She's obviously hardly a household name, but from what I've seen of her (here and elsewhere), she has definite and commendable skills. I don't mean to count out her co-stars, as I think they're all fine, but she unquestionably commands the spotlight, and I'm glad for it.

    Beyond Ryan and her character, the fabulous entertainment here is built on playing fast, loose, and even indifferently with tropes, clichés, and convention. The argumentative figures we're shown as primary antagonists (alternately pinheaded or very in-the-know), the immediate friendship between Natasha and unwitting bystander Jimmy, the deliberately overt song selections (that are excellent in and of themselves), the pointed oversimplification of Natasha's condition, marvelously blunt dialogue - everything here is giddily gung-ho in being geared for gaucheness. Action scenes may flare up seemingly out of the blue with little connectivity from A to B, while the ease with which Natasha handles adversaries is notably over the top. Character development and themes are consciously forced through a grinder as gracelessly as they possibly could be. Sure, broadly speaking we've seen features like this before, but I don't think for one moment that this makes 'Double threat' any less entertaining.

    If a step down from major studio fare, the fight choreography and stunts are well orchestrated and amply enjoyable. The movie is well made from a technical standpoint - direction, cinematography, sound design, editing, and so on, and other contributions from behind the scenes including hair and makeup. There are times when Tommy Fields' dynamic original score actually impresses outright as it lends to the mood of a scene. Beyond the rampant tongue-in-cheek bluster, writer CJ Walley peppers some earnest cleverness throughout the screenplay. Some honest humor comes from instances of snappy dialogue or sight gags, while the bare-faced playfulness that characterizes the film at large translates into an openness in the scene writing, a willingness to do whatever feels right in a moment regardless of tone. As a result, no matter what 'Double threat' crams into its length, any given cross-section is unexpectedly sharp and tight in its conjuration and execution. In a way, I'm somewhat reminded of the best movies of B-movie star Cynthia Rothrock (those from the 80s and 90s) - only with less martial arts, and with updated sensibilities of style that are more appropriate for 2022.

    I leave it to those more personally familiar with or studied of dissociative identity disorder to break down just how well or poorly the picture touches upon the condition. I will say, though, that there's no special concern for realism - only highfalutin fun. At least in spirit, the title distinctly lobs a criticism at ableist thinking with a noteworthy early line: "just because someone's wired differently doesn't necessarily mean they're broken." On the other hand, words like "crazy" and "insane" are scattered throughout the screenplay a bit too freely. Moreover, a passing quip from antagonist Ask borders on completely unnecessary transphobia. An effort late in the runtime to give Natasha a back story is a trifle too out of place, and this echoes the fact that the movie is undeniably a tad uneven. That's especially true in the very last stretch as utmost frivolousness is traded in for greater seriousness, and a final scene portends a sequel. I didn't say 'Double threat' was perfect, and there are certainly some bits that raise a curious eyebrow.

    However, even having started watching with mixed expectations, and considering the worst of any shortcomings or faults, I firmly stand by my words of praise. 'Double threat' knows exactly what it is, and revels in the bombastic space it plays in. Everyone involved clearly had a blast making it, and for as outrageously and superbly overdone as it is in many ways, there was real care and sincere heart put into the production to make this swell romp the best it could be. I think that hard work paid off handsomely. I'm positively thrilled that I stumbled upon this movie - I had a fantastic time watching it, and I unreservedly give it my enthusiastic recommendation for anyone who appreciates unrestrained action-comedy nonsense. Yes, it's overblown and often defies good sense - that's exactly the point. I love 'Double threat' and think it's well worth 90 minutes of one's time if you've the opportunity to check it out!
  • From the opening frame the movie has the feel of quality and the whole movie is beautifully designed and beautifully shot. I think the subtle twists on the familiar boy meets girl-assassin routine are quite fun and.the action moves along fairly even paced. I am afraid I did not find any plot holes, and overall I laughed a lot.
  • Jimmy (Matthew Lawrence) is taken with convenience store clerk Natasha (Danielle C. Ryan). Suddenly, she's super-fighting a kill squad. She had stolen from a criminal mob and they are coming after her.

