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  • I've finally finished binge-watching Series 2 of Unbeatable after a near 2-month break and I have to say it's such a shame that this show only lasted 2 series and, in other words, became yet another unfortunate casualty of the BBC's consistently erratic and clueless decision-making because, of all the gameshows I've watched so far (and particularly of course from the BBC themselves), I would probably go as far as to say that this is one of the better shows.

    The format is harmless and decent yet basic for what it is and the theme tune sounds kind of alright.

    I do wish, though, that they could've made the font size of both the questions and the answers that pop up on the larger screens much more clearer because there were times where I just found them damn near impossible and confusing to read.

    But in terms of what this show gets absolutely right, Jason Manford as the host is what saves this show from potentially being yet another failed gameshow experiment from the BBC especially with his charm, charisma, likability and humour and actually makes me excited to see how he does portraying the new headmaster of Waterloo Road later this year. Honestly, in my book, he is like the Mancunian human version of Winnie-the-Pooh, this warm, huggable teddy bear of a man that you just cannot help but want to love to pieces every time he appears on screen.

    In conclusion, while Unbeatable does, at times, play it safe at times and doesn't exactly do anything all that creative and out-of-the box (like the majority of other gameshows I've watched), it is still one of the better gameshows in my book (right up there with the likes of The Boss and Lightning) and an especially huge reason as to why I enjoy it so much is 100% Jason Manford hosting.

    My overall rating for Unbeatable: 7.5/10.