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  • akshatdogra17 November 2020
    This episode was very enjoyable. It nicely depicted the attachment Anakin had to Padme. Ahsoka seems like a very interesting character now.
  • The episode in my view is a mixed bag. On one hand, Padme and others stuck inside the compound, infected with the virus, trying to survive long enough to keep the droids from escaping and unleashing the virus, is excellent. I absolutely enjoyed it.

    On the other, Anakin and Obi Wan stuck on a planet trying to get the cure, is... sort of meh. It had it's funny moments, such as the most memorable line about Anakin killing defenseless battledroids.

    So I gave it a 6 out of 10, the minimum of what I consider a decent score. It's fun, but there is better in the season.
  • Following on from the previous episode which had some lacklustre elements, this continues the blue shadow virus story.

    Padme, Aksoka and others are trapped in an infected base and contract the deadly virus while Anakin and Obi Wan are stuck on a planet where they are trying to retrieve the antidote. If they don't make it back in time their friends will die and Anakin is desperate to save his beloved Padme and his padawan.

    The earlier part of the story had weaknesses with not as much depth or grown up appeal as most Clone Wars episodes. This second part is better and has less questionable aspects. It does still have moments that are relatively weak but not many and the storyline here is better with the race against time providing a bit of entertaining tension. It does feel a little bit too contrived with the antidote on a world from which it seems there is no escape.

    (The moons of Iego and the angels provide a nice reference back to little Anakin's comments when he first met Padme although this is very downplayed for some reason.)

    This is still not an outstanding episode but it is a solid enough adventure with a nice emotional power in Anakin's despair about Padme and Ahsoka being in danger.

    My rating: 7/10.
  • Much like the first in this two-part arc, I found this episode rather eventless. Again, the investment of the first episode was so minute that the effect of the virus doesn't carry over this time with as much strength as the creators would want. There was a significant amount of great character moments, however, especially between Anakin and Obi-Wan, and Ahsoka who continues to grow into the character that we eventually got to know and love. The main mission was fun and some of the new additions this episode were cute, but the episode didn't have a lot of punch overall. The action was still fun, but without a real emotional hook, it didn't manage to get me invested, just like the first part. All the characters were used well in this episode, though, which I appreciate.