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  • It's not a bad movie. Nevermind, I just looked up the word bad. It is a bad movie. The acting is forced and seems unrehearsed. As if they were handed scripts and said, "You have 30 minutes to learn it and figure out the scenes." But rather than learn the script, the actors got high and practiced bad Chicano accents. The actor that plays "the boyfriend" has horrible lines and delivers them in an uneven rude manner. The cinematography makes bad pornos look like Ben Hur. The movie would have been a lot better if more or better comedy writers had been involved and the "boy friend" played by an actor. If you want to see something funny from the creator of this movie, watch the YouTube shorts he puts out. That's what the movie should have been about.
  • What can be said about this movie that hasn't been said about Tony Wiseau.

    George Lopez is still a comical force, this movie just falls short of its true potential, it felt forced and rushed, the characters somewhat flowed with each other, but they lacked a genuine connection.

    The editing was not there at all, the acting didn't have fluidity, the writing is corny and flat

    But, it's George Lopez. So it'll pass for humerus and a good way to kill sometime while you're eating some ribs surfing movies to watch

    Idk what else to say now.

    George looks a lot different now right?

    Like bro wht ........
  • Yes there are some really bad Christmas movies out there but this one should have never seen the light of day. This is a movie bad on every level. Bad writing, clumsy direction and stereotypical Hispanic caracatures that are nauseatingly over the top torpedoe this film. George Lopez as an actor should be a lovable curmudgeon, instead he comes off as an angry oaf screaming negativity. This movie is the the reason direct to DVD was invented, avoid at all costs. If you really want to see a "Race Relations" movie that enriches and entertains 1967 "Guess who's coming to dinner" is always a great choice.
  • TVisDoomed7 December 2023
    Like what even is this film? I may of once enjoyed George Lopez on well the George Lopez show but the stuff hes said/done plus his new works have just been absolute dumpster fires.

    Gringo, sorry. White boy dates this girl who I guarantee Lopez is trying to get with considering. Its your generic Lopez racism/stereotype movie, he no like cause gringo. Has to prove himself, sister/aunt whatever tries to seduce him cause shes a horn dog I guess. Something with his gf's ex.. happy ending.

    Whats the other one? Lopez vs Lopez? My guy he really lays on the stereotypical racism of his own kind hardcore, its not even funny anymore its just plain sad like hes trying to beat the stereotypes to oblivion so that no one ever makes another one.

    I haven't even heard anything about his stand up comedy routine anymore like these trash films have been his attempts to make some money or draw in crowds to them again.
  • ruffriders-3803023 December 2023
    Warning: Spoilers
    This movie can be summed up in a few words: Bad acting and even worse writing!

    It was like we were watching a bad Hallmark movie on Telemundo. It has Emily Tosta in it... from Coco's daughter on Mayans, to this terrible Hallmark movie where she plays the most white-washed Mexican daughter... to the most Mexican family outside of Mexico City! If i was blind and was just hearing this movie... I'd swear she was white!

    Then you have 3 wannabe cholos in it... and one is white! They are corny, stupid, and play into the stereotype that George Lopez seems to fall back on with everything he does now.

    I didn't laugh once and found the entire thing to be stupid and absolutely forgetable!
  • Since George Lopez lives in California, he will have no problem finding a psychiatrist, but finding a good one and willing to put in the work is whole other challenge.

    This film was a low-budget dumpster film, but clearly George has some unsolved issues (probably from childhood trauma) because he keeps making the same story over and over and over again.

    Due to being bullied by his Mexican family and friends for being dark-skin and having a wide nose that he grew this hatred i.e. Jealousy for white guys because deep down he wishes he was them. However, he should let go of that trauma and be happy with the past success that he has achieved because at this point is becoming pathetic to see a well-to-do old man still lingering on the past and putting his frustration on innocent people who have nothing to do with your past.
  • bcfhwq15 January 2024
    Come on George, you better than this garbage of a "movie"! Half a star if that was possible! Interesting how this is supposed to be about a Mexican Family yet they play Salsa throughout the movie. Not a single funny moment except for a few remarks made. Waste of money.

    Predictable and not funny at all.

    Old "jokes" and bad acting from all angles.

    Was looking forward to a comedy but got none of that.

    Not sure why George is not funny anymore and having bad actors and bad scripts did not help this movie. Never again will I watch any of his movies. Feel bad for him because he is trying to stay in the business but he just doesn't have it anymore.