User Reviews (1)

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  • I somehow forgot what happened throughout the show from when I watched it first run, so overall it has been a lot of fun to rewatch it well over a decade later on Netflix.

    I don't like giving only a 6-star rating to an episode of show I like this much until now, but things just kept going downhill through Season 3 until they just leveled off and the last four episodes of Season 3 I'm just sitting here thinking "When does Season 4 start, I hope it gets better."

    Ugly Betty started out with so much fun and intrigue, from the unusual circumstances of Betty being hiring, the death of Daniel's brother, the mysterious woman and the hints of murder in Season 1. Then... I don't know happened, or rather, I don't know why nothing happened.

    I've heard that the show was based on a South American Telenovela, so I thought that maybe that's where they got all the exciting scripts ideas for the first two seasons, which they executed wonderfully here, but I just looked that up and it seems like the writing beyond the basic Betty/Boss was actually original here. But after the kidnapping was over several episodes ago, the show just seems like a lot of nothing.

    I wish I could say something better, I really do.

    Oh.. I did watch the first half of S4E1 before writing this, so I can at least say it's does seem like it's going to improve. So I am still looking forward to Season 4.

    I don't like to write reviews with spoilers (because people are even less likely to read them) but if I was including them, I would just be adding the details of how I was hoping and expected something specific to happen, but even that didn't go through. Sad. Actually, IMO, not much of anything happened, hope I'm not breaking the spoiler rules by giving that away... but some people might feel otherwise, so probably not.