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  • bkoganbing28 April 2012
    Husband and wife David A.R. White and Logan White star in this Christian based film which was inspired by Groundhog Day. Like Bill Murray, David A.R. White is trapped in a time warp in which Logan, and friends Lonnie Colon and Anise Fuller keep disappearing. Like Bill Murray it takes him a few times to finally see the meaning of what has happened.

    White and Colon are cops on a working vacation on a yacht in the Mexican waters of the Pacific. They've just rescued pop singer Jessica Hope from a kidnapper, but her manager seems not quite right to either White or their captain Eric Roberts. When the manager invites them on the yacht as a token of gratitude, both look at it as a chance for some undercover work.

    But apparently God is working his own plan and the three of them, Colon, Fuller, and Logan White disappear in a flash of light. They're also quite isolated from civilization, but the radio gives indications of some kind of catastrophe.

    It keeps happening again and again for White like this is all being rerun for his benefit. I'm sure his wife was a fine woman, but I didn't see anything that would indicate she had that kind of juice with God.

    In The Blink Of An Eye is one of those films that if you are a tried and true believer the flaws in film making and theology just won't matter. Others are inclined to be a bit more skeptical.
  • For all who know the story there can be no spoilers. I don't write reviews but a few and far between, but I could not let that last review stand without saying something. How few movies are made about Christ and God's plan and out of those few are backed by a Hollywood budget. So speaking for myself I am thankful for all of the Christian films made that is not filled with nudity and swearing so bad i feel sick just being in the room where it is being played. The actors in this movie including Eric Roberts have been in other Christian movies of similar story lines like The Moment After (I & II), Six, and others.

    If you want to watch a movie that has a plot about the coming of Christ, here is another one I will add to my collection. I hope they continue to make more. If this movie makes you angry enough to write a bad review maybe there is another reason you are upset, like it might have hit close to home, knocked on a door you are avoiding opening. Open that door you won't be disappointed.
  • I like comments like MickeyFin's where they watch what they obviously believe is fiction, and then they review it as if it were a non-fiction piece. The only thing this could indicate is that their soul is crying out for the concept to be true, but everything else in their being denies it at all cost. It is the equivalent of me watching Spider-Man and then shouting outrage that there is no actual superhero that can crawl on ceilings, and voicing my disgust that some filmmaker subjected me to such a presentation. As far as the question: "Why is there suffering in the world?" The answer has nothing to do with your problems with this movie, but the answer is nevertheless critical for any intellectual and non-intellectual to contemplate. The answer is easy to understand, but only once your mind has evolved past Neanderthal. One of many non-preaching presentations can be found here (found via a quick google search) where some ideas to answer your question are given. and I'll add further, if there was no suffering, how would we know what joy was? Certainly, you don't expect everyone to be happy all of the time, do you? If anything, YOU are preaching THAT to all of US. Frankly, I don't care for your anonymous cold call. If you still think that link was too preachy, here is a very clinical discussion about the absolute necessity of suffering that might prove much more palatable. Either way, using the existence of suffering as an excuse to deny there's a God is as ludicrous as me using the existence of crime to deny there's no Spider-Man. You may have to read that more than once to fully appreciate the intellectual profundity.
  • To all of you shocked viewers. I watched this on Netflix and it says right on the genre of the movie at the bottom that it is a Religious, spiritual movie. That is just one point but also that any movie that is by Pure Flix is also a Spiritual movie. Sorry to You non believers but there is no reason that a faith based movie shouldn't be allowed in the mainstream seeing how This country is a free country and though it was found on the basis of God and our money does state " In god we trust." I think the fact that we have freedom to believe what we want is great. So stop trying to justify your non belief and if you do not like our "cold callings" well don't watch it, and next time maybe research a movies genre before watching it if you are that strongly against things. I love movies that are faith based, and I also love the Lord he gives life meaning and he died for our sins and this movie shows examples of his grace. No one can push beliefs on you, you watched the movie, you can hit stop. Its your choice.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I advice you to skip this one, but If there's some strange reason you HAVE to see this, I'll detail only the first 10 minutes and give a distant overview of the rest..

    I was surprised by the bad acting and the unlikely events in the first minutes. A cop on a rescue mission is cruising at 4 miles an hour while looking at his mobile phone and enjoying a totally relaxed conversation with his buddy. A few moments later, he's getting jumped upon from a trailer and kicked around bad enough that he'll be seriously bruised for days. Oh, he also gets shot in the chest, but the mobile phone absorbs (deflects?) the bullet. Come on.. REALLY ?? Guess what's next: he one shots the bad guy with one hand, while being on the ground, beaten up, shot at, with his partner standing closer to the aggressor, on his feet, unhurt, holding a gun with two hands pointed at that guy's head for ages..

    Nothing happens for a while, except a really flat script poorly played. Almost gave up on this "cinematic experience" when the unexpected happens: a loop in time ! I think to my self: "finally ! something with potential" 1-2 loops later the whole idea is obvious as daylight and two more loops later the "movie" ends totally predictable.

