User Reviews (73)

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  • Gabe is an emergency call-handler in Glasgow with dark secrets from his childhood which unexpectedly come back to life when he takes a call at work.

    Production values were OK, it was well cast and acted for the most part but it had problems script and direction wise. I watched all three episodes and gradually fell out of love with it.

    I'd agree with other reviewers that the flashbacks were really overdone and disrupted the storyline. There were also just too many improbabilities in the plot all the way through, yes we can take a few coincidences and strokes of luck once in a while but storylines can't entirely rely on them.

    Overall disappointing. For me the story didn't pan out well and the ending was a bit of a damp squib that you could anticipate coming.
  • Glasgow based thriller. An emergency call handler takes a call confessing to a murder, from a girl who then recognises his voice. So begins a frantic journey as the story unfolds, mingled with his backstory.

    It started well but it's a bit far-fetched and implausible. It has some good tense moments.

    This is better than some whilst not brilliant. Would I recommend? Maybe, but I wouldn't want to watch it again.
  • Promising cast , good cinematography and an interesting hook to start the drama got it off to a good start, but the endless twists and turns just made it a confusing mess of a storyline with plot and continuity holes all over the place. It should have been another top BBC drama but I've ended up generously giving it a 5. Wasted potential.
  • Warning: Spoilers

    I rarely write reviews, but this needed one.

    I'd seen about 10 mins of one episode and I simply HAD to go looking for it on BBCiplayer.

    After episode 1 I was hooked! Intrigued. I was impressed and could wait to continue.

    By the end of episode 2. Eh? What the? No way! C'mon.

    Even by now having watched all 3 episodes, I still don't think I fully understand.

    The writers (although very good at imaginative at what they came up with) seem to have crammed an entire 10 seasons of 10 episode each, into literally 3 episodes.

    As many others have already written before me in their reviews, this is so far-fetched and slightly cringeworthy to watch. If only they had kept 20% of the plot twists and ditched the rest, this would have been great.

    Probably the most unrealistic (if it's even possible to narrow it down) would be the amount of times the lead character Gabe seems to miraculously evade the police. Between numerous police visits and phone calls, stealth sneaking a van out of a crime scene undetected while convincing everyone he's someone else (twice), getting into a huge drunk driver crash directly in front of police and escaping a chase thereafter, sneaking out of an art gallery as police intercept the others he's just completed a deal with, having zero fear or concern about turning up at a police station to collect an impounded van and not bumping into the officers who are after him.. it just goes on and on. He's houdini!

    It's never made 100% clear (or at least not to me) what exactly happended all those years ago. Somebody's father was killed and his own mother was killed. Both in the fire? Or, just the father of ..whoever it was. ?? Anyway, it takes until almost the end of episode 3 before finding out that the girl started the fire but the boy took the blame. I think.

    Don't even ask me who the people from the pub are. I have no idea. All i know is, they are friends with his dad.

    Perhaps someone can enlighten me.

    It's a shame because much of this show was decent and enjoyable to watch. I still couldn't have switched off and gave up on it. I needed to at least TRY and figure it all out. Some of the plot twists were good. But there was way too many for anything to be taken seriously.

    The lead actors stood out for me, having seen them all for the first time. Iain De Caestecker (Gabe) and Joanna Vanderham (Sam) were both very good, as was the father who's name i sadly forget. The other actors (for me) were either too under-used or frankly were bad. Sorry.

    I'd like to see (and hopefully will) those three I've mention as the stand-out actors in other roles, different movies/series. Wait, I should mention Taj Atwal (Leigh) who I also felt was decent.

    As I mentioned at the start, It's extremely rare for me to leave a review and likewise to watch a UK based show, the vast majority of which are garbage. So this was refreshing. I gave it a 6/10 but if only they hadn't overdone the fiction this could easily have been an 8 or 9.

    Maybe they might make a season 2 where Anthony is found washed up on a beach fishermen ..who just happen to include Ian (who I think was the father) ...but, it's not Anthony, it's his twin, who's secretly been dating Robo.. and the police are somehow involded (duh, obviously) ...and yeah get the idea.
  • I don't understand the review on this series. Yes it is not the most realistic series ever made but still it is believable. There are good plot twists, good actings (Iain de Caestecker did an amazing job). I think the flashbacks are an amazing way to understand the series as the story progress. The main character goes through a lot as he returns in his childhood memories, that explains his choices, he isn't the stupid childish character that I have read in other review. The end is complicated, I have read that the story has no sense and I understand why however the story has a sense, a complicated one. The problem is that all the plot twists happen at the same time and at the end which make it complicated to follow.

    I think that it is a good series, worth to watch and that it doesn't deserve this ranking.
  • crumpytv22 July 2022
    I was enjoying this for the first episode, but it just all fell apart.

    The plot was ridiculous and totally implausible.

    The actions of the central character were totally illogical and the scenarios involving the police a complete nonsense.

    What I don't understand is how these dramas make it to production.

