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  • shaneman-7515611 June 2016
    WWE Superstars.Expect nothing, except that everything on the show is so predictable it's hard to.Don't get me wrong I love some extra wrestling just wrestling that actually means something. From an actual hardcore wrestling fans point of view this is just another one hour crappy wrestling show from WWE.

    This is basically the place where the jobbers and mid-carders go when they have nothing to do. The show doesn't follow a story line, has no really big stars, and whenever something important happens it takes up half the show! This isn't the first time WWE has done this either. With the exception of NXT, WWE has just made more and more pointless shows and will continue to do so. I speak for everyone when I say MAKE THE SHOWS MEAN SOMETHING!!!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I have a always liked wrestling, as a kid when I thought it was not scripted, to the 80's when I loved the interviews, to now when the whole thing is polished and firing on all cylinders for entertainment. I especially like WWE Superstars because this is where I can see the under cards wrestle and really not be too sure who will win. An example is Santino, through all his feuds and such I always liked Santino, he's great, he's also always a jobber on the main shows, here on Superstars, he has a chance! Same thing applies to also ran heals like Dolf Ziggler, Mike Knox, Gold-dust, Chavo, I mean if you are like me and like heals or jobbers, this show is for you as this is where you will see them finally win a match! I hope WWE keeps this show going, it's a good one for me of their many shows.

    Update Edit: WWE has now added an even better show called Main Event, love it! It's more into the story line and still makes pushes for mid card Superstars.