User Reviews (39)

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  • thestot-120 July 2021
    Unless there's some relevance hidden in extended and tedious opening titles, those same titles tend to give away what's to come.... This is a rather awkward, slow and decidedly predictable film, which seems to be a vanity project, and not much else.

    The actors are almost as uncomfortable as the sets, which is probably what I spent most of my viewing-time being distracted by.

    As for plot; the ending was telegraphed from the beginning, which could have been cleverly handled, but wasn't.

    The music was devoid of atmosphere and felt like random, royalty-free downloads saved just before Limewire faded into obscurity.

    The democratisation of filmmaking has simply produced more Ed Woods, and that's being generous.
  • You got to applaud the effort here... but at the end of day this isn't a good movie. Lots of close up shots of banisters and people walking up and down stairs. To make up for the poor script they fill voids with really unconvincing music... which doesn't build any suspense or tension. A decent shot of a bird with her wazzers out... so fair play on that one. It was actually a decent twist at the end... and like i said it's a decent effort on small budget.
  • It's very predictable with a little gore but not much suspense. Definitely not a horror, the film is more a drama / thriller genre. The actors are quite good and interesting and it's well made. The movie lacks action and the editing can be confusing. Not bad not great.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I hate to leave negative reviews and will only do so rarely. However, I could almost stomach the minimal scenery and wooden acting if this was more factually correct. It implies the victims were all killed within a few nights, this was not the case! In fact these murders took place over many weeks. Some claim there were more than 5 victims but if we assume Mary Kelly was the final victim she was not killed within the secure walls of a brothel but in her own room just by the Spitalfields market. This was many weeks after the first "recognised" murder. I love watching the different movies with different interpretations of who was "jack" but this is quite poor. The Johnny Depp version was passable but my favourite is the miniseries with Michael Caine as the inspector.
  • I have given this film 2 stars because it did at least make an attempt to provide an original answer to the question of who Jack the Ripper was, it was a slightly ridiculous and deeply unsatisfying answer but at least they tried. With more budget they could've paid for better sets, better actors/actresses, better script writers and better camera operators and mitigated these failings, that said the costumes were pretty good and the props weren't too bad either. Had more money had been spent on this film it could easily be a solid 5 out of 10. All in all not the worst low budget film I've seen but not a film I would choose to watch again.
  • This movie reminded me of reused cutscenes from some old FMV detective video game edited together and played at half the normal speed.

    The acting is on the level of an Amateur Dramatics production of Ripper Street. So all in all I wish they left this story untold.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I've seen most of the Ripper films, and this one is in a class of its own. The names of the victims have been changed as has that of the inspector for no reason whatsoever. Looking as though it was filmed on a budget so tight it strangled the life out of it, I can't find one redeeming quality to mention. Don't throw away 90 odd minutes of your life watching this crime against cinema.
  • Script isn't great. Acting is passable. Sets are minimalistic. Predictable. Nothing spectacular but looked as there was some heart put into the project.
  • So personally I like this movie, I think it's really good I'm going back to rewatch it because I saw they put out a sequel and I personally like it. Yes acting me a bit bad at times but mostly the movie is really good visually stunning. Yes there is some 18+ content. I don't appreciate that, but besides that I thought the movie was really good.

