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  • The only thing this movie was missing was a plot. It was as if a bunch of horror movie writers sat around and wrote an terrible movie based off of their ideas. The movie was based off of bunch of people who all believe they are the last people on earth(which they aren't) that have nothing in common except that there are zombies outside of their house. There really wasn't anything good to say about this movie. I mean even the cactus had a name. I have never wanted a zombie to eat my brains out more than after i finished this movie. Here is a crazy question, Why didn't any zombies get killed in this movie? More mice died than zombies. However, There is a zombie apocalypse outside and you have the curtains open!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This features several story threads set around a zombie apocalypse and for a low budget zombie horror film it does succeed in having an apocalyptic tone . It's both bleak and depressing as the film paints a scenario where zombies are about to replace humanity as the dominant species of Earth . Compare the atmosphere seen here with something like AUTUMN and you'll see how well directors Blaine Cade and Jason Horton have done in making the audience feel that the end of the world is genuinely taking place . Unfortunately they shoot themselves in the foot with their screenplay

    The film has three story strands

    1 ) Catholic priests quest to execute a 12 year old boy who they consider to be the anti-Christ responsible for the apocalypse

    2 ) A vampire couple protect a young woman if she'll allow them access to some of her blood

    3 ) A couple whose marriage is on the rocks due to the husband's obsession with writing horror stories

    The problem is that these strands often don't tie in with the central story , try to do too much or suddenly change tone . The priests trying to find the anti-Christ child who is being protected by a Lara Croft clone could have and should have been the central focus of the narrative . The other two subplots often lack explanation and logic . The young woman in the care of the vampires is not what she seems but it's never satisfactorily revealed who or what she is . Considering humanity is about to become extinct why would anyone have a motivation for writing stories since it's obvious there's no one to sell the stories to . This subplot isn't helped by the fact that there's yet another subplot going on where the computer itself is becoming a sentient being that needs energy from other living things to remain alive !

    There's so many things going on the stories that it could have kept the film company going in plots for a whole decade . This means the entire film ends up becoming totally unfocused and confused which is a great pity since EDGES OF DARKNESS has a genuinely downbeat and nihilistic atmosphere rarely seen in low budget zombie horror films
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Do not be fooled by this movies brilliant DVD cover. I was in the movie store and there it was, a new zombie flick (I love zombie flicks. Can never seem to get enough of them) and on the cover was a hot female in torn clothes boots and ripped fishnets standing on a pile of rubble surrounded by zombies and she's holding a pistol down at them. The title of the movie 'Edges of Darkness' in the background behind her head with the tag line 'so many zombies, so little time' underneath. SWEET! I thought. Turned it over and the hot chick is wielding an axe and there are nothing but zombies other than her. Looked like a good and cheesy action flick. I have never been so disappointed. It starts of pretty decent. You can tell it's a low budget production, but that never bothers me. We see lots of zombies and then we get into these 3 tales that don't make any sense or have really anything to do with zombies. SPOILER ALERT. First story is a about this "warrior" woman (I think this is the girl on the DVD case as far a I can tell. If it is the photo shopped the hell out of her) helping some mother and her son. She then finds out some priest are trying to kill the boy because they think he's the anti-Christ. The second is about this computer obsessed husband who ignores his wife who talks to herself. Then the computer starts coming alive. The last one is about this couple who kidnap this woman and want to drink her blood but some unknown reason that's never found out her blood starts poisoning them. The whole movie you just want a zombie to kill all of them. No one dies from a zombie. OK, that's a lie, some random people at the beginning who have no lines do, but that's it. There are no likable characters, mashed up non-sensible plots, boring sets (seriously looked like the whole thing was shot in dorm rooms and show houses. Every room was white and empty except one room that was covered in graffiti), unfocused camera work, and a bad soundtrack. Do not waste your time or money on this movie. Watching my hands prune in a bath is more interesting
  • Warning: Spoilers
    During the first five minutes of this movie I thought about turning it off. But at the one hour mark I was dying to find out what the hell was going on. Somehow this terrible movie captivated me right to the very end - at which point non of my questions were answered.

