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  • I'm not sure whether this is a pilot, a series or a one off, but whatever it is, it works!. Setting a comedy in a hospital room where the father is in a coma and various family members gather round him is pretty dark, but two things make it happen. One is sparkling casting and performances, the other is a crisp, witty and deadpan script ('didn't know there were no pavements on a motorway'). Siobhan Redmond as the mother is magisterial as always, and Paul Higgins is outstanding as the unwanted visiting priest. Odd to see him perform so skilfully without the customary potty mouth. The humour is in the great tradition of 'The Office' and 'Curb Your Enthusiasm' and is certainly none the worse for that. Well one BBC for commissioning it.
  • Well scripted and performed pilot for BBC. Good cast headed by the superb Siobhan Redmond. Some great lines delivered without fake laughter track. Here's hoping it gets commissioned further.