User Reviews (387)

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  • I can't believe I sat through the whole movie. Everything about it was so fake. I didn't see characters, I saw actors playing a part, reading lines, repeating scenes over and over again. The story itself could have been interesting but the acting and especially the dialogue were so bad! Alyssa Milano looks awful in this movie. Terrible performance on her part, really. The chemistry between her and Sam Page didn't feel right either. Too many scenes were repetitive (and redundant). Some were just happening for the sake of the story, like the part where Grace is becoming a consultant (I mean, come on!). Everything about this movie was really fake. Nothing felt authentic, not the love, not the anger, not the sadness, not even the so called "revelations". It was so stiff, nothing was fluent. Do yourself a favor and skip this one. Or maybe read the book. I haven't read it but it's got to be better than this. Another failed Netflix production, but what else is new?!
  • LtlHippo15 January 2022
    Absolutely dreadful. Felt like I was watching an old 80's Lifetime movie. It's like it was only made to show off Alyssa's boobs. And if that is what Nora Roberts books are like, count me out. Doesn't seem like I'm missing much. Skip this one, don't waste your time. There wasn't one moment of suspense.
  • Surprisingly bad acting, bad plot, loose ends and I want my 1h36m back. I haven't read it but I can guarantee that the book is better because this movie was a trainwreck.
  • A genuinely awful film. Plot holes so wide you could float a container ship through them. Acting that belongs in the local am-dram group. A police captain that could only have become captain. B ecause they are in charge of the most inept group of law enforcement officers. Really Netflix. How on earth did this ever make on to your platform. There's some utter junk on there but this is a the bottom holding the rest up. There are episodes of Scooby Doo that have a better plot and acting.
  • jeroduptown17 January 2022
    Warning: Spoilers
    Milano just wanted to wear the leather dominatrix suit. Other than that, it seemed like a poor adaptation of what would've been a great novel. Hallmark.
  • This film premiered on Netflix a few days ago so I decided to watch Brazen and here is my review for it. The premise of the film sees after a tragedy, an author who is an expert in murder mysteries aids the police in their attempts to find a killer.

    Main Character Alyssa Milano plays the lead character in this film and she is just really bad here. Lets face it the most famous thing she is known for these days is the fact that the ship in Guardians of The Galaxy is named after her not her current acting ability. She overacts throughout and her character is so infuriating and annoying to watch, she always thinks she is better then everybody else in the film and it comes off as pretentious.

    Supporting Characters The cast is small and unremarkable with their characters. The main one is the main detective played by Sam Page, the two of them are meant to have chemistry but they really don't and it kills this film. He is written badly and feels like a weak character despite the fact that he is meant to be the best detective they have which is laughable. The rest of the characters add little value and I just didn't care about anybody in this film and that was a big let down.

    Story The story at least has a bit of intrigue to it, the best thing I can say is that I slightly enjoyed watching the investigation into the case and how it links to together with other elements of the film. Unfortunately, though I worked out what was going on pretty quickly which made the reveal feel lacklustre to me.

    Script The script is bad, it does nothing to make itself too imaginative or creative. It is filled with a bunch of clichés with none of it working. The romance and humour fails and the drama overall misses the mark in my opinion.

    Style The film has some pretty good action sequences and I thought they did an effective job of showing this killer going after these woman, so that was one aspect that was handled well. But the film struggles with its pacing and really rushes the final act, the film also ends so abruptly that the film fails to explain what really happened and it makes you really wonder why you bothered.

    Overall Overall, Brazen is another awful Netflix film that should be avoided at all cost. Netflix make quality programming but they really have to improve some of these original films that are just rubbish.

    Rating - 2/10.
  • ...and it is not all that bad.

    I'm reading reviews that says that it is not a 2022 movie, and it certainly isn't. It's filmed and scripted as a 1990s television crime fiction, and it does its job fairly well. Alyssa Milano's performance is capturing. Detective story is simple but okay. Filming locations are old school to the extreme. Dominatrix themes... well, you might enjoy the looks.