    I would have give this an objective 5/10 but since it presents itself as an intriguing thriller with sci-fi accents rather then a really poor indoctrination attempt that it is, I have to rate it no higher then 1..

    There is only one way this "movie" can "work": brain wash someone, show him the movie, rinse and repeat: day.. dafter day.. after day..

    If you're not looking for God, there's absolutely no reason to see this; and if you are: I can assure you there are 1000 better places you can search !
  • Well not exactly fine-print, but tucked away clues in the genre above that let you know more about what kind of ride you're in for with this one. Click on SEE MORE to find out this is no run of the mill Fantasy/Thriller. Pay particular attention to the keywords "Religious Conversion", "Christianity", "Christian Film" and "Prayer" and if this still sounds like it'll float your boat (so to speak) then prepare to be entertained/saved/redeemed etc etc.

    Otherwise don't waste your time hoping like I did for some kind of engrossing 'Groundhog Day meets Triangle' thriller. It falls far short and in the end left me quite angry at what I'd been covertly subjected to.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I have to say that this type of movie should have a GENRE attached to it for Religious content! I was expecting an action packed, suspenseful story line. Within the first 15 minutes you get the RED FLAG that outlines the entire movie.

    If you truly don't care for this content then turn it off...turn it off NOW!!! It's got a touch of Groundhog Day but it's full of BAD Acting.

    I've wasted 86 minutes that could have been better spent on a worthwhile movie.

    If you are looking for a movie to save you....this might be it.

    If you are looking for a message to save you...this might be it

    If you are looking for a movie to put you to sleep... this movie is for you!
  • I was very surprised to find out the hard way that this film is pretty much cold calling, but in the way you sit down on a weekend with a few snacks, get comfortable, only to be subjected to the one thing we all hate, and that being cold calling, people knocking your front door at a weekend trying to preach god to you.

    Thats what this film is all about, preaching god to you, and trying to get you to believe in god blah blah blah. I am annoyed that this kind of film is allowed in the main-stream, and that such a film can be put upon so many innocent viewers.

    I'm an Atheist, so as that tells you, I do not believe in God, and anyone who does has obviously fallen prey to years old prophecy, dating back many a year, something for beings to believe in as there was nothing else. Life is life, life is survival, period, there is no god, and if there were, why the suffering around the world? Answer me that.?
  • linkkarthik15 February 2011
    It's one of the most wonderful movie I have seen as we know that Bible says, these are the last days and Jesus is coming soon... This movie alerts and prepares the people for coming of the Lord. It was a thriller which makes us to watch as what's next... The story line is very interesting and meeting the theme for which it's taken. The dialog "David... David..." still echos in my ears. Thinks every time everything is over, but it starts over all again.

    Overall it's an low budget movie, with wonderful message.

    GOD bless Michael Sinclair and his team for making the world ready for rapture...
  • I'm a Christian and love Groundhog Day. So, I was excited to see this. Yes, I was disappointed. Mostly because it is embarrassing unless you're already a believer.

    As Christian entertainment it was an okay watch with a few good ideas, but overall it falls flat with poor writing and execution. It's not one to share with unbelieving friends as it does nothing to inspire or raise questions about faith.

    When you have conversion scenes in a faith based movie, you want it to come from a real and genuine place. That did not happen here.

    Full of potential, but drops the ball. For free on PureFlix it's worth one watch, but expect plenty of cheese.
  • This is a serious form of the movie "Groundhog Day" that everyone knows Bill Murray is in. This is more serious in the way it tells how the rapture will be by using this cop who has to live the same day over over again as his wife and his partner along with his wife disappear because of knowing God. As I have read many reviews and some of the reviews were very harsh on this movies depiction of the rapture. I believe that the ones who watched the movie and had given it bad reviews are wrong as I think it is a very good movie to have someone watch to bring them to Christ as the movie does point out key Bible verses and passages to keep in mind for a new Christian, Amen.
  • sundale12 September 2019
    I make no apologizes for being a Christian. However, I will make no apologizes for this movie. I knew its subject matter prior to viewing it. I sort of knew what to expect; I just expected it to be presented in a more professional way.

    The cricisisms of the acting and dialogue are on point. The Groundhog day aspect of the film was SO repetivitve that I said to my wife, "If he wakes up one more time from a dream, I'm putting this spoon through my head." (We were having dinner at the time.) The lead actor (whose real life wife co-starred) is in several Christian movies. He's not a good actor but not a bad actor, either. Obviously done on a slim budget, this must be taken into account. If you're yearning for a rapture-type movie, take a look. You may turn it off after 30 minutes...or follow it to its telegraphed ending. If you're looking for a terrific movie, with a Christian theme, I'd put this one way down my list.
  • So if that is going to bother you, than just see something else. For the rest of you still here its a pretty good movie. It even had me thinking the next day. Yes, I am thinking person. Did you know there are smart people that believe in Jesus and God? I guess a most reviewers would like you to think otherwise.