    For those who love crappy movies, I highly recommend this one. You will be treated to mind boggling plot twists, enthralling high school-calibre acting, and grade five level dialogue. This movie redeems itself by being amazingly terrible from start to finish.

    The movie begins by showing you the struggles of a couple who turn out to be vampires, another couple who are having relationship problems due to computer addiction, and other chick that's just messed up because she had to kill her husband and baby. Then some sort of organic cyborg fungus grows out of one dude's computer and feeds off a cactus ... 'Power Source Located'. This of course happens a number of other times when the tentacles find a mouse and then the dude's girlfriend (who fantasizes about romancing a zombie - a la Dirty Dancing). Totally awesome, but seemingly not connected to anything else that's happening in any of the other story lines.

    So then the vampires capture this girl who I think was an anti-vampire because she gets stronger as they feed off her. Mayhem ensues and the only one left alive is the vampiress. Yet, somewhere else in the same building? or in another part of the city, the angry chick (who had to kill her own baby) meets the Antichrist who is being pursued by these creepy priests (oh ya, the Antichrist is a 12 year old boy, which seems appropriate for their zealous desire to find him).

    In the end, pretty much everyone dies, but the angry chick and the Antichrist go off together somewhere - maybe to fight the alien cyborg fungus, and the vampiress laments about the horrible and chaotic world in which she is left alone - and yes, she has no answers and either do we.
  • I saw this movie with the knowledge, that this was the worst movie ever. That shouldn't be a problem. A bad movie can be a movie that's so bad, it is good again. Or so bad, that it is just plain funny. This film was just painfully bad. The story doesn't make any sense. You have absolutely no idea who the people are and what they are doing. After a good start with destroyed zombies every where, there is no action at all. And when there's action it happens outside the camera. They're talking, and talking and talking and you have absolutely no idea what they're talking about. I had the idea that they made a movie and after that they left the movie on the cutting room floor and put all the outtakes together. The movie looks bad, like they made every mistake in film-making on purpose. All above should-en't be a problem if the movie is at least fun to watch, because of all this mistakes, but it isn't. It's all heavy set drama. Every character has problems, are depressed and they're talking about it. Even the zombies are depressed and talking about there problems! The filmmakers took themselves way too serious. Like they really wanted to tell something and give a message to the world. Is there nothing good to tell about this movie? Some of the actors really can act. Especially the older actor. The old zombie and the oldest priest have a voice that is very pleasant to hear. They could use them for voice acting. But it doesn't feel right in this movie. Good acting was way misplaced in a bad movie. I felt sorry for the actors who maybe hoped to show their acting skills in a movie, but ended in one big boring nonsense I hope they had fun making this movie, because if you make a no budget movie, it should be fun to make with no expectations, that it's going to be a good movie. Than it is fun to watch.
  • Interrelated stories about what happens in various apartments during a zombie take over of the world. After a great start that sets up the world of the film and shows one of the characters rescuing others the film settles into what is going on in three apartments during the nightmare. Most of what occurs is a great deal of talking as everyone talks about what is going on and the weird events that are transpiring. I'm not sure how all of it really relates, like the vampire stuff. As some one said in a review, its as if the writers took all the ideas they had for a bunch of short films and crammed them into one film. It really doesn't work and the stories differences seem to work against each other. For me the promise of the early scenes got lost in the talk and unrelated nonsense. I got to the point that when the phone rang I took the call and just let the movie run. Which is not a good sign. I'd take a pass
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Edges of Darkness is quite the odd duck. It features a variety of stories regarding characters during a zombie apocalypse. Two African American vampires chose the wrong girl as their next blood source for she's seemingly a junkie who is "contaminated". A married couple deal with boredom in their own way, the husband, an addict on his computer writing stories while the missus, ignored and depressed has fantasies involving a zombie pal she engages in small talk and dance..what the computer nerd doesn't realize is that the new word processor he installed has a life of it's own and seeks a power source, preferably from a human! A Lara Croft kind of female warrior aids a black kid who could be The Anti-Christ as he is being pursued by sadistic priests, soon becoming a sort-of protector. Each story alternates as the undead scour the earth outside the buildings where the movie is set.

