User Reviews (105)

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  • I know there are a lot of reviews on here that magnify the negative points in this film. So, to get some stuff out of the way, the acting and sets used in this film are awful. Pure terrible. Additionally, the start of the film is awfully jarring.

    However, there are some really interesting ideas to be found here. I wont be giving anything away by saying that there are two deaf characters in this film. The way the film makers have used these two characters sign conversations are quite clever, I don't think I have seen an interaction like this before (but then I am fairly ignorant).

    The development of the characters as individuals is also done in timed manner. I don't think there was a moment in the film where I asked myself "what about so and so...".

    I am not sure that this is the right format for the material though. As I was watching, I felt that it could have been better conveyed as a mini series etc.

    Essentially, if you don't mind losing an hour and a half out of your life and want to see something different, give it a watch.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    As much as I tried to take "The Human Race" seriously, I found it progressively more and more difficult to do so. Because there was absolutely no storyline here. It was just a simple plot about people having to run and follow some simple rules or they would die.

    That was basically the entire storyline. But wait, there is more. Once the winner of the race was found, the movie took a turn for the worse, becoming even more ludicrous then it had been up to that point. I am not going to give away any spoilers here, and whether or not you like that turn of events is of course individual. I, personally, didn't care for that at all.

    There were some nice aspects to the movie. Such in the likes of some displays of human behavior in certain situations. Now, I don't really think that people would succumb to that kind of behavior in that short a period. But still, for the sake of entertainment (and this is a movie after all), then it worked out nicely enough.

    The movie has a fair amount of blood and violence, which sort of semi makes up for the lack of a proper storyline.

    "The Human Race" is not heavy on acting. This is basically just a movie about racing. So don't expect anything major in the drama and talent department.

    This movie is not for just everyone, and I certainly wasn't amongst those who would claim to love this movie right away. Having seen it once is enough for me, and I can honestly say that I will not be watching it a second time.

    The best thing about the movie had to be the genius of the title, it worked out in more than one way. I was just waiting for a voice to announce "Watch this movie, or die. Like this movie, or die."
  • The Human Race is not that bad at all, yes it's got it's faults but is an interesting movie, that pits completely random people against each other in a bid to find the most resilient. The ending came as another supprise to me, and actually left me wanting more. Give it a try then decide for yourself, but definitely don't believe the extreme low ratings some have given.
  • I'm just writing this review to counter some of the other obviously faked reviews written here. I was tricked to watch this movie too, because it had a rating of 7.3 with over a 1000 ratings. So I thought this could be a solid piece of horror/splatter. But it's not. I assure you, it's not. You will be disappointed after watching it, because it's painfully bad. And I don't mean bad as in "The Tourist" bad, it's just cheap filmmaking by people who don't know what they're doing. This can't be the work of professionals. Bad acting, bad dialog, bad lightning, bad camera, bad cinematography, bad special effects... complete senseless directing, conclusion, story(telling).... It's just a piece of trash. Yes it's that bad. And I'm writing this only to save you from losing over 1hour of your life. And to restore justice to the rating/review system of IMDb. You're welcome.
  • bigtrouble823 December 2013
    i'm honestly just writing this because of the high score and 2 rave reviews obviously written by people involved with the project. i feel like i was duped into watching it. so here's an honest review: this is a terrible movie. it's poorly written, and badly acted. only exception is the deaf girl. she wasn't bad, given the material she had to work with.

    it's just lazy filmmaking, seems like. says nothing about the human condition (as purported from the existing reviews), only the sophomoric insight of a film-school reject who saw one too many eli roth movies.

