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  • Warning: Spoilers
    I was very excited when I discovered there was a film adaption of Frank Wedekind's brilliant play. I am very familiar with the show; I saw the musical on Broadway and have played the role of Wendla Bergmann before. So I was finally able to get a hold of this film and watch it. Within five minutes, I was frankly bored. The film takes a solid ten minutes to finally become interesting, and while they use close dialect from the actual play, they definitely changed many things. The acting style was very modern and almost Americanized, while the setting is supposed to be 1891 Germany. The hayloft scene itself was completely off point (she allows what happens to happen, even encourages it. There is no struggle and it's done very calmly and low-key.). In addition, if I wasn't so familiar with the show, due to line changes and inaudible speaking, I wouldn't have even known that Wendla was pregnant. In fact, I don't think it's even addressed explicitly. The characters Ina and the Masked Man were completely cut out. And to agree with most everyone who has reviewed this already, that flutist was not only annoying, but ripped me out of the story every time the shot panned over to him.

    That's not to say the film was all bad. The minimalistic style of set was very enjoyable to watch. As an actor that has traveled in traveling troops, I respect productions that can make due with very little, and the actors pulled it off gracefully. In addition, with the exception of the actress who played Anne (or known in the play as Wendla), the acting was fairly well done.

    If you don't know the story of Spring Awakening, do not watch this. If you do know the story, you may find it enjoyable, depending on how faithful you are to the original story/text. All in all, not a complete waste of time, but definitely did not live up to expectations.
  • First of all, it's basically a photographed stage play, though it's all done in a studio (with neutral backdrops and extremely minimal scenery), not in a theatre in front of an audience. If that turns you off, okay, but it's hardly unprecedented.

    Apart from that annoying clarinet, I quite like it. It's a nice to see the Wedekind play done straight (though liberties are taken, names are anglicized and marks become dollars), not to take anything away from the musical "Spring's Awakening."

    Although the attitude towards sex education may have changed, and our mores, and the amount of information available to children, human nature has not. The way the people grope for answers and try to understand their own feelings and impulses and physicality is timeless.

    The acting under Seidelman's direction is very good. Jesse Lee Soffer is very charismatic, Constance Towers is excellent. Bridget Moloney does wonderful things with her little part. There is some tasteful and artistically justified nudity, none of it full frontal.

    A clever idea of Seidelman's is to have the teachers (but not the headmaster) in the faculty meeting where Michael is expelled wear carnival masks. It allows them to be doubled (which one senses they are) by the young actors playing the students and thereby adds an extra dimension to the caricatures they basically are.

    But over all, the spareness of the production, the fact that it focuses on the generations in the way it does, and the English names and places (New Hampshire is actually mentioned) cause it to dialogue with "Our Town." It becomes the more unflinching cousin of the Wilder play. The dead even come back.
  • I had read a lot of bad things about this, but I actually enjoyed it. I am a big Spring Awakening fan and have read the original play, and seen the musical. The way the story flowed was interesting taking plot elements from the original play and the musical and adding in things I don't recall in either. Never the less it was a fresh perspective on this archaic yet somehow modern story. I found the nudity a bit gratuitous, but I guess that was just an artistic choice. I also didn't understand why it was necessary to change the names of the characters, I found it distracting. The acting isn't wonderful, but I must say I enjoyed the characters of Michael/Melchior and Matthew/Moritz, I wish I could see more from these talented young men. At times Anne/Wendla's acting seemed odd for the time period it is supposed to be, although the time and place are left open to interpretation in this case. And I felt Miriam/Ilse was a bit over the top with not much substance. However, Frank Wedekind's writing is very interesting and beautiful, with a unique story and human characters. It amazes me how in both this production and the musical, this story needs no frills. No smoke and mirrors to distract from the language and story. I found the minimal set quite satisfactory. I agree with the first poster about the clarinet, annoying and distracting. I liked this more than I thought I would, it is strange in a good way. I would suggest anyone not familiar with the story read the play or see the musical. But Spring Awakening fans who enter with an open mind should enjoy it thoroughly!
  • It's stunning but the elements of this play are instantly recognizable to anyone who has seen an "Our Town" performance, and liked it. A minimalist set, soliloquies and dialogs from and to the dead echo across the decades. It is astounding that this play existed and ran during a period of Victorian morality and codes of conduct which in later decades would intensely condemn and attempt to stifle creative writing exposing raw sexuality and conflict.

    Being a high-brow play, this deserves a second and third consumption to catch the nuisances and to focus on a character during the run.

    In this modernized version, extra "skin" is sprinkled in for sensation and often distracts from the spoken word. The high points of the play/film are the quiet exchanges between conflicted characters and those in emotional distress--on the edge.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    MUST WATCH! OUTSTANDING! 10 out of 10!

    INTELLECTUALLY stimulating to say the least. This film gives a representation of youths REPRESSION coinciding chistianity.

    AMBIGUOUS even though there's vivid direction.

    Simply unlike anything you've ever seen!

    Dialogue is INTENSIVE! Don't miss a second!

    My interpretation: Stick to your morals and convictions regardless of repercussions. Let others drown their-selves in belief, sacrifice and social acceptance. Do not withhold from intimacy. No matter how disgraceful you are to a group, never allow yourself to be shunned by others.


    Spoilers: Michael and Mathew are both strong willed and seem as though they've been friends since childhood. Both are going through the same battle, they disagree with their surroundings, both choose not to accept it, but they take opposite paths to get away. Mathew accepts his circumstances and kills himself all while remaining in belief that around him is the only truth and there's nothing he can do about it. Michael sees his surroundings as false and doesn't give in to any of the belief's pressures. He makes his own decisions based on his own convictions without question thus able to PROCEED IN LIFE!

    Thank you Arthur Seidelman, Frank Wedekind and the amazing cast and crew for making this film!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Unfortunately for some strange and awful reason I watched this train wreck of a piece. Don't get me wrong I LOVE "Spring Awakening" but I hate this film adaption.

    For starters I wanted to listen to some of the awesome tunes associated with the musical. All I got was ONE LOUSY CLARINET. The player had lots of talent, but it just didn't work.

    Next I would like to comment on the filmography. Brilliant Idea. All neutral background! Unfortunately...

    Read the full review at bytes-pixels.html