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  • Warning: Spoilers
    This is one of Nora Roberts' weaker stories. The romance and drama are very predictable and not very interesting.

    Brittany Murphy's appearance here is really poignant. She looks a bit gaunt. But her face is fascinating as always.

    The story is very predictable - you can see who did it from a mile away. The nasty look of the villain is too obvious.

    Jason Lewis looks a bit haggard.

    Watch it to see one of Brittany's last appearances. Other than that it's not great even for this kind of movie. I know you can't expect too much from this kind of lifetime hallmark thing but this one is weak.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Without Brittany Murphy, this film would probably be saccharin schmaltz. The story is kind of pedantic:

    Failed child star inherits a Virginia mansion from her grandmother, a two-time Oscar winner from the late 60s, early 70s, who died from an apparent suicide before Murphy's character was born.

    The plot includes some intrigues about her grandmother's secret affair with a mysterious married man.

    ...and she has to deal with bad feelings the townies have toward her family...and there's a lot of creaking and sneaking and lame scare tactics.

    All through this lame frame work of scenes...Brittany Murphy makes a silk purse out of a sows ear. She turns water into wine. She gives so much on screen with her realistic and edgy performance. I've watched this lame movie three times already, because Brittany Murphy is mesmerizing in this. She doesn't even have to say any lines, and you get what she's trying to communicate. Everything shows in her face and body language.

    Even when the killer is revealed, and the plot unravels into lame predictability...she still makes it work. I keep watching because I'm amazed that she makes this script sound organic, as though they weren't lines from a Lifetime Original Movie. She delivers as though she's actually thinking and feeling what is written on the page. I'm totally blown Brittany Murphy...not by the film its self.
  • ***SPOILERS*** Going back to her roots in Virginia's Shenandoah Valley former child movie star Cilla McGowan, Brittany Murphy, is determined to restore her grandmother's,the legendary Academy Award winning actress and singer, Janet Hardy (Tiffany Morgan) southern mansion. The place over the last thirty five years has gone to pot since Janet's tragic death-at age 38-back in the winter of 1971 from a massive overdose of barbiturates.

    It doesn't take long for Cilla to make enemies in town with the angry and a bit unstable-to say the least- Old Man Carl Hennessey, Wallace Merck, suspiciously snooping around her house. Hennessey later shows how very very unneighborly like he is by him spitting in Cilla's face when she confronted him about his very strange and bizarre actions. It turned out that Cilla's Uncle Johnnie was responsible-by driving drunk-in Carl's son-who was a passenger in Johnnie's car- ending up paralyzed from the neck down!

    There's also the fact that Janet was also having an affair with one of her neighbors that by Cilla uncovering his love letters, all unsigned, to her strongly hinted that she got pregnant by him! This may well have lead, in Janet's lover trying to save his marriage, to her murder not suicide as reported by the, back then in 1971, local coroner!

    Getting romantically involved with her next door-or next farm- neighbor Ford Sawyer, Jason Lewis, a local graphic designer Cilla soon becomes the target of some local lunatic who, like some half dozen others in town, has it in for her for what Cilla's family-or late Grandma Janet Hardy-actions did to him. It's this shadowy psycho who's constantly breaking into Cilla's now restored mansion,and wrecking the joint, while she's away mostly spending her nights at Ford's place. It soon becomes evident to the police that Old Man Hennessey isn't the person that's committing these property crimes and acts of terror since he's been locked up all the time that they've been happening to Cilla. Then who's the person committing them?

    As we all suspect, due to her very wild and anything goes lifestyle, the person driving poor Cilla's nuts has to be the man, or possibly his very jealous wife, whom Janet had an affair with just before her sudden and mysterious death! It's then that Cilla as well as her boyfriend Ford Sawyer realizes that it was that person who very possibly murdered Janet, and had it made to look like a suicide, and now in her getting close to the truth is going to do the very same thing to Cilla!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I like Brittany Murphy and this is the main reason I sought out this movie. She is good as Cilla McGowan, returning to her grandmother's former home in Virginia (filmed in the New Orleans area) to restore it and live in the area. Cilla had been a child star but realized her acting career was not gaining momentum, so she was instead going to make her living as a contractor, buying distressed properties and fixing them up for sale. In this movie she even studies for and passes her test to become a licensed contractor.

    Her grandmother had died some 35 years earlier, rules suicide, but some letter Cilla found in a secluded room made her begin to wonder if that was the whole story. And, did her grandmother really take her own life?

    As soon as Cilla makes her first venture outside with a maul in her hands, neighbor Jason Lewis as Ford Sawyer walks over. He is instantly smitten and spends the rest of the movie trying to gain Cilla's affections. It turns out that Steve is a fairly famous (in fan circles) author of fantasy graphic novels. Cilla comes just when he is developing a new character, and her looks and spunk become the role model for the new character.