    There are so many inconstancies and plot holes, or do they think the viewers are just too stupid to notice?
  • cmarlborough19 September 2022
    Warning: Spoilers
    I watched this because I loved Iain de Caestecker in Agents of Shield. However the storyline really does need some work. I can't quite work out what happened in the fire that was the backdrop of the story, or why everyone was in the pub, or what bound the two main characters together to the extent that the main character took a hand grenade to his life as soon as he heard her voice?! The flashbacks are just too much and yet don't explain anything properly. His mum died, and someone else died but was it one of the boys or someone's dad?! Just a mystery! Also the stuff with the van was a bit ridiculous.

    Such a shame as Iain de Caestecker was as good as I remember- his agent should find him some better roles!
  • Simply the worst BBC drama I've seen in many years. The plot is risible and the acting little better. Attention to detail is ignored e.g. Our 'hero' in a crappy white van speeds off from scene of accident approximately 80m in front of BMW police car. Somehow manages to gain so much time on the police car that he can afford to wait for a sticky up-and-over garage door to go up high enough to let him drive in !

    Part 2 is on tonight but instead I'd recommend washing your hair/making some brownies/going for a walk or simply changing channel !
  • Warning: Spoilers
    OK, it's not brilliant and the story has more holes than a pair of 1960's undies, but it was an enjoyable yarn. Switch your brain off for 3 hours and indulge yourself in some right old pap. I couldn't help but keep asking my wife 'why hasn't he looked at the body?'...
  • boldrinp18 July 2022
    Taking the stretching of disbelief to the limit and then stretching it some more. A total waste of Joanna Vanderham. Poor Gabriel a rabbit in the headlights who we are led to believe somehow saves the day.
  • Ambulance call handler Gabe receives a call from a young woman who claims to have killed someone, in a bizarre twist, she recognises Gabe.

    Gabe will have you stressed, everything he did made me feel a little anxious, a little twitchy, you really could feel the character's elevated stress levels.

    Iain De Caestecker is the standout, he plays the part of Gabe incredibly well, great performance, all I can say is that I hope they supplied him with running trainers, as the guy spends a good amount of time dashing around. He plays the part with absolute sincerity, and doesn't pretend to play the hard man, it's refreshing.

    I find it impossible to agree with most of the reviews here, I thoroughly enjoyed this three part series, it was imaginative, different, and for me it was really easy to follow.

    Several twists and turns, the final episode offers up so much, it's very satisfying.

    Some amazing visuals, particularly in the final episode, they really did make full use of the beautiful scenery.

    Overall I thoroughly enjoyed it, 8/10.
  • Iain De Caestecker was the standout for me. His portrayal of Gabe a nervy anxious character who was caught up in something not of his making held my attention throughout. The plot was a little far fetched in places but there was enough tension and pace to keep me watching. I'd like to see more of Iain De Caestecker as I think he is very watchable young actor.
  • Really nonsense plot with events that are too far fetched to be believable. Script as well as plot is.poor. Watched all 3 episodes on BBC iPlayer. Doesn't come up to usual BBC standards. Don't waste your time as I did watching this.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Promised a little, but failed to deliver after 1st episode. Too ridiculous to make me want to watch the rest.

    My main gripe is that Gabe is recognised on a phone call by a girl he knew about 20 years ago when they were kids.

    Don't know about you but pretty sure I would not recognise an adult by their voice when I only spoke to them as a 12 year old.

    Totally stupid to think that's believable.
  • Have to agree with the majority of the previous reviews.

    Wanted to switch off after first episode and wasn't bothered to find out the ending. Why?, because after Gabe makes the most obvious of "no, you didn't just agree to that" moments, it goes from bad to worse. Every twist and turn in the first 2 episodes have me screaming at the TV "nooooooo".

    But as a dutiful husband, having had my wife watch some of the stuff I like, I repaid the debt a million times over to watch this to its conclusion.

    There were a few more twists in the final episode that we didn't see coming which kinda redeemed it a bit, but not enough for me to recommend it.

    IDC was ok in Marvel agents of Shield but he almost felt the same in this, with his nervous affectations.

    So glad it's over and hopefully no sequel..... Sounded good on the radio adverts but in reality a MISS rather that a HIT.

