User Reviews (4)

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  • How is this a Mr. Mackey (the South Park Counselor) movie? No k? It is a Mr. Mackey movie because it is preachy. No k? It's not a good idea to drink and drive kids. No k? Doing something really stupid one time for just an hour or so can result in a lifelong scar. No k? Okay, we get it. The only salvation of this film is the twist of having the killer of a boyfriend replace him with his girlfriend. I guess there must be a limited pool of candidates in the neighborhood, or the girl is just not that selective. I guess if one suspends their disbelief enough, one could imagine this type of relationship blossoming, but, most of the time in real life, it would not.
  • The movie "Burden" is just another traditional drama, there is not much originality as we know from the beginning how it will end. Because it is predictable, the movie becomes flat halfway through the film. Another problem with the movie was the casting, they don't look like people who live on the margins of society. It seems that the entire cast just walked out of a modeling agency.

    As a first-time feature film writer/director Ethan Hickey lived up to expectations. I believe he is still in the short film concept but he shows talent to create denser and more complex plots in the future.......
  • rainesumner11 July 2022
    Impeccable acting with a storyline that keeps you watching. Well thought out cinematography too. I highly recommend watching this movie. Surprising that this was filmed in London Ontario.
  • This genre of movies, it is just depicted to draw our attention to the fallen details off our memory. No superpower and no superhero; just an ordinary life if everyday people we encounter. Striking on the right path, hopefully we see more of the same.