    Also, I do like British movies so that I can play a little bit into my review but mainly I personally like it but if you don't like murders horror or anything like that then I don't think you'll like it but if you like history about England and you like to know about the murders that happened, would definitely recommend it is somewhat real.
  • Ripper untold is definitely a great engaging investigating thriller ....the film starts of really well with investigation happening which kept me hooked ....all actors were brilliant in there roles ...ripper scenes are hardly there ,that is the biggest negative which I thought could have worked on that ...the investigation is really good and engaging ....but climax is a big let down when suspense is revealed and to some extent it's predictable too .... nevertheless it's a good watch ....I don't know about negative reviews but I personally loved the way script is written especially the investigation part ...had there been few slasher scenes this could have been a great film.....the atmosphere created in the start is very good which is there throught till the end but the suspense element disappoints ....
  • I find the subject matter interesting and have seen some great dramatisations & enjoyed documentaries on the subject in the past, but this was dreadful. Poor script, average acting, cheaply made (you could tell by the (lack of) camera angles, poor cinematography and repeated scenes / sets) with very little to recommend it. An hour and a half of my life I will never get back.
  • I actually thought this was good, perhaps some of the scenes dragged a bit and could have been shortened, but I thought the acting was believable with some real talent in there. I loved the settings and costumes and the director has done a great job on what was probably a tiny budget. Ignore the haters, it's hard enough to make a film without negative people slating it unfairly. If you're expecting Hollywood you might be disappointed but otherwise watch it and make up your own mind.
  • None of these armchair reviewers I'm reading here know the difference between a low budget film and a truly bad film. This film is not bad. It's competently shot and acted, if not a little talky. Considering the limitations this is not a badly crafted film at all. It's just done on a shoestring budget, and for what you actually did it's not bad for the money.
  • I honestly can't believe why this film was made and can't believe I paid to watch it. A handful of actors, actresses and sets. Everything about it is poor.
  • I am a lover of the legend of Jack the Ripper and have been on a walking tour of Whitechapel. This film gets the name of inspector Reed and refers to him as Rees. The victims are given the wrong names and the night of the two murders goes unmentioned. This is a work of fiction and that is why I believe that it is untold. I gave it one star as I could not give it zero. Avoid this film.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This is a fictional account (with fictional characters) about the Jack the Ripper killings. It centers on Thomas (Jonathan Hansler) who works at the morgue who seems to have a recollection about every girl. Thomas has a drinking problem and has been cut off by his wife.

    The film doesn't show any killings, but does show dead bodies. It does give us a killer at the end which had clues and is a twist. I wish the presentation wasn't so dry.

    Guide: Sex and nudity (Leah Valentine, Kirsty Baxter, Melody Smith)
  • It was like watching amateur dramatics at your local community centre...the acting was atrocious, at times I was half expecting canned laughter to be added...😟
  • labng13 March 2023
    A dnf
    This seems like a reasonable amount of money spent on a film with no reasonable value achieved. I highly resent that I need to waste the time and 600 characters to explain why a selection is unworthy of my time or yours. There were shots in this wreck with scenes depicting a mortician massaging supermarket organs in an attempt to be shocking or gory, I guess. It was shortly after that I decided to abort this mission. I am a complete horror devotee. As such, I am quite willing to bear an enormous amount of schlock for a decent amount of good bits. Unfortunately, there was a complete lack of good bits here, friends.
  • So here's the problem, I've seen quite a few Ripper movies and TV shows over the years but nothing as atrocious as this steaming pile. Featuring a cast of nobody's and a story So lame and devoid of any atmosphere you have to ask how this ever got made. As for their take on who the Ripper was and the big reveal at the end ( if you didn't see it in the first 15 minutes you really weren't trying), it belongs in a carry on movie. This is a pig with lipstick and an hour and a half of my life I can never get back, be afraid, no honestly, be very afraid.
  • Another retelling of the infamous serial killer of the 19th Century. Decent enough acting but we've seen it done better before. At least they've changed the story and the twist is interesting. And also for a Ripper film it looks like at least one character has a happy ending.
  • andyperks-3897631 July 2022
    This is probably the most boring ripper film in the history of cinema. I'm not going to start with all the bad points as it's too painful to think about. Avoid at all's shockingly poor.
  • JaneBingley21 September 2022
    Many movies, series, blogs, podcasts and documentaries have told the gruesome story of Jack The Ripper.

    This is yet a new story, and I have to say I liked it.

    Acting is good, costumes and scenery are very well done. Nothing looks out of place or cheap. I could find only one error, and that was a woman wearing a laced blouse, made to look like silk, but it was thin polyester.

    Hence, nothing serious.

    The story is told, as we all know it, with emphasis laid on the inspector and the pathologist.

    Their small get together in the formers office, while discussing the case, was believeable and a nice touch.

    The handfull of side characters that are, are interesting and one care about what happens to them

    The solution is obvious, and so is the way of which one certain evidence is disposed of, but that did not minimise my enjoyment.
  • This is probably the worst movie about Jack the Ripper I have ever seen what a waist of $10. Can I get a refund? I have seen YouTube movies with a bigger Budget. It's really a slap in the face to the inspectors who worked the case.
  • Bad, just bad.

    Acting is dreadful. Script is terrible. Music is inappropriate at times. Very unbelievable.

    Seems there's only one constable in the constabulary.
  • Firstly this is not a horror movie, not at all.

    This low budget mystery movie isn't all that bad. It has some warmth and soul to it and the acting is not horrible. The plot is sadly way too predictable thus the ending turns out to be very disappointing.
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