    seriously, avoid at all costs.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    First of all, I just wanted to vote for this movie and let it go, but I felt really guilty after reading some delusional reviews on here, and its rate of 6.3 which will fool you and make you watch this huge crap. I'm so surprised with some users who gave it a 10, they're probably a part of this film, or maybe they were drunk while writing their reviews. And the real question is how on Earth did it get a 6.3 rate among over 1000 of users, like what is wrong with people's attitude nowadays?! Now let's talk about this movie, the acting was not that bad, the special effects were very bad, the story was nonsense, or I'd prefer saying that this movie didn't even have a story. It started with a girl whose mother and sister died because of cancer, and when she knew she was affected with it, she raised her middle finger to God, but what's shocking is that the next time she visited the doctor, she was told she COMPLETELY recovered from Cancer without any treatment and for an unknown reason, and she walked by and thanked God. This is the first nonsense event in this movie. What happens next is that many people found themselves in an unknown place and they can't remember how did that happen, and they all were in the same place when that happened. Then people start running during the whole movie. There were two deaf couple at that incident, and for some reason a "miracle" happened and they could hear again. Another senseless event in this movie. Let's now talk about the rules of this race, if you step on grass your head will blow up, if you get passed by someone twice your head will blow up, if you don't obey the directions your head will blow up too!! All what you'll see is heads blowing up, for an unknown reason, running and running for another unknown reason. Then people will start killing each other and that annoying voice will be continuously counting down how much people are still alive. At the end you'll be left with, as usual, a senseless ending. Your questions won't be answered, you won't know why and how all this crap happened, and you won't even know what happens to the only survivor. To sum up, this is one of the worst movies ever made, it lacks everything, and you'll probably regret wasting one and a half hour of your life on it. I already wasted my time watching it and now writing a review about it, hoping it helps and saves your time. So don't listen to any of these misleading reviews, and save your time and money for a better reason.
  • I am actually going to give this film a 6.5 and the reason why is because yes it was made on a small budget but to be honest its original.

    the acting is not as bad as some are saying or some I have seen.

    To give it a three would not be fair but i can see where a previous post did this in order to try to make the rating more realistic. I think about 6.7 maybe.

    Don't shun it it has a decent share of blood and a couple of deaths were pretty good.

    Give it a chance is all you need to do. The start was enough to make me sit and watch it and I thought it was OK.

    Final thought....... Give it a chance scifi/horror fans.
  • This movie is silly, discombobulated, childish and poorly acted. Everyone in this movie feels like an extra on an after-school special, made for T.V. movie. After the first 20 minutes I wanted everyone to step on the grass. There are several failed attempts at moral, religious and racist ideologies. It is obvious that a substantial portion of the budget and time spent on this movie was used to beef-up their IMDb rating.

    Don't waste your time.


  • Warning: Spoilers
    What do you expect? It doesn't have the budget of SAW or anything remotely like that. It took them four years to make it and I am assuming because they had very little money to work with.

    As for the movie itself, I feel that there was too much content in the movie as far as characters and story-line to put any real focus on any one thing. If you actually watched it, the story was there and the ending was a bit surprising. It was also full of irony, for example the beginning character being healed from cancer and then being the first one to die just shows that anything can happen at any given time. Also the deaf people that could hear something, even though it was a death count they were still happy that they heard something in their lives.

    All you haters out there just base this off of blockbusters, but I found it to be a decent B rated flick and the acting wasn't bad at all. I especially liked the deaf characters and the Chinese was real.

    Overall, there was something there. It was a good hour and a half, some real gore and I managed to develop some feelings for the characters.
  • There were some serious flaws in with the mentality of a bunch of poorly developed characters racing for their life (many not giving the impression they actually wanted to live - unconvincing in their actions). The overall plot, acting, attempted and overused effects were very sub-par.

    After actually sitting through this mess (pop, pop, splat), it eventually concluded the absolute wrong direction (I won't reveal anything, in case someone else wants to donate some of their downtime taking this in - personally, I want my 1+ hour back).

