User Reviews (4)

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  • I'm not sure why, but in the previous episodes the animation didn't have much character, even though the storylines were enjoyable. Maybe it was the frames per second?

    The animation and framing in this episode felt top notch, expressive and captivating. I hope they bring back this animation style for the rest of the episodes.
  • Still not really interesting. So short to develop something complex or really interesting. Im watching it anyway but i didnt find really interesting. The animations are great but nothing much more.
  • Aah, so close to that 10\10. The tooth fairy parts were hilarious, amazing dialog, and it introduces Porkring to the series. Perfect ep all around. A shame that this one doesn't get talked about much.

  • This episode is very bad, because Mugman is acting as a brat and a crybaby over his Handle and blaming everything on Cuphead (who is actualy doing stuff to solve the problem) The Handle situation is like the Splinter from Spongebob (minus the gross stuff ),but unlike in The Splinter from Spongebob (which is a bad episode tbh), ALMOST everybody treats it like he broke a leg and blood came out of it,even tho the Handle is more like stubbing your toe and nothing actualy happens The puns don't land well because most of them are in favor of Mugman (which is bad,since he is acting like a A- Hole during 89% of the episode),or because they are stupid (The "Glue is Glue" joke is an example),and they only work if it is against Mugman The End is pure BS, because they reused a failed to solution that Magically (in a bad way) fixes everything,even tho in is clear in the episode that solution was not possible to be used again,it is like trying the same thing over the same problema and wait from different results THE ONLY GOOD THING about this episode is that Cuphead is actualy being a good brother and trying to Shut up Mugman (and even getting mad because his brother won't stop being a Brat) and helps the viewer watch this thing - for some kinda reason,he was the only Character spared (if not benefited) in this trash.