    Anyways, I just started seeing these Christian David A. R. White movies and they are quite refreshing, they may have some bits that are little heavy handed, but for the most part its a solid movie. And for those that believe or don't have a prejudice against believer movies you will enjoy yourself. I even got teary eyed a couple of times and was on the edge of my seat at the end (I don't want to give it away).
  • In the blink of an eye is a Groundhog Day type of movie, the movie does have a nice twist when the whole Groundhog Day events start happening but the thing is; the events that leads to the beginning of the Groundhog Day marathon was just dull. The movie is an independent Christian movie done by Pure Flix Entertainment, it could have been better but it is still OK, that is if you are judging it in relation to its other independent Christian movies.

    For those of you who don't know or have not seen Groundhog Day (you need to), here is a slight idea of what the 1993 (directed by Harold Ramis) Bill Murray comedy film is about: The character has to write a wrong, and in the process he gets to relive the same day over and over again, till he corrects that wrong. In the movie (which is a secular movie mind you) the character learns the whole daily routine of everyone and everything around him, and does not seem to worry about death or mishaps because he knows tomorrow is going to be today.

    Same thing here the lead character had to correct a wrong; at a particular point in time rapture takes place and David (played by David A.R. White, who is onboard a boat on vacation with his wife, his friend and his wife and four other people) seems to be stuck in a moment alone with strangers, rapture happens and his wife and friends are gone, leaving him behind. But when he wakes up the next day he is back in the same day as before, his wife and friends are around. He at first thought it was a dream and didn't care till his wife and friends were taking again leaving him behind.

    David finally puts two and two together and realizes that he has to fix a problem so that he can go with his family and friends during the rapture, so till David fixed the problem he kept relieving the same day.

    The movie plot, although the foundation is not original, the movie building on top of the plot is neat, it carries you along, but before we get to the Groundhog Day event, we had to withstand a lot of drag stories and bad acting. The movie is a nice Christian movie, but that is just that about it, it is not spectacular. The message is clear, rapture is coming.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    It doesn't get much worse than this. I would have turned it off but often a movie is just noise in the corner of my screen as I work on other things on my computer.

    I am a Christian and I believe in the rapture. I appreciate the effort. But this movie is at the bottom of the heap for a quality project.

    The acting is atrocious. The dialog is worse than simple. Often directors can save a bad script and push actors in the right direction. Direction didn't help this one at all.

    About the only good thing I can say about this movie is the boat was great, and it's always good to see jet skis in action. Somebody had money, or access to money to make this film.
  • The acting was appalling the continuity laughable, the story line confusing, incoherent, the ending predictable. Each actor seemed capable of so much more, I wonder if the script had anything to do with it. Regrettably the characters were wooden, two dimensional with absolutely no chemistry between them.

    I do agree with a previous reviewer that perhaps we SHOULD have a genre for religious or Christianity, whatever! Those who read the genre can knock themselves out with it. If I want to be lectured to, I'll go to church.

    If I sound angry, I am! I feel the victim of a bait and switch, New genre please!
  • Probably one of the worst films I have ever seen. I felt depressed after watching this junk. It stars Eric Roberts and David A .R. White. Its like a end of the world version of Groundhog Day. A man wakes up every morning on vacation to have the world end. Nothing interesting happens. It just goes into preachy garbage. Plus this film treats the end of the world as a positive thing. Its boring as hell, horribly written and horribly annoying. Plus theres a message at the end of the film that contracts the whole awful movie! Despite the 4.6 on IMDB this has many 10 votes. Ugh.
  • Overall the movie was quite slick. It presented a message in a nice and creative manner. The acting was first quality, as well the scenery and props were neat! Suggested that anyone who takes the time to check out this movie,expect a good storyline and entertainment with a message well worth the time. Not a bunch of blood and guts...just a good storyline and message. Most of the entertaining points of the movie take place in and around the water and nice beach locations. The photography work, which happens to be one of my specialties was very good. I would not classify this movie as a "thriller" but more like a mystery that keeps you guessing in a good way. My wife also likes the fact that the movie was entertaining and suitable for all ages.
  • This film is directed at those that believe they are Christians and I think it ask the question 'How are you living?'
  • fivetoolgamer24 April 2024
    Warning: Spoilers
    I enjoyed the acting and writing. The locations for the scenes were really beautiful as well. David A. R. White is really underrated actor. I saw his earlier works with the Rich brothers and I believe he's a great actor. People are too harsh in these reviews. I will give my take because I love Christian content and this was a good movie. It's great that they are married in real life as well, I thought their chemistry on screen was incredible and I was even worried for David's real wife at the time not knowing they were married. Thank God that was his wife lol! The story was very interesting in my opinion, I thought the criminals on the yacht played their roles very well. I enjoyed all the acting , writing, from all the actors so I just want that to be known. Give it a shot, you might really enjoy it like I did. Shoutout to PureFlix for having so many great Christian content! Lastly good thing I've never seen Groundhog Day or care to , this movie is better , those other reviews referencing groundhog movie clearly didn't give this a fair shot.