    Ryan is not as funny as she thinks she is. She does have some charms. She is better than this movie. She is a hot chick who can kick. I did not recognize Matthew Lawrence although it's not like he's my favorite or anything. He is supposed to be an accountant. This would work better if he's dressed as a nerd. The writing is rather clunky despite being a simple premise. The split identity could have been interesting, but the acting is limited. This is a B-action flick with various limitations.
  • bigredtp11 June 2022
    I lasted only five minutes into this. I could see by then it would not be entertaining say gave up. Didn't see the whole movie, so really not a review, but......I won't be asking anything about it. Gave it a 2 because I scraped.
  • Mediocre plot and supporting actors, but the action scenes were surprisingly good, and it had some reasonably funny bits. Danielle Ryan was pretty good.
  • Here we have an action movie with no script, no plot, and bad directing - BUT - decent actors and good choreography. FF - a lot. The unknowns all seem like they were at the top of their high school or college acting classes, but not good enough for Hollywood. If you keep your finger on the FF button and avoid the lengthy, unnecessary dialogue, the fight scenes are entertaining if unrealistic. I mean - bad guy get hit 3X in the face with the butt on a rifle and gets up and keeps fighting. Shades of Chinese Boxing. If you're bored and like new faces hitting each other...
  • lance-lee7 May 2023
    I was pleasantly surprised and enjoyed the entertaining movie. I was worried it was going to be yet another awful movie (like "Guns of Eden", but this was generally very well done with great dialogue and execution of the dialogue.

    Yes, there were gaps regarding where all the bad guys were coming from and did they all have the same Ford Raptor black-colored trucks or were they always using the same one. It bothered me to see one of the AR15 rifles without any rear sight or carry-handle sight attached. The crime boss father looked a lot one of the Weather Channel meteorolists, without being that guy. The end between the crime boss and son seemed out of context or just a wasted ending and scene. I really liked the performances of characters Natasha, Jimmy, Ellis, and Ask along with, again, the dialogue.

    Fighting scenes were generally very well executed other than that AR15 rifle sight issue I already noted. (Armorers/directors, please don't leave out details like that by shooting the scene anyway without a rifle's rear sight. Armorers, bring a spare sight or entire complete firearm.

    Olivieri, I've a question for you, but it can wait for some other time or other platform (regarding the mole).
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Firstly, the good thing is that they get the schizophrenia vs split personality/dissociative disorder confusion correct - they are 2 different diagnoses that are often assumed to be one and the same. Good to see a movie correct this myth and I gave them extra stars just for that.

    The script is pretty terrible and some of the acting is cringe worthy, but it's fun and there's a couple of laughable moments. The innuendo with Tasha feels awkward at times but maybe that's what their intent was.

    Don't expect a Hollywood classic. It's a kill some time kinda movie.
  • The movie as a whole is decent, has its ups and downs with the main of Danielle Ryan( gorgeous) and Matthew having some good chemistry. It's not a slow movie, goes by pretty well. Some action shots have been well choreographed, yes , the movie in general with story and screenplay could've been slightly better. But ,hey it's better than a lot of garbage I've seen.

    I saw the whole movie without interruptions. Main girl Danielle Ryan has done some good work coming into this movie fully trained in skills needed for such a movie.

    Not a bad watch if you don't want to go out in the heat, just turn on the air con and enjoy the fun.

