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  • Have been on a roll watching Hallmark/Lifetime etc Christmas films for a few years now. It has been an interesting and worthwhile endeavour, though a very inconsistent one. There was never the mentality of expecting a classic or the film in question to be flawless. Something that was never managed with pretty much all the films seen. There was always the expectation of seeing a film where one can see at least some effort rather than merely cash-in level. The former being obvious in most luckily.

    'More than I Wished For' (which is the more appropriate title in my view than 'A Fiance for Christmas' as it is not very Christmassy in feel) is one of the Christmas films in the former category. 2021 was very hit and miss for Christmas films and for Lifetime, but 'More than I Wished For' is somewhere around high middle in ranking on its own terms and if you don't mind that it would pass more for a film set in Summer than at Christmas time. Good to know that others liked it too, though can understand if anybody isn't crazy about it.

    Will agree that Marie Osmond is far too hammy and it did not gel with the film very well, even when it was more farcical she felt too over the top.

    Did find the ending too neat and on the too hasty side. And that the comedy could have been toned down more, in quality though not placement. It did at times become too over-egged and forced, especially when more farcical.

    On the other hand, there is a good deal to like about 'More than I Wished For'. Did like the two leads a lot, particularly Amanda Payton who is very charming with no signs of overplaying or looking bored. Adam Gregory is easy going and subtly charismatic and the two looked at ease together in a romance that was very sweet but not too much so. Most of the supporting cast are fine and the same goes for the characters, with only Osmond's being annoying.

    Production values are pleasing. It's not too drab or garish in photography, the editing didn't seem rushed or disorganised and the scenery has a real charm to it. The music didn't sound over-bearing or like there was too much, which can be a common issue with Lifetime. The dialogue has flow and doesn't get too cheesy or too schmaltzy. The story on the whole is light hearted and heart warming.

    Nice film if not mind blowing. 7/10.
  • The title of the movie is wrong it should be corrected. The title to this movie is A Fiancé For Christmas. It was a good movie I really enjoyed it. Its near impossible to come up with a new movie idea, sure this one has been done before and this one does it well.
  • film_grrrl11 December 2021
    Xmas films are formulaic, and this is no exception. That said, the lead (Miss Payton) is too cute for words, and is the main reason to watch. Her chemistry with the male lead is not great (his fault) but her path to love seemed honest. And there are some good one-liners. Nice change of pace. And she IS adorable.
  • This is a very enjoyable version of the fake fiancé trope thanks mostly to plenty of wit and humor in the script and the acting of Amanda Payton. She is adorable and hilarious. When the sweet tooth inflicted obstetrician stuffs a whole cookie in her mouth with her eyes daring the fake fiancé to say anything, I was sold.

    Amanda opens a private make believe wedding gift registry for some retail therapy. When it becomes public all of her friends, coworkers, boss, and mother think our workaholic too busy to date heroine is engaged and act accordingly with unrestrained joy and a bridal shower. Her mother even remodels a spare room into a nursery. As one thing leads to another and she feels too trapped to confess the truth and is forced to recruit the handsome brother of a patient into being her fake fiancé. Even her future career rests on not revealing her lie. Romance and hilarity ensue as Sawyer "I wanna marry this dough" and the agreeable Landon become more and more entangled.

    Unfortunately, Adam Gregory as Landon is too passive and not up to the task of keeping pace with the force of nature that is Amanda Payton in her role as Sawyer. He is conventionally handsome and just plain conventional, bringing nothing to the table other than his too perfect looks. There is no spark or chemistry although Amanda gives it her all. Marie Osmond is way over-the-top as the high-strung flakey Mom, totally unbelievable as a respected anthropologist, but she is funny. Will someone please tell her to get her hair out of her face though?
  • This film essentially begins with a young obstetrician by the name of "Sawyer" (Amanda Payton) being told by her supervisor "Bill" (James Jamison) that he has decided to retire soon and will be looking for a replacement to run the women's clinic. He then goes on to tell Sawyer that, although she has done an excellent job since her arrival at the clinic, he worries about her burning out because she doesn't have a private life of her own. In short, she's all work and no play. Needless to say, the truth of the matter hits home and causes her to become both disappointed and somewhat depressed. Recognizing this, her friend and colleague "Jules" (Sarah Jayne Jensen) takes her shopping and while there convinces her to fill out a fake engagement announcement using the name of her former boyfriend to cheer her up. Not long afterward, she then meets a young man by the name "Landon" (Adam Gregory) who asks her to join him for some coffee simply to please his sister "Hillary" (Scout Smith) who happens to be a patient of hers. It's during this time that the fake announcement is accidentally discovered by some of Sawyer's friends and, in order to please them, Sawyer convinces Landon to pretend that they're engaged. What they don't count on, however, is the reaction from Sawyer's friends and relatives when they hear the news. Now, rather than reveal any more, I will just say that this turned out to be a pretty good romantic-comedy due, in large part, to the acting of Amanda Payton and the chemistry between her and Adam Gregory. And even though the ending was a bit too abbreviated, I still found this movie to be quite enjoyable, and I recommend it to those viewers who might be interested in a film of this type.
  • adamjohns-4257529 November 2022
    A Fiancé For Christmas/More Than I Wished For (2021) -