    Rather ambitious despite the obvious limited resources, the movie tosses around a lot of ideas, none of which I felt ever quite hit the bullseye. Sometimes you bite off more than you can chew when taking on the challenge of incorporating your horror film with so many stories with only so much time to present each one. I admire the task of including such a variety of genres: zombie, vampire, religious, and the Cronenbergian aspect of flesh and technology fusing in an unusual way. The camera work and equipment used for the film is as mediocre as some of the special effects and acting. I credit the effort, the attempt even if it was a misfire. That said, Michelle Rose, as the Tomb Raider modeled heroine, is sure striking as the femme warrior, and the vampire tale has a rather funny punchline regarding what junk blood can do to the bloodsucker. The zombie plague remains a focus of conversation in all stories, although the actual carnage by the undead is lacking, probably, again, due to the budget. The filmmakers never allow any of their stories to lag too long, and there's plenty of quirky humor on display. Ultimately, the film felt as if it ends the way it does due to running out of cash(..particularly the religious parable regarding the female warrior and her possible Anti-Christ child, which has a lot of potential, rather untapped, ending rather abruptly, not particularly satisfying since it seems this was simply too much for merely a segment in a movie featuring other stories).
  • Uriah4327 December 2012
    One of the main complaints about zombie movies is that they're all so similar. Most "zombie enthusiasts" would disagree and could easily point to a particular film to make their case. This is one such movie. Not only is this different but it adds some new ideas for the zombie genre as well. For example, this movie has 3 different scenarios all against the backdrop of a zombie apocalypse in Los Angeles. Unlike a great number of zombie films, this one doesn't start at the beginning of the apocalypse or give the details of how it happened. Instead it focuses on some of the ways a few survivors have coped with it all. What is so interesting is that each of these survivors have their own story to tell and although they live in the same city, none of the stories are interrelated. I won't go into what secrets each of these people harbor but I will say that I thought it was a decent movie because it was so original. Now, I suppose it could have been better if the scenarios were somehow linked together but even so I thought this film had plenty of surprises to keep my attention.
  • poolandrews5 March 2011
    Warning: Spoilers
    Edges of Darkness is set in the near future as a zombie apocalypse consumes the world, flesh eating zombies are everywhere & the few remaining human survivors have a hard time staying alive. Stan (Alonzo F. Jones) & his wife Stellie (Shamika Ann Franklin) are blood drinking Vampires that need fresh human blood for their own needs & when Stan brings home the young Natalie (Annemarie Pazmino) to provide the blood they need things start to look up but Natalie isn't what she seems. Despite a zombie apocalypse outside Dean (Jay Costelo) is still obsessed with his computer often ignoring his long suffering wife Dana (Alisha Gaddis) but the computer seems to develop a mind of it's own & is always on the look out for new power sources. Then there's tough girl Heather (Michelle Rose) who will happily kill anything, living or dead, to survive. However Heather seems to have met up with the Son of Satan who claims to want to save the world...

