User Reviews (7)

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  • Warning: Spoilers
    A group steals some drugs and want to launder the money to Bitcoin. Lew (Jeremy Davies) who is missing a few brain cells,knows a guy who can put it in a wallet. Jess (Ella Ma) stays with him as a partner. Ty (Noah Anderson) a recent parolee knows how to do it and suddenly he is out of work and needs money. He owes the crime boss for a combine. After Ty completes the job, three guys break into Lew's place and steal the hard drive with the Bitcoin information. Ty is the main suspect. After he loses a toe, Ty is allowed to hobble around and play detective to find the drive when suddenly there is a twist.

    This isn't the big world of organized banking crime in exotic place. This is a bunch of goof-balls from the Twin Cities and some guy named Dougie (Har Mar Superstar). Low budget. And now we know why Bitcoin is outlawed in some nations while embraced in others. And what was up with the skeleton costume?

    Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity.
  • If you like crime movies about drug dealers with a lot of violence and blood this is the movie for you. Any connection to crypto-currency is coincidental. They could have been fighting over a suitcase full of dollar bills, it would not change the story-line... This makes me wonder if the creators had a hidden agenda, to make the connection between Bitcoin and crime in your mind? We know that the authorities don't like Bitcoin because it is something they cannot control and cannot track. For the same reason they are trying to get rid of cash, they would very much like to get rid of crypto-currencies.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The only thing that kept me watching was the beautiful Ella Ma, & the nice guy played by Noah Anderson. Oh, and I downloaded it and was very bored.

    I am not a professional critic. I wish I were, so that I could adequately tell you how I feel about this movie.

    Let's start at the beginning. It starts off with black & white retro info film about fiat currency -- how money is spent, and how many hands it passes through, and how convenient it is. This is entirely unnecessary. It gives the film a certain vibe that one does not want to feel for an action heist movie. I think we all understand that bitcoin (aka Crypto) is money.


    The bad guys choke a pill dealer to steal his wares in the backpack, which is worth about $800,000 USD on the streets. Then somehow they get fenced for the FULL value, in cryptocurrency (something is not right here). Then, this mostly-untraceable crypto must then be "washed" so that nobody can trace it.

    They hire a guy to clean it, who then hires another (reluctant) guy to do it. The wallet is placed onto a portable hard drive (more likely a flash drive) and then placed into a safe. The drive is stolen, and the blame falls onto the reluctant guy, who is innocent, yet is put to task to track down the stolen drive.

    Meanwhile, the trading price of bitcoin keeps going up, which means the value this drive has also keeps going up.


    The girlfriend, played by Ella Ma. She is a pretty young girl of color with great hair, figure, and beauty. She is smart. One wonders why she is even involved with a guy 20 years her senior, and one that is a total loser to boot. We only find out until the end of the climax.

    The tweeker. This character is too much. The character looks and acts like a junkie looking for his next fix, and is a dumbass. I hardly think any professional bad guy would associate himself with this guy, much less hire him for a $800K job. No offense to Jeremy Davies, but he over acted this part. Every time he was on the screen, I just cringed. He wasn't even likable, such as someone you love to hate.

    The reluctant guy, played by Noah Anderson. Apparently, the guy was in jail 18 months due to a bad deal, but he did not rat out the others - yet, there is a rumor that he fingered some people and that is why he is out early. He has a kid brother who seems to be in junior high, and they live with their widower father. This guy has contacts in many places, but due to the rumor, he is getting the cold shoulder. My guy has a crypto mining operation inside of a storage locker. (This is absurd because there is no adequate cooling in there and he is using graphics cards, not ASICS, so it would be VERY loud) He is the hero of this story, and we all root for him to succeed.

    The widower, played by Craig Grant (RIP). This man lost his wife and has become an alcoholic smoker, and quite possibly addicted to caffeine. This is another character I don't like. I understand him, however, as I myself am a widower. But this character is very much unlikeable and yet, confusing at times. In the same scene, he is a macho punk daddy laying down the law, and then easily flips the script and gives words of encouragement to his son. This dad gets a very quick redemption arc towards the climax of the film. He could have played a good father all along and it would not have changed the film at all.