    I've definitely turned off better, sooner, but I did stick with it and I liked the romance that grew between them mostly.

    Although he was reasonably handsome and had lovely eyes, leading man, "Joshua"/Landon (Adam Gregory) was soooo gay! And so was her ex, the other Joshua.

    Amanda Payton as Sawyer and Adam Gregory might have been okay with a different director, story and less jolly background music, but it all just contrived too hard to be over the top and silly.

    The concept in itself was really daft and Marie Osmond (Mother) was far too much.

    It was a bit like a car crash, but I found that I couldn't turn away from it.

    I hate it when the characters lie and it gets too extreme. Nobody in their right minds would follow through with the idea to pretend to be dating for so long, especially if they actually did develop real feelings for each other.

    I'd like to see the two leads given a better opportunity with different direction, Etc, because I think that they were the reason that I did make it to the end, but there are other actors out there that deliver better for me without having to try so hard.

  • I enjoyed this movie. I'm sure that being filmed during the pandemic caused a few casting problems, and hiccoughs. I think it was a lot of fun and very enjoyable. The cause of the problem is a fun twist on the need for a fake fiance. There are some really funny moments (and I've watched it a couple of times and hear and see more each time).

    It is obvious that friends and especially Mom have been worrying about Sawyer's single state, which explains the joy at the "news." Marie Osmond's exuberance over becoming a grandma is hilarious. (Although some think this was too much, I know people like that who go crazy when they think a grandchild is on the way.)

    Amanda and Sarah Jayne totally crack me up with their quick bantering.

    I watched to movie for a feel good romcom, (not looking for things to criticize and be nasty about) and enjoyed it thoroughly.
  • The original title, "More than I wish for" seems more appropriate. This movie has nothing to do with Christmas. If the story had been set at Labor Day time, it would not change a iota. It's another spin on the "fake fiancee" theme, where the reasons for needing a fake fiancee are becoming increasingly more outlandish. In this one, it appears whoever knows the lead character, Sawyer, cannot live unless she is engaged, and just a hint this may be happening becomes reason for a 4th of July- like celebration. Hence, you may guess the emotions in the story are far overplayed. The tone keeps wavering between serious and farcical, not necessarily at the most suitable moment. The psychology of the action keeps swinging from cheesy to childish, with occasional charming moments. The mother, Marie Osmond, acts so over the top to suggest a case of severe mental regression. With some caveats, I find Amanda Payton likeable and I really wanted to like the movie. The more I think about it, though, the less I can. Whether it is a case of bad casting, poor acting, a senseless script, or all combined, the result is a mostly forgettable show.
  • Jackbv1231 November 2022
    We have all seen a fake fiancé movie. Pretty standard. This one starts rather oddly when Sawyer's friend convinces her to make a bridal registry on a lark. A first date leads to Landon taking on the role. The story is not so much the focus as how much fun all misunderstandings and near misses while Sawyer tries to figure out how to deal with everything. Several are quite clever. Amanda Payton has excellent timing and does quite well with the role.

    Payton and Adam Gregory have great chemistry. The dialogue is good. There are some great lines. The Anthropologist angle provides a few good ones. The acting is good. Basically, the whole thing is well done.

    Both Landon and Sawyer seem to good to be true as characters.

    The last part of the movie after the reveal is not quite as sparkling as the rest, but there's absolutely nothing wrong with it.
  • srooks127 October 2023
    You would think two well-educated people would not get themselves into a web of lies about being engaged. That is what happened in this movie. Nothing new here except for the ending which did not have the couple living happily ever after. The movie just ended. There was no chemistry between the leads. The supporting cast did a reasonable job of keeping the story going except for Marie Osmond who was the bold and brassy mother of the female lead.

    Her acting was overly theatrical, and not really funny. It is not her fault, the script was not really funny or touching.

    It was your standard TV holiday movie. Skip this movie and do something that will leave you feeling good.