    This movie is far from perfect, but it's made for nostalgia, and should be treated as such. It's good to relax and it's good to fall asleep to. Netflix should have things like that in its portfolio.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I can't believe Netflix are producing this Hallmark type film which is pretty bad. Actually it could have been a lot more edgy. The highlight was watching Grace in her dominatrix outfit at the end. I do hope they don't make a follow up.
  • marc80013 January 2022
    What an awful movie, awful script, awful directing and even worse acting. The writing was shocking, full of terrible one liners and "current" themes. Felt like the most B rated movie I've ever seen. Used to live Alyssa Milano now she seems desperate, fake. Awful.
  • It's an entertaining movie. Great work. Is it winning any oscars - no, is it perfect for a quiet Thursday evening - sure! Should you be minding your own business when it comes to someone's individual political opinions which has nothing to do with Movies - YES.
  • I have to say I knew, as I'm sure many others did, who the killer was the minute I saw him and even the red herrings the script threw at me did not change my opinion. That said, the road to that discovery was moderately suspenseful and the film held my attention throughout.
  • Movies in the 70s and 80s would have acting and Direction like this. It's extremely difficult to understand how such a terrible film even got approved for funding.

    Save your time and leave this terrible film the Netflix libraries.
  • Alyssa Milano is a pretty good actress, when she puts herself into a role. But here seems like she doesn't really want to be in this, her performance seems like she just did this movie has a favor. And Sam Page who plays the detective who is helping her, his performance seems like he is uncomfortable being in a scene with her.

    Now there are some good moments of suspense. But other than that the movie itself has no entertaining mystery like feel to it, like Scream did, makes me feel I'd rather be watching that instead. I began to lose interest on where it was going.
  • Undoubtedly the worst detective, suspense thriller I have ever seen. The storyline was poor, the direction was poor, the script was poor, the acting was poor - another Netflix flop!

    Avoid, avoid, avoid.
  • Terrible movie. Terrible writing, acting, pacing. Milano should really just ride the little fame she has from her childhood years and let it be because she's not a good actor. So knowing that, I didn't expect much but it was even worse than imagined. But if you've really nothing better to do, give this movie a shot. You might like it better than I did, but I won't bet on that.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    In this movie what at first, I thought it was a comedy, a police detective and a book writer date each other and compete who will find the killer of her sister. The writer's book must be as lousy as Brazen's script, as discussed at their first date. Anyhow, the killer is pretty obvious from the beginning, but it takes a whole movie for them to find out. Funnily enough, the police captain allows the random writer to participate to the police investigations.

    Actually, it is a very good movie (hence the 3 stars) to put on the background when you do something else, as you can check it out anytime and you haven't missed anything (as I said, you probably know the killer from the first 15 minutes).
  • The only word I can think of to describe this film is: moist. Due to the subject matter and themes, this film should have been darker and many avenues could have been taken with it, but it reminded me of those basic thrillers you see on Lifetime (or Channel 5 in the UK). So many more twists could have been thrown in. I expect better from Netflix. It didn't have enough suspects, and so it was quite predictable and a little flaccid. I do like Alyssa Milano however, I think she's a good actress and this film was really a waste of her talent. I see it was based on a book which I've not read, so I'm unable to make comparisons, but the book has to be better than the movie, right?
  • I know that my review is going to get many disagreements (down votes) but I'm going to say anyway because I want to write what I feel in honest way.

    Before I watched this film, I happened to read some of reviews and also the rating. Most of the reviews are saying that this film is totally bad and the rating is just 3.9 which is a bit lower than normal. So, I watched it to know how bad it is.

    After I watched it, I found out that it wasn't that bad after all. The story is kind of good. A little bit of mystery. But I must admit what some people were saying is right. The acting is kind of not that good. I feel like their acting is not sincere. It's like it's not coming from the heart, not serious. It's like they are not taking seriously. A little bit like child play. Just like that. But I've seen the worst. So, I think this kind of acting isn't that bad.

    It seems to me that this film is made with low budget. I'm not saying it's low budget because there aren't famous actors and all. I'm saying that it seemed to be low budget film. The quality is a bit low. So, if they've put more effort to it, it might turn out to be a good one.

