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  • The film is eye candy with totally beautiful locations. It makes you want to be there. A lovely resort and gorgeous islands, undersea magic with some scenes of corals and marine life. Apart from Echo the Dolphin scenery, and the amazing mountains, the story is mainly focused on a creepy stalker. A predictable plot, and some annoying characters, mainly the mother who keeps phoning for money. It wasn't convincing that nobody was wary of this creepy weirdo who just turned up. It would seem no one noticed anything odd about him!
  • Olivia is being stalked on the island of Mo'orea in the South Seas while doing work for a client. Little does she know that there's a stalker who followed she and her husband, there. Actually filmed on location, the photography was more interesting than the movie with a not very believable plot. Worth one watch just to see Mo'orea and Tahiti.....
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Beautiful scenery, but story drags.

    The leads were decent actors, but the stalker and police and hired thugs not so much. Olivia and Dawson were likable, however, the term too stupid to live (TSTL) totally applies to no one figuring out Tyler is the stalker.

    Spoiler Eye Rolls:

    How the heck did Tyler get an unconcious Olivia out of the hospital and on the boat? And the TSTL scene on the boat when she threatens him with a knife to have him take it from her TWICE. But then she stabs him and everything is peachy keen for the ending.
  • I hope they didn't pay much for this production. It's not the worst movie ever but it was really dumb. The bad guy seems like a guy who won a contest to act in a movie.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The promo made it seem like Olivia was your typical vain "Influencer," and that this was another one of Lifetime's cautionary social media movies, but it really wasn't that at all. Thankfully. The background of the photos/videos being Olivia and Dawson's family business was more interesting and will hold up better over time.

    Tyler looked like a psycho Jim Gaffigan lol. He was reasonably creepy and the movie's set up made the way he tracked her even more insane. The opening scene definitely set the tone for his derangement. I agree with another reviewer that this guy not being suspicious until two people are attacked, plus a dog, and Olivia's magically able to get into his cell phone made no sense at all. He creeped out the neighbor after all. Their location was too secluded and isolated for it not to have clicked or even come up. He's exactly one of the types of people the book The Gift of Fear describes.

    It looks like Olivia's actress is just getting started, and it may have been a director's choice but she was a bit too robotic for someone who feels they're in danger. She didn't have to be an emotional mess but she was a bit too stoic for all the chaos surrounding her. She and Dawson's actor played a believable couple and I liked the little couple-y things that were built into the script. It all helped feed into Tyler's unhinging.

    The mom character was the worst, but I am glad that the movie ended with Olivia standing up for herself. Tyler's sister was only there to give him someone to tell (lie) his side of the story too. I thought she would figure more into the plot (well, she kind of did I guess). The opening scene threw me off (only going on what the promo showed), but by the end it made sense.

    It was a quick watch on a lazy Friday evening, although I did FF a couple of times through Tyler's nonsense bc no one was picking up on him conveniently being everywhere. The final showdown was fine even though we obviously knew what would likely happen. The setting of the climax made for a claustrophobic feel that worked for the movie. I was so glad this movie ended in a satisfying way.

    Spoiler: I was prepared to turn the movie off if Dawson was killed. That would have pissed me off. I am very glad that Laura also survived. Neither of them deserved to be hurt at all, but it would have been a huge "win" for Tyler if he got rid of D.

    The scenery was absolutely beautiful, but one of the weaker spots was that the resort seemed pretty empty. At first I thought it was off season but Tyler was able to book it. So more extras or some stock footage of people milling around would have added to the locations. Maybe the location ate up the budget.

    The rating is at a 6.7, but that's going to drop because of the flaws. It wasn't the best movie, but it wasn't bad enough for me to hate that I watched it. That sounds bad, but watching a Lifetime movie but not being mad at myself after is kind of my bar.
  • tomfsloan2 November 2021
    Warning: Spoilers
    Stalked in Paradise. Next time they make a movie, try using actors. And if you have hire your friends in the cast, use ones that can speak with a convincing accent. It was torture to listen to. If not, pretend the setting is Florida where they don't need a fake accent. As far as the movie, it was slow and got slower. But I'll give Chelsie Hightower credit. She had 75% of the dialogue. Although she had the chance to stab the bad guy 50 times, why didn't she do it the first time she had the chance?

    As Olivia said, "you can learn about anything on the internet...". Anything but how to make a movie. The mother was totally pointless, unless it was a way to make a long movie longer. You can't watch this alone. You need someone else to do exchange criticisms with. As with every other Lifetime movie, notice how cell phones are never locked.

    Technically, the editing, cinematography, and sound was fine. The Sonic commercials, as bad as they always are, we're actually the best part.

    It's proves there's hope for all of us, anyone can get an acting job.

    Entertaining to watch with someone, just once.
  • jaymejohnson-1239511 October 2021
    Yes it was predictable but I really liked it!! Beautiful location! Really believable down to earth lead actress.