    Written & directed by Jason Horton & Blaine Cade with Horton on editing duties as well this pointless mix of horror anthology & apocalyptic zombie film is pretty bad in every aspect. Basically I assume the script for Edges of Darkness is trying to be a horror anthology with three separate stories connected by the wraparound zombie apocalypse scenario & it's as bad as it sounds. The thing that kills it is that all three stories (& the wraparound story as well) are complete crap, none have any shock twist endings with the evil computer story in particular feeling unfinished & pointless. The Vampire story has a neat set-up with two Vampires (I assume they are meant to be Vampires since they drink human blood but never have fangs & can go out in daylight) finding the zombie apocalypse has caused them a unique sort of problem as human blood has become very thin on the ground but what or who Natalie actually is is never explained & again there's no twist. The other story about Heather & the Son of Satan (who just happens to be black...) is also crap with no significant build up or pay-off although the twist that this little (black) kid is the Son of Satan is the biggest twist Edges of Darkness has to offer which says it all really. All three stories have supernatural &/or horror aspects but none work anywhere near as well as say an episode of Tales from the Crypt or the Hammer House of Horror television series or numerous other classic horror anthology films like The House that Dripped Blood (1971), Tales from the Crypt (1972), Asylum (1972), Tales that Witness Madness (1973) or The Vault of Horror (1973) to name but a few. The script leaves too many questions unanswered to be really satisfying & the vagueness of it all with possible Vampires, possible Son of Satan & a flesh eating computer processor that is just randomly thrown into the mix left me feeling underwhelmed.

    The special effects are cheap looking, if you like watching badly made up zombies biting into bits of meat in close-up then you may like what Edges of Darkness has to offer. There's some blood splatter, a ripped off arm & little else. According to the IMDb FAQ page Horton wrote & directed the Vampire story Overbite & the Anti Christ story Up the Ante while Cade wrote & directed the living computer story Entanglement. Obviously shot on a low budget Edges of Darkness is quite an ugly film, set in three small apartments & taking place during a zombie apocalypse where we only ever see about five zombies (people can still walk down the street safely it seems) the photography is bad, the lighting is bad & the whole thing looks very low budget.

    The IMDb says Edges of Darknes shad a budget of about $25,000 which sounds about right, that's all I need to say really. The acting isn't as bad as expected, sure it's not great but it's alright for the most part. Stan gets lots of one-liners full of profanity ('It's a zombie apocalypse and you got the f*****g curtains open!?') some of which are mildly amusing I suppose. I've never seen Annmarie Pazmino who plays Nathalie in anything else but she's hot.

    Edges of Darkness is a really bad horror anthology with three really weak stories that offer no twists or turns or even straight horror, I'm struggling to find any positive aspects about Edges of Darkness so maybe I should just say don't bother since there are much better films out there.
  • And the DVD cover was so promising, but that illusion all shattered when I sat down and actually watched the movie. It was just abysmal, and I had to give up about 45 minutes into it, so I made it halfway through.

    This is supposed to be an interlinking trilogy of short stories taking place during a zombie apocalypse, but it just didn't function properly. First of all, there was vampires in one of the segments. Yeah, vampires! Secondly, there was a guy was was madly obsessed with his computer, and paid no attention to his wife or the zombie apocalypse outside the window, yeah, that was just so believable. And to make matters worse, then he had ordered some hard drive for his computer, which was delivered by mail. Yep, by mail, apparently during the end of days and a zombie apocalypse, the US Mail is still up and running. That just was just downright stupid! But it doesn't stop there, no! The hard drive apparently was some kind of living organism, capable of sending out tendrils to leech energy from living beings. I wonder who actually thought that this would be a great idea.

    I will say that the movie started out tremendously with lots of gore and mayhem, which was nice, and it looked promising, but wow it collapsed into a heap of rubbish so quickly. The stories are driven by laughable plots, bad dialogue and very little coherent connection between the three story lines. The acting, though, well at least that was bearable to behold. So at least the movie gets one point for having adequate actors and actresses on the cast.

    For a zombie movie, then "Edges of Darkness" was a horrible disappointment. There was about 5 good minutes worth of gore and mutilation in the 45 minutes that I managed to sit through. The rest that I saw was just rubbish. "Edges of Darkness" is hardly worth the effort, and I know now that it will be bagged, tagged and put on my DVD shelves never to be taken out again.