    Right now, this film isn't a good one, but it isn't a bad one either. It's kind of enjoyable for one time watch.
  • addeisdead14 January 2022
    Warning: Spoilers
    First, I want to say it's very unfair that so many of the negative reviews for this movie are based on the lead actor's personal politics, because the reality is this movie deserves to be judged on just how truly awful it is and we can also be pretty sure the people who hate Milano didn't watch the movie to begin with.

    What this movie does is give some wooden acting and cheap production and direction to an already cliched and unoriginal story by a pretty mediocre romance novelist. Everything about this plot is cookie cutter. I had to hold back the laughter when Grace was talking to the detectives and said one of the suspects was her former brother-in-law, Jonathan Breezewood "the third." "He's a bigshot attorney," Grace said. Keep in mind, this character is supposed to be a famous author herself. What self-respecting writer would use such a hackneyed phrase?

    So the murdered sister was a teacher who had a secret second job as a webcam model. Gee, how original. And her ex-husband whom she was in a custody battle with was a suspect. Again, snore. And then of course one of her students who was a slightly awkward literature nerd happened to have a special interest in her. Is this a movie script or a mad libs exercise?

    One of my favorite scenes (before I got too bored to keep watching) was when the detectives went to visit the corporate office of the website she was modeling on and meet with the CEO to ask questions about her clients. First, let's acknowledge how stupid it is that the OnlyFans-like website she was using just happens to be headquartered in the same town she lived in. Now add on how stupid it is that detectives would talk to a corporate executive to try to get information about who the woman's subscribers (which the movie calls clients) were. This is simply not how an investigation like this would work at all in the real world. They would most likely have to subpoena that information or at the very least get it from a low-level security employee, not the CEO. It's how a very simple-minded or purely unmotivated person would write it though. And the best part of the scene is that the CEO's office walls are covered in giant TVs that are supposed to be showing a bunch of different models live streaming, but if you look for even a second you'll realize all the screens are showing the same 10-second loops over and over again. Do they really think the CEO of OnlyFans has dozens of screens streaming porn going on at all times in their office?

    I rarely stop a movie after I've started it, but this one was just trash. It doesn't even have the cheesy, campy entertainment factor of similar Lifetime and Hallmark movies. It's just a dreary, stupid, pointless waste of time.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I fully agree with all the bad reviews. For me the plot went downhill when Alyssa having just had a brief conversation with a total stranger (even though he is a decorated detective) and does not waste time in going on a dinner date at the said detective's house. And they play tonsil hockey as he walks her out of the door. All this while her sister is lying dead in her house. And when she blames herself for not being with her sister, the stupid detective in an apparent attempt in consoling her says: you will see her again soon, but not yet." Someone please shoot me for watching this codswallop.
  • I loved this! I'm a big Nora Roberts fan. The story is typical of her thrillers. I read this book years ago. No heavy swearing or graphic sex. I can watch it with my older children without being embarrassed. I like Alyssa Milano. I havent seen her lately. It's just a nice cozy mystery. It's not everyone's style but I enjoyed it!
  • zelda-9698422 January 2022
    I saw a lot of people bashing this on Nora Roberts Wedsite before it was released. Solely on Alyssa Milano being cast to play the lead role. I'm sure that has a good deal of impact on the rating this movie has. It wasn't bad at all. I didn't love the premise but the acting was just fine.
  • lakings9715 January 2022
    Brazen is a Netflix movie about a famous murder mystery writer played by Alyssa Milano who moves back home only to face a murder close to her family. A serial killer who kills dominatrix girls and one of them ends up being Milan's sister. The story was very clumsy, I solved who the killer would be in the first ten minutes of the movie. Sam Page who always portrays the love interest in most of the Hallmark Christmas movies is the badass cop, next door neighbor who falls in love with Milano. This was such a B rated movie that I couldn't wait for it to end. Skip this one, don't waste your time.
  • a_filmcritter16 January 2022
    This was TERRIBLE. Who wrote this script?! Why did these actors decide to act in it?

    Honestly this movie was so cringe and weird. The timings of certain dialogue was off. There is no plot twist, no suspense, nothing worth watching.
  • Seriously - I'd rather get hit by a train than watch this garbage. The only reason this got watched in the first place is because of the snow storm that came through. I should of known better..... please do anything else with your time..... go watch grass grown or paint dry.... It will be so much more entertaining.
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