    Don't be too critical it's not Too Gun Maverick or going for the Oscars ( who cares for the Oscars anyway)
  • a2_mark8 June 2022
    Although the movie started not great even to the end but there are some certain scenes that made the movie okay. The girls stunts in fighting is quite okay but the fighting itself is really not of good quality. The story itself is blunt but the girl really played a role in the movie. A good Amateur movie.
  • Movie Review: Double Threat

    IN A NUTSHELL: With ruthless mobsters on her tail, a young woman with a split personality becomes entangled with a man on a pilgrimage across the country to scatter his brother's ashes. The film is directed by Shane Stanley and written by CJ Walley.

    If you want to see an award-winning action movie, you might be disappointed. If you're up for a slapsticky flick with action, humor, and romance, you might get a kick out of this.

    THINGS I LIKED: Danielle C. Ryan does a great job with impressive action stunts, as well as physically transforming her demeanor to show two different personalities.

    Matthew Lawrence has been in the business for a long time, getting his start with his brothers in a popular TV show called "Brotherly Love". He and Danielle C. Ryan previously starred together in Mistletoe Mixup.

    The action sequences have a lot of silly choreography, but also some pretty cool moves. They're not very realistic, but always amusing.

    I'm getting tired of female vixen villains that never smudge their makeup, but Dawn Olivieri's character "Ask" made me laugh quite a few times.

    I appreciate the lack of F-bombs.

    The title is kind of cute, given that the female protagonist has a split personality.

    THINGS I DIDN'T LIKE: The villains are pretty lame, although entertaining at times.

    The storylines don't wrap up with a bow. Instead, there's a cliffhanger that alludes to a sequel.

    The plot is pretty ridiculous, so just don't expect much.

    Some of the scene transitions jump abruptly.

    TIPS FOR PARENTS: Lots of sexual innuendoes People are murdered. We see blood.

    We see a topless man and a woman in her bra. They both have impressive abs, by the way.

    Some profanity.

    An unmarried couple goes at it with shirts off on a pool table. We see skin, kissing, and moving hands.

    THEMES: Playing it safe vs. Going wild for fun Doing the right thing Different sides to our personalities, identity Wanting approval and respect from others

    YouTube channel.
  • All components of this film were B-grade, I lost track of the plot several times, but I enjoyed it none-the-less... go figure! Watch it before you judge it by it by it's rating :)
  • Well, the main characters were pretty good and the action was very good.but the story, yeesh.

    Firstly, a lot of the movie takes place inside of a car and there is OBVIOUS use of green screen which is laughably distracting.

    Secondly, the girl with a split personality can do anything, shoot guns, fight, use a bow and arrow while riding a horse.. It comes off as silly. Worse yet are the reasons she supplies for possessing these skills ("I spent three years with a Native American tribe fighting against a gas pipeline.")

    The actors did a good job, the action was very good, but it is SO implausible that you cant wait for the obvious ending.

    There are worse ways to spend 90 minutes. It has some merit but I dont know if I can recommend this movie.
  • Its a very cheap movie, but I have seen worse. Watchable once, when you are really bored, and don't have anything else to do.

    The script and directing is messy.

    The action scenes and effects are cheesy. The fight stunts are somewhat spectacular, but I expect more from such an experienced stunt coordinator.

    The actors are okay, especially the female lead (Danielle C. Ryan), and the mob fixer (Dawn Olivieri).

    The music and the soundtrack is good.

    Honestly, I don't understand, why people are producing films like this. With some effort and more budget, this story could be a decent 80s style B action flick.
  • Mostly predictable as are nearly all romance and romcoms. The female lead is fun to watch and she seems to do a lot of her stunts, and there are many. Aa mildly psychotic, good hearted extreme badass in with a cover girl face and sports illustrated swimsuit body latches on to a reserved accountant with far too ripped body. Not surprisingly their personal strengths help each other "grow." If you hate positive endings and justice, then this movie is to be skipped. Some scenes and actions are insanely stupid, you'll be saying , hey, if you can do a double back flip to evade an onslaught of bullets while throwing a knife with perfect accuracy, the. How come you can't walk 10 feet and pick up a box floating down a river? " Hunh! Mr Writer Director??.
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