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  • skriptaparis11 December 2021
    Love has always dictated the movie stories by Claude Lelouch and this last (and 50th) one does not disappoint the aficionados.

    Excellent actors as usual, between the natural and easy going Gérard Darmon, the solar Sandrine Bonnaire, the touching Clémentine Célarié, the always weird and black humored Béatrice Dalle and the likeable duo Philippe Lellouch/Ary Abittan without forgetting the too short presence of the beautiful Elsa Zylberstein, all the world of Claude is in this adventure of nostalgia, life and death with a lot of décalé fun scenes though the topic is sad.

    2 hours without boredom, "L'amour c'est mieux que la vie" (Love is better than life) is the part 1 out of 3 (second try of a trilogy, which previously failed with "la comédie humaine").

    Morever, I had had both the chance to see this movie in preview and with the presence of the director and actor Kev Adams, so the pleasure was complete!