    I would like to say this is a good movie but I can't. It plays out as a "B" movie. Many of the characters, and much of the dialog, don't come across as believable. Plus there are a couple of "red herring" incidents which have nothing to do with the actual story being told. It is sort of interesting, but ultimately not the best time spent watching a movie. By that I mean watching an old favorite again is probably better entertainment for most of us.

    MAJOR SPOILERS: As Cilla reads the unsigned letters she figures out that her grandmother had been pregnant, and because of the postmark must have been a local man. Strange things begin to happen, someone comes during the night to deface her remodeling project, her truck, etc. It finally turns out to be the wife of her grandmother's lover, who holds such a grudge against the family that she wants Cilla to leave. In the movie's climax the woman lures Cilla into the old home at night, drugs her, and plans to use a funnel and tube to kill her just as she had killed her grandmother 35 years earlier. Ford is at a party and realizes all this just in time to get to Cilla, saves her, and they decide to get married and live happily ever after.
  • If you want to see this Lifetime film, its because you (1) Like Nora Roberts; and/or (2) Read Tribute by Nora Roberts. Don't waste your time or money. Nora Roberts is a superb storyteller, and the novel is fantastic. This adaptation is the worst, hands down, ever. Not only is the acting a joke, but there is no development of the characters. Of course there isn't time to do that in 90 minutes. If you hadn't read the book, you would be clueless as to details: such as what happened to Steve? Why was Mr. Hennessey in prison? Countless other details just, poof, missing and unexplained. I can only imagine Nora Roberts; disappointment; however, she was paid handsomely for the rights to the story, so on to the next. The only redeeming grace was the beautiful property portrayed as Janet's farm. Gorgeous. But it wasn't located in Virginia, as Nora Roberts set it, that's for sure. Virginia doesn't have moss in the trees - so it was obviously somewhere south of there. THIS FILE WAS BEYOND DISAPPOINTING. I wouldn't have given it one star, except there was no option to assign negative numbers. THE WORST, EVER.
  • Tippi Hedren is in this movie so I was watching for her. I didn't know Tippi Hedren was going to be in the movie until after it started and I saw her name in the credits. I'm not actually a Tippi Hedren fan so I didn't expect I'd recognize her - because it's been 46 years since The Birds and when you've got 46 years between watching one movie to the next then you can expect there's going to be some changes. So I'm watching this movie trying to figure out who Tippi Hedren is. I know it's not the main character because she's young and Tippi's got to be, well, at least 46. The main character is this young girl who looks kind of like a duck. I don't mean to be rude but I don't know how better to describe the new Brittany Murphy look; which I do not like. It couldn't possibly be what Ms. Murphy wanted the day she when into her doctor's office and said, "Big lips please". Any doctor that would take that pretty little face and do what he did has to be a quack. So, to be honest I was having as hard of time recognizing Brittany as I was Tippi. It kind of ruined the movie for me, because I went in knowing it wasn't going to be a guy movie anyway, but then when I found that Brittany had gone all platypus I was really thinking, what's the use? Because the story is weak, the movie plods, and Brittany has duck lips.
  • I have been a big fan of Nora Roberts for many years. When I hear that some of her books were being turned into movies, I was very happy. I have seen the first four movies that had the same treatment and was expecting the same quality entertainment this time around.

    I was very happy with the other three movies in this set. Northern Lights, Midnight Bayou, and High Noon met and sometimes even exceeded my expectations. It was only with Tribute that they fell short. It mostly had to do with the casting of Brittany Murphy in the role of Cilla.

    In the book, Cilla is assertive, active, knowledgeable about all aspects of remodeling the house and physically capable of handling any part of the remodel. Ms. Murphy manages to pull off being assertive, active, and knowledgeable but she really misses on the physical aspect. Just watching her swing a sledge hammer makes me cringe. She swings it with little force and looks as if she's going to smash her foot at any moment. I am amazed that she didn't have an accident with the sledge while filming.

    All in all it was an okay movie but it's definitely my least favorite of the second four.
  • I hadn't realised that Brittany Murphy had died until I read her bio, so my scathing attack on her acting abilities in this film, seem somewhat untimely and unkind now. Suffice to say the story may have benefitted from a different casting and would have been all the better for it.
  • rcoleman-0101914 December 2020
    Warning: Spoilers
    Tribute was a good movie, and the plot was good. Cilla returns to her Grandmother's home to fix it up and possibly sell it, met someone and started putting roots down until starts causing drama from breaking into her house, gets a hammer and drama from destroying her truck, goes to wreck the bathroom, writes on the wall and drugs her. the woman blames Cilla for something that happened 30 years prior.