    The mechanic, bad guy, played by Tom Cavanagh. Very good acting. His goons, aka employees, give our hero a hard time in an alley, for being a snitch. Come to find out, the mechanic started the rumor, to keep our hero in his place, and ruin his rep. The mechanic also gets a redemption arc.

    The storage owner, played by Frank Whaley. A retired cop that is not a bad guy, but not a good guy. He allows his friends on the force to illegally search and seize lockers. Whenever he finds tech, he hits up our hero. He allow allows our hero to set up his mining operation on site. At first it seems this character will be a problem, but he ends up saving our hero ... sort of. These two have great trust between them.

    The villian, played by Bruce Bohne. This boomer has no place anywhere near technology, much less crypto. I guess that's why he hires the tweeker. This bad guy has a hard-on for killing people and then placing them in plastic bags and vacuum sealing them.


    Do not see this movie unless you are bored and have already seen everything else under the sun. Maybe, in 10 to 20 years, if Noah Anderson gets really famous, you may want to see some of his earlier work, including this one.

    If you are in film school, go ahead and watch the movie, and keep in mind my review, then DO BETTER.
  • With a really solid supporting cast (Jeremy Davies, Tom Cavanagh, Frank Whaley), the lead in this flick really shines... I'd never seen him before, but he's got the charisma to pull off at heist flick like this.

    If you like those 80s/90s Michael Mann and Brian DePalma flicks that are about real criminals with real stakes (not chasing some kind of "tesseract" to save an alternate universe again!), then this flick is for you.

    Add on to all that the idea that the characters are chasing Crypto... so the asset in this flick is fluctuating and dangerous in and of itself... and you have a great ride of a film.
  • flyriq25 October 2022
    Bitcon, is an action packed film, full of nothing but suspense, delightfully placed comedy, and captivating character cameos. Great lighting, and adaptive screenplay. The film doesn't depend on CGI and high speed chases to build it's lore. It's raw, relatable, but also explodes the imagination beyond reality. It gets the respect of fledgeling Crypto users, and it's informative to those who know nothing. Noah Anderson smolders on film, giving leading man Aura, making you say "WOW, what a jawline, put this man in the Marvel Universe". The Earth must now bow down to his acting prowess and versatile screen play.

  • This dark, funny, chaotic thrill of a movie is perfectly set in the quirky, hip city of Minneapolis. This movie goes everywhere- physically and thematically. While we watch Ty, our main character played by Noah Anderson, frantically travel to a maze-like storage facility, not-so-welcoming auto shop, bumping dance club, popular local bar, and a shady pawn shop (to name a few), the film tackles strained father-son relationships, grief and justice, unlikely friendships, and a modern take on the classic ethical question of would you steal bread to feed your family? Or rather, would you risk jail time (again) to help a stormy group of criminals steal hundreds of thousands of dollars in bitcoin to support your younger brother and widowed father? Or maybe- would you actually steal the hard drive with the money and frame a stranger in a twisted pursuit of revenge for your murdered brother? A simple yes to the former leads Ty into a hurricane of unintended consequences and life-changing events, for better or worse. And a meticulously planned yes to the latter pushes our co-lead, Jess, played by Ella Ma, to question whether vigilante justice is the answer after all. With a captivating supporting cast, edge-of-your-seat action sequences, and a lively blend of humor and tragedy, I encourage you to watch the film and ask yourself- would you steal the bread?
  • shardeen-reyes2 November 2022
    Adorable, loved the movie. The story was a little confusing at first but I caught on quickly.

    The characters were quirky and relatable. It was almost like a 'Snatch' or 'Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels' type of film in story and execution.

    Acting was good. Leading actress was the bomb. She was unpredictable and I very much enjoyed her running circles around the other characters in the film. I haven't seen her in a film before and I think this is a great role for her. I hope to see her in more movies soon, she was fantastic.

    Movie wrapped up very nicely.

    10/10 would watch again!!!!!!!!!!