    So as one of the other reviewers mentioned - much of the time spent on this movie was likely ramping up the IMDb rating and writing some rave reviews. Sorry to the fans, but as we're all entitled to an opinion, I will definitely be steering clear of any sequel, prequel, or literary releases, and at your own discretion, you have been warned - so depending how valuable your time is to you...
  • scrpiotai11411 July 2014
    Warning: Spoilers
    I've seen negative reviews from other users in regards to this movie, but I choose to disagree with them. I loved the storyline for this, it was overly interesting and I couldn't take my eyes off of the movie. I've grown up watching nothing but movies because I've had projectionists and cinema workers in my family since before I was born, so I started learning what makes a good movie and what doesn't. This certainly lead to the good side. Even though the acting wasn't top notch, that was made up with the storyline and the concept.

    What I liked the most about this film was that it took people from all walks of life and showing them that no matter who they are, life isn't always fair, this movie however showed it in a gruesome way. But if you look at it from the point of view of the race's hosts, it's nothing but a game to them and because it's not their species, they couldn't care. I also liked that it didn't have the soppy love angle that is in almost every movie because let's face it, things don't always happen that way. Especially when fighting for survival.

    This movie was so fun to watch and I loved how it showed how some people unfold in these kinds of situations!
  • Making films based on a concept idea isn't easy and certainly doesn't guarantee a good film but I always admire filmmakers for making something different. In 'The Human Race' random people get put into a race (or running contest) with very strict rules (we get to hear them 15 times throughout the film) the contestants have to follow or they die. The film seems to be made either by a first time director (he isn't) or someone who deliberately ignores some basic film rules. The film switches protagonists a couple of times (first one after 9 minutes??) but sometimes it's to make a point I guess. The Human Race is a bit of a mixed bag: it feels somewhat unbalanced and amateurish on one hand but it does keep you interested and wondering where they are going with the story. I'm sure there are people who will hate this film and/or won't be happy with the conclusion of the story but I liked it and would recommend it if you like weird concept scifi films. The most comparable film would be CUBE, but that one was an instant classic, this one is a nice try though.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I went into this with an open mind. I'd caught the trailer on YouTube and it looked intriguing, reminiscent, I thought of "The Long Walk" (a guilty pleasure of mine). I'd also read some of the reviews, the ones slating the poor acting and low budget. I've seen some great movies with low budgets and poor acting ("Tunnel" or "The Poughkeepsie Tapes" for example) so I figured that maybe there might be a hidden gem here, one overlooked by all the haters. Sadly I was wrong.

    The trivia section suggests that this was filmed over the course of several years and it shows. Not only does the plot (what there is of it) feel very disjointed but the whole style seems to alter almost randomly. Often it feels as if the director has read about a new technique and just wants to experiment with it. Some of these techniques such as the hand-held camera in the office chairs are actually pretty neat but because the director doesn't stick with one style throughout the film loses any sense of unity.

    There's also the issue with the plot. There are a couple of lengthy flashbacks that seem to serve no purpose later on, as if the writer changed his mind about the film's direction after they'd been filmed. Then, once the film proper is underway he brings it neatly under control before realising he doesn't know what to do next. So, he changes direction again, upping the action and gore in a truly ludicrous fashion (the fight scene with the amputee veteran is probably the nadir of the film in this regard).

    However, in amongst all this there are some good points. The performances might not be Oscar worthy but they are solid enough and some of the relationships are nicely drawn, especially between the two veterans and also the deaf couple. There are also a couple of nice scenes, notably with the pregnant woman and the cyclist and the old marine and the veteran. There's also the setting with its seemingly random safe spots and oppressing atmosphere.

    But then we come to the reveal. This is where it lost most of its points. Up until this point this has been a mildly intriguing look at the way people interact under stress. There are some nods towards religion and to modern society that hint that maybe this film has a point to make, some sort of message to impart. Had the reveal somehow linked to this, even in a way I disagreed about, I might have seen some worth in this enterprise. Instead the reveal turns the whole film into little more than a genre film (and a cheap genre film with rubbish CGI at that). There's nothing wrong with being a genre film but you're going to need to do a whole lot better than this if you want to stand up against the far better examples that are out there (eg "Battle Royale").
  • Just terrible.

    Really, don't bother.

    It isn't even worth pirating, it's that bad.

    You would spend better time cleaning the tiles in your bathroom with an old toothbrush.