    As a zombie aficionado I was thoroughly bored and disappointed with this movie, and I wouldn't recommend that you pick it up, unless you are a fan of any of the people in the movie. It is an insult to the zombie genre.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The idea of the film is intriguing but it has its short commings. There are three stories that don't really tie in together and i don't really know why they should be connected. So if you look at it at face value its three different short films like tales from the crypt. I don't know what the other commenters see in the girl with the gun shes not that hot but she is cute. The one I would say is hot is Annemarie Pazmino who has the only strongly developed character in the film. And she is the only chick in the film who can act! The vampire Alonso Jones also did a really good job bringing a new take to what a vampire can be. Not like these sissy Twilight vampires that are lame. If you don't like this film its because you are not a cult horror film buff. So go ahead and enjoy other horror films where vampires glitter in the light and they are "ugly because I have diamonds for skin".
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I know that some will think that I gave better movies lower grades but this movie is an original zombie movie. I love Zombie movies and probably the best so far is "Dawn of the Dead". However, one should admit that this movie had originality. The movie wasn't aiming at showing a war between zombies and humans and this is a first! The war in this movie is pretty much more between the humans and their own selves as the human nature never changes even when is faced with extinction. A woman is still concerned with the issue of whether her husband still loves her or not! I mean you'd think how would a really sane woman ask her husband if he still loves her while zombies are roaming outside her windows! And the vampires part is just so smart... no zombie movie would give you that.

    And the most fascinating part which truly had me thinking and pleased me a lot is the anti-Christ child who says that he is fine with this world of treachery, lying and fast food while the real Christ wants this world to end! It's really genius if you just give it a thought.

    It's an original movie in a way... I liked it and I am sure there are others who appreciated the eccentricity of this movie.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I've never shied away from a really bad horror movie (Zombiez, Ghosts Don't Exist, The Sick and The Dead) and this one didn't disappoint, thank goodness. It was 87 minutes of being on an edge of plots but they were way to far in the distance to recognize them. There were three story lines; 1) the couple whose marriage was not going well because the dude was on the computer all the time while a zombie apocalypse was going on outside (later the computer became an alien life form that eventually sprouted roots and killed his wife who dreamed of dancing with zombies), 2) the vampire couple who captured a female to feed on but she turned out to be some anti-vampire, 3) a kick-butt girl who is a wannabe Alice (from Resident Evil) and gets hooked up with the Anti-Christ. None of the three story lines actually crossed paths, except that they were living in a zombie apocalypse. It was 87 minutes of incredible lack of direction, no plot and some really weird scripting. If you like movies with no plot and no clear ending, this is a great movie for you. One of the best lines in the movie, "There's m-f arm bones in the front yard!" I gave this one star because the videography/camera angles and video transitions are well done. This is a keeper for my "Crappy Movies" collection.
  • raveoddgrl28 February 2010
    Imagine something circling outside the rim of a black hole; it never falls in but circles it eternally. That is this movie: eternally circling outside the plot of what could have been a good movie. It tries to be an anthology but only with a laughable tenuous link to the other movies. It tries to be a plot driven horror film, with too few scares and not enough plot. Yet, strangely, it has grown on me. The "Overbite" story is the most lacking on plot but the couple's story intrigued me and they're believable as a couple. I wish it was a series. The "Up the Ante" story, I believe also could have been good, if it had been fully realized. However, the "Entanglement" story was utterly horrible. It's one bright spot, was the actress that played the wife. She is probably awesome with stronger material.

    In the end, I believe this movie had the ability to be something more than it was. It had decent actors and plots that had potential (NOT including "Entanglement") but it failed. I gave it 5 stars because it was halfway there. Forever outside the powerful star of a good movie.
  • Warning: Spoilers

    Here is the spoiler: this movie is already spoiled rotten and smells of hamster filth and elderberries. Zombies. Vampires. Cyborg computer chip. That's the plot, and whatever they made up for each scene. If this movie had a plot it would be a film. But it's a home movie that some how made it to a video rental place. Someone ate the script and defecated this into the actors mouths, and then, gave a retard Adobe After Effect to do the very "special" effects.

