User Reviews (4)

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  • REXNE19 May 2020
    Look at the reality. It is a production that has the real foundation and the truth.
  • In terms of cinematography and narration, Bahoz is of medioctriy. I could not find something spectacular in the movie. On the other hand, it is very insightful in order to grasp oppressed Kurdish feelings in Turkey, even though antagonists were depicted very exaggerately. In some parts of the movie, Kurdish language is employed. It provides colorfulness, but it was not in all conversations made among Kurdish group. I think director and producer were aware of the fact that the signifcant part of Kurds are not fluent in their native language. In brief, this movie can be seen as an documentary production to have an insight of Kurdish political activities in Turkey.
  • realcommentator23 December 2009
    One week ago by chance i saw a trailer on a web site. After seeing the trailer, i realised that the movie is different than others.At least according to me it is different and i searched Kazım Öz who is director of the movie. Before "Bahoz" ,he had filmed a few movies that i found.These are "Fotograf","DÛR" and "Son Mevsim". I have seen "Fotograf" as well. The director really has a different point of view. Sometimes you can not find any words to describe about the scenes that he filmed. I think you should see "Bahoz" and "Fotograf" before you die.

    Bahoz is a movie that tells a story of a group leftist Kurdish students and politic period that they stayed in during a term when Kurdish revolt began to increase. Briefly the scenario is that Cemal passes the matriculation and comes to İstanbul from his small Kurdish town.His loneliness in crowded city ends when he meets a group Kürdish students that against the current system. Being in conflict with Helin who is one of the pioneer of the group would be a new beginning for Cemal. Rojda and Orhan who share same feeling with Cemal also change and become an active member of the group.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    In this movie, Kazim Oz, the director, simply shows us how the Kurds in Turkey did their resistance against the fascist state, which believed that "According to the scientific research a language called Kurdish does't exist" {A quote from the movie}. THE STORM is the story of a group of leftist Kurdish students in early 90s, when the Kurdish movement in North Kurdistan was growing further. In his newest movie as well, Kazim Oz, ZER 2016, is also dealing with Kurdish Identity, which is under still under threatening from Turkish state.