    I I could go back in time and unwatch it, I would - although that is only about 35 minutes - which was about 15 minutes too far. I was hoping it would get better, but it just didn't.

    How did someone manage to get funding for such a piece of dross as this? Surely there would be better things that VC could do with money than to fund something like this - just go to any of the crowdsource early investment sites. Your money would be put to a better use and you might even make the world a better place.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    everything about this movie is just bad. im not a harsh movie critic at all but this was just ridiculous. everything from the acting to plot was the worst piece of... i don't even know what to call it. don't waste your time. worst acting i have seen in a movie since forever? the plot centers around people in an undisclosed location and they have to race or die. every death is exactly the same. the plot makes no sense. they waste time introducing characters that have no relevance to the story. even the part with sign language is acted out poorly. how is that even possible? just avoid this you cant get your time back so make sure to steer clear
  • TekBoi29 January 2014
    I don't find it necessary to write a review on IMDb, I never have; Human Race changes things. This movie is the definition of D-Movie, or the former "grindhouse" movies. Let me put this into perspective: most YouTube short-films are higher quality than this movie.

    Everything is cliché, everything is mediocre. Story, acting, film, costumes. Don't bother. You'd be more entertained watching any soap opera, or squirrels taking a dump, then getting shot in the face, or a baby staring at cheerios. The only reason I gave it a rating of 2 (instead of a 0) is because I applaud the producer for finding the funding.

    Bottom line: don't bother.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    A group of about 80 people suddenly appear on a sidewalk and must compete in a race or die. There are rules to this race, ones that must be followed, or you die...such as no stepping on the grass. If you are lapped twice, you also die. In an attempt to keep people alive several came up with the idea that everyone stay inside a house and not run. However true to society, or the human race, one person starts running, so everyone must now run. The film was in part, designed to look at the human race in this microcosm as competition vs. cooperation. We see the best and worse come out in us as things degrade to a free-for-all.

    The question they raise is "why" which is one the viewer must endure also. The clues are minor. Any seasoned film watcher would have the reason on their short list. The film ended leaving itself open for a sequel. The main problem with the film is that it took too long to get to the end. Things got boring as we waited for an answer. The main character acting was good. Trista Robinson and Eddie McGee were convincing.

    This is not a film for everyone. Decent rental.

    Parental Guide: F-bombs (spoken, written and signed). No sex or nudity. Attempted rape?
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The acting is not great and the movie rather predictable (there is not much to go with when one understand the basics and the scenario is very simple). I realize that there are poor dialog and rather shaky ideas underdeveloped (why this girl who recovered from cancer dies within a minute of the race?). How to summarize it? A kind of "survival Island" but with a set of unwilling participants having no clue of the rules (until the rules become obvious). Very graphic and a rather systematic head explosion frenzy all along, not very philosophical.

    But I did not dislike this movie as much as others did and it is certainly not the worst time I spent watching a movie (especially SciFi, where the TV genre are poorly made - this is much better than your average TV SciFi). The authors tried to cast a set of unusual characters (pregnant woman, cripple, priest, Muslim, thug, deaf girl and man, etc ... Do people realize that the character of Eddie is actually played by ... a one legged actor named Eddie McGee - I have to say, bravo (I liked his character enough to check his profile). Apart from him, we have his friend we empathize with and also a few others. With better actors and a more developed scenario, this was would have been a fine movie (the idea is not bad).
  • I have noticed many people rating this movie pretty bad. Don't know whether it's just me but I was very well able to connect to the actors and my attention was kept high until the end - that doesn't happen so often though. I have read from other reviewers about bad acting, but I cannot say that. If we talk about acting quality, many other movies contain bad acting as well. In that respect, that movie does not stand out that much really. The budget of this film was certainly not very high, but it makes up in the director's quality, occasionally very interesting angles of capturing the scenes, tense moments & sound effects and the story line is just out of this world. To be honest, I will be looking forward for "The Human Race 2" - if it ever comes out.
  • Never ever felt the need to make a review on IMDb before, but this movie is just to bad to let it slide. And since I went on rating to see if it was worth my time, that rating needs to be rectified. This movie having a rating at all is ridiculous. There should be a big fat zero with X over it as rating option.