    This tops my "Worst Movie Ever" award. I love zombie movies, even terrible ones. No amount of zombies can save this movie from my utter hatred of it. It has theater drop-out actors, home movie special effects, and an abyss of lack of plot or substance. This movie reeked of "I made this for the fun of making a movie" so the audience response is "I watched this as a form of sadomasochism."

    This coming from someone who loves B-Movies, and will normally lend a nice comment to someone's home movie, this movie deserves the black chasm of filth. The amateur directors should go back to film school, the actors should go back to high school and take a few drama classes, and the special effects wizards are really..."special"... like the special bus.

    I gave this a 1 star because even a fan of horror and zombies (like myself) hates it. I recommend forcing people you don't like watch it, and then enjoy their terrible response. If you need to break up with your girlfriend, watch this movie with them. If you want to test your mettle in some sick fashion... you get the drift.

    Question... if you force terrorist to watch this, is it worse than water boarding? Just a thought.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    IT STARTED OUT GOOD but then quickly went downhill. Zombie movies are supposed to be straight forward movies. Something happens to create zombies. People ban together to kill zombies with head shots. KISS. In this movie the people go against each other. The geek with the first person narration was idiotic. Apparently the zombies are somehow mixed in with a demon child of Satan coming to "save" the world from the mess God has made of it, although it is not well presented. The couple feeding off blood was confusing as well as the girl who killed them with her blood. What the heck was that thing in the computer looking for an energy source? How did that tie into anything? I would say that was from another movie they spliced into this one. The black male had a limited vocabulary dropping the MF bomb all the time for no real reason. HEY! The man is dead. And what is it with women? There are flesh eating zombies roaming outside bumping into walls and all they want to do is open the curtains. Do you really have to shout at a woman to make her understand to keep the curtains closed or die?
  • tpsn7 October 2018
    As far as zombie flicks go, it can't get worse than this. Please save your money. Maybe just watch the Walking Dead which deals with the subject matter a lot better.
  • The end credits says that this film was based on a stage play and it certainly seems that way with almost all the action happening indoors. The film consists of three intertwined stories against a backdrop of a zombie plague but actually the stories could easily have been three separate half-hour plays with no zombies at all. It is my belief that the zombies were mostly a marketing ploy.

    The first story is about a couple whose marriage has hit a rough patch with the wife being neglected by the husband who is obsessed with writing a play (or book) and spends all his time on his computer. Unbeknownst to the couple, the computer is cleverer than they realise.

    The second story features a vampire couple who take in a young woman who is not what she seems. The couple cannot believe how lucky they are when the young woman lets them drink her blood but there is a price to pay for this largesse.

    The DVD cover which shows a Lara Croft look-a-like about to blow away a zombie was the reason I bought the DVD and is the main character in the final story. Our glamorous heroine has rescued a young boy from the zombies, (it did not have to be zombies - it could have been any plague) but two priests believe the boy to be the Antichrist and want to kill him. The question is, is he really the Antichrist or are the priests just religious zealots gone mad?

    You see? There really was no need at all for the zombies. To give the film its credit, the zombies were well done and so was the chomping and chewing but perhaps the budget spent on the film could have been better spent in some other way.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    vampires, computer monsters and ZOMBIES oh my. I was on vacation visiting family in England and i happened upon this on T.V. it was sweet, My hats off to the director. It made me think a lot about what "21 days later" would have been like if it did not have a budget. I hope it gets released out here i looked for it but cant find it any where not even on netflix

    Loved the anti vampire thing great idea, and something i cant remember ever seeing before but i have to be honest I'm still a little confused as to what she actually was? Never the less i loved her, and the guy who played the vampire is it just me or is that guy a 20 year old Sammie Jackson.