User Reviews (2)

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  • laduqesa24 August 2023
    Well, I certainly wanted to see this till the end. And I was really pleased that it was tautly written and directed in six episodes rather than the usual eight.

    The actual premiss was not credible - a psychopathic serial killer of such magnetism that he made women swoon for him even when they knew what he had done and what he was capable of. However, once one got over that it was easy to lose oneself in the plot that gathered in intricacy as the episodes rolled by.

    At the same time, lead Inspector Sonja Becker was struggling with the after effects of a violent crime that had been committed against her. This led her into some sort of affinity with the killer who was correspondingly fascinated by her.

    The final part of the last episode was a shocker and not particularly convincing in the winding up of both storylines. Nonetheless this was a good few hours of escapism.
  • Wants to be edgy and cool but is just predictable nonsense. And the director is obviously a big fan of Tony Scott what makes his camera work hard to endure. So do yourself a favor and don't even start this charade in 6 parts watching...