User Reviews (2)

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  • alexbogue38893 February 2021
    I hope the show can find a new audience. The production is awesome and the plot is great. 13 episodes isn't enough.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    "Brothers" to me , was funny from start to finish

    It was great to see actor Carl Weathers take a comedic turn in acting, he was not just funny but his character was also just very off-beat. He's a football coach but not an everyday variety.

    The mother was what a sitcom mother should be, funny at the right time and serious when called for. The two brothers got along like brothers do in real life but with that over the top sitcom sibling rivalry.

    Darryl "Chill" Mitchell, who was great in the 90's sitcom "The John Larroquette Show", is even better here. It's great to see him back on TV.

    The plot was this, a couple that has been married for 39 years,ends up having to take back in their two grown sons. The eldest son is a pro-ball player whose been embezzled out of millions by his manager. He had bought his parents the home, that they now live in and now he needs a place to live.

    The younger brother (Darryl) is wheelchair bound after getting hit by a drunk driver. He blames his brother for this for not coming to pick him up that night after calling him. Despite being in a chair, he still has the ability to take his brother's ego down a few pegs.

    The main story of the first show, was about getting proper ground rules set so everyone can get along, now that they have to live together again. The brothers aren't into the idea of rules seeing as how they're both in their 30's.

    Show # 2 is the time honored "husband forgot wife's anniversary plot". It's done very well and was also very funny. In the same show Mom & Dad compete against their sons in bowling.

    There were no stereo-types here, the characters were funny without being clowns and had the extra bonus of having real feelings and emotions, without getting sappy about it.

    10 stars from me. - At the time, I felt it was the best sitcom on TV then but it was cancelled. Still it was better than most of TV at that time. Hopefully, I can find a way to see it again sometime. (END)