    It starts out annoyingly unspecific, leads with building one character who then plays no part in the overall storyline. But then again, there is basically no storyline.

    At best this in awful attempt at a poorly written, directed and acted splatter movie. Just plain distasteful without any comment on human behavior, social conventions, politics or anything.

    I would urge not to waste any time or money on this. It doesn't even deserve to be pirated.
  • "Only one will win. The School, The House and The Prison are safe. Follow the arrows or you will die. Stay on the path or you will die. If you are lapped twice, you will die. Do not touch the grass or you will die. Race or die."

    If that doesn't make u wanna watch whats coming next, then i don't know what will. I'm in the belief that the most important part of a movie would be in the first 10-15 minutes... cos that's when u know whether u wanna stay for the rest of it. "Human Race" grabbed my attention from minute 1 via the above quote.

    And after watching the movie, i just have 2 words to say: FREAKIN' AWESOME!!! In my opinion, better than recent movies of a similar nature, i.e. hunger games, the condemned, and about just as awesome as the Japanese cult classic "Battle Royale".

    I have to admit that as I was watching I couldn't help but wonder what the ending would be like, and I was afraid that it would fall flat and ruin a perfectly breathtaking movie. But it didn't... and suffice to say I was satisfied with the way it was done. Some people may disagree, but hey, everyone's entitled to an opinion.

    So give "Human Race" a view. I highly recommend it.
  • If you want something different, then gives this film a go. It's not a big production and that's obvious from the get-go. If you absolutely need great packaging, Hollywood polish and established actors coupled with true and tried cinematography, give it a miss, because it's rough around the edges. If instead you're looking for something out of the box, east of the formula, with a a nice touch of what-if-this-was-me, then tune in and prepare for a sweet ride. What would you do in this scenario? You like what-ifs? Then tighten that seat-belt. Where does the line between ethics and survival get drawn? Be honest with yourself, who would you have been in the movie? Must say this was a great 87 minutes spent.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Ciao :)

    If You can enjoy a movie because it is so bad, that only the scenes which are the worst make it worthy to watch in the first place ( viewer's soberness not advised ) You might like this one here. Really bad dialogues spoken by amateur actors in a seldom senseless scenario, one bad decision follows the other, heads explode left and right. And while chaos rises, one guy keeps on hopping .... and hopping .... and hopping.

    For the quality, story and acting nothing better than 2,5/10 would be appropriate. The body count, funny kills and an ass kicking one legged guy raise it for me to a 5/10 ( after a few not too weak drinks )
  • So yes, this movie is made to a budget, the actors aren't convincing, the special effects are cheap and the storyline is a little lacking.

    However, overall it's a curiously enjoyable romp. The story develops the characters just enough for the viewer to connect to them and take an interest in their eventual fate.

    Also of note is the use of non-stereotypical characters. The main characters involve a deaf couple, a cripple, a priest, a pregnant woman, and it goes on, the variety and effort to stick away from typical archetypal heroes is well noticed and appreciated.

    It is a movie that most people can happily bypass, but by no means is it a waste of time... enjoyable. :)
  • Warning: Spoilers
    well... to sum it up: waste of time!

    acting is bad, plot inexistent, exploding heads, violence just for the sake of it, people running around in some mysterious nonsense race, great body chick not showing any nudity... :) i went on a team building a little time ago. among others we made few short movies using cheap cameras, some costumes. we did the acting, directing and editing. our movies were decent compared to this!

    i'm wondering how this movie can have 5+ rating. seems 55% of the voters gave it a 8,9 and 10. 9% gave it a solid 1. i can't see how this many people would consider this a masterpiece! i'm suspecting foul play. somebody related to this did some pr stunt. waste of time! it's so bad it's not worth it pirating even!
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