    Would give it a 2.5 for the little twists in the last episode.
  • gerardmartin7719 July 2022
    This really was a Division 2 to thriller . Totally unbelievable with some awful acting . Halfway through the third episode I really couldn't care less who did what to whom and when. Glasgow looked good tho .
  • carl-13319 July 2022
    Imagine watching a game of soccer, played on a tennis court with a shuttlecock by jockeys riding llamas in slow motion with random action-replays in Ultra-HD and Dolby Atmos 3D surround sound, narrated in Sanskrit by Norwegian commentators with Greek subtitles, all on the hottest day in British history... and you won't even be close.
  • thomasmccabe-7097418 July 2022
    Great show and it was 10/10. Don't believe all the hate it's not fair on the great show. Had suspense and thrill with surprise as well. 3 parts so can watch instead of a film and you will deff enjoy it a lot.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I watched this mainly because of The Guardian review, that'll teach me! The first 20 minutes or so of the first episode are interesting and intriguing and when you struggle on to the end of the 3rd episode you realise there was germ of a good idea in here but it is woefully handled. First off, the back story; this occupies a considerable amount of episode time and involves at least 6 characters but it is never fully explained and character motivation is thin to non existent. Next, the main plot; this is literally riddled with holes and the continuity is awful, the lead man wanders in and out of work like it's a part time job and nobody says anything, he agrees to move a dead body for a woman he hasn't seen for 20 years - literally no one would do this! Later he agrees to do a money drop, he flees the scene of an accident and happens to to have an uncle with a lockup just down the road, his neighbour is an identity counterfeiter, the police don't do basic enquiries or background checks, and it just keeps on going with increasing unbelievability. Alongside this is an assembly of wooden performances and woeful dialogue, real daytime TV drama, nobody comes out of this well. The real kick up the arse is that as a licence fee payer I part funded this! Don't be fooled, this is not worth wasting 3 hours on.
  • Found it difficult to follow. Riddled with flashbacks that are irreverent, guess with a thin story you need fillers. Dialogue was not clear, making it difficult to understand. Poor quality for a BBC production.
  • The premise seems to be control. Hence the title and the protagonist's job. He is taken out of control much as Michael Douglas was in The Game, but if he's being set up how does the girl ring an emergency line with the certainty she'll get through to him? Could be wrong. The getaway with the van and jog back home seem ludicrous. The detective knows where he lives unless everyone is in on it. Girl's phone call to his colleague similar to rise Maddy pulls on Ned in Body Heat.
  • A 3-part drama which is boring, unintelligent, beyond any logic and exceptionally poor. Bonkers characters and even worse plot. A a waste of time no matter how much you want to persuade yourself that something more is about to happen. The side story is just a repetition from American to series of the 80s. Overall, not recommended. Pity for the actors!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    9.5/10 .... Lately, I've found myself in a bit of a funk getting into new tv series, however, I had no issue jumping into the action packed world of the control room.

    The show offered a refreshing take on the 'ordinary man who finds himself thrust into a crime filled world for which is he unprepared'. Typically, shows of this nature tend to lean into unique or established character traits that miraculously save the day such as their ability to hack computers (showing off their sophisticated tech talk) or connect with people emotionally, these shows often turn the characters into incredible crime fighters despite having no history of being physically capable of keeping up with professional fighters. I enjoyed the earnestness and sincerity in which Gabe confronts danger, he reacts as a person who is not only unprepared but one who wants to be as far away from this scenario as possible.

    Gabe's innocent, friendly nature leads him to making decisions which many would not as he struggles to make heads and tails of what is going on; the character is trapped with guilt that follows from decades ago, that not only added to his loyal and devoted personality, but also signify just how lost this fully grown man is in the regular world as well as the world he finds himself thrown into. We see how the past interconnects with the present through a series of flashbacks which were not only well acted but edited so seamlessly, too. It has become common for dramas or thrillers to use flashbacks within the last few years, something that many viewers can be irked by, however, I found the flashbacks to be entirely necessary to the story telling and part of the foundations in which this show is built.

    The acting throughout was a treasure, our lead Iain de Caestecker gives a phenomenal performance with major references to the third and final episode in which he is put through more than one ringer. De Caestecker is able to perform the role with precision, bringing Gabe to life in a way that no other actor could as the naive, loyal yet uncertain Gabe; De Caestecker takes you on the journey with him and even when Gabe responds questionably to a scenario it feels entirely authentic to Gabe's personality and motivations. Taj Atwal, Sharon Rooney, Stuart Bowman and Daniel Portman are also notable mentions as they did well with the roles given. It is a well rounded cast of talent as even the smaller roles managed to feel authentic to real life, with credits to the actor who played young Gabe.

    My biggest struggle was the character of Samantha as I feel that she was shrouded in too much mystery within the first two episodes before we see more to her character in three. Although the show is through Gabe's perspective and we learn who Samantha has become with Gabe, the lack of information given on this character can sometimes lead to a slight disconnect. That is not to say that Joanna Vanderham did not do well with the role, she was great, merely that there was a case of too many cooks stirring the pot when it came to character choices.

    Finally, the portrayal of a distant relationship between father and son is nothing new yet this thriller made it feel so uncomfortably real that you couldn't help but yearn for the characters to reach out to one another. A concerned father meddling at the wrong moments could have led to diabolical circumstances, in another thriller it may have led to a wrong person at the wrong time scenario and Gabe having to deal with unresolved family tensions or resentments. And yet, it is that final scene when the two reunite that makes this show so unique; although their lives have become disconnected and they live likes ghosts stuck in a loop, they have a chance to set things right and work on their relationship which is possibly the most satisfying ending and surprising ending you could expect for a thriller. I appreciate wholeheartedly that the writers went in this direction as opposed to a cheap and unresolved ending.
  • Badly written, dodgy acting, unbelievable and poorly thought out plot. One of the worst series I've seen on the Beeb in recent years. There's better things to watch out there.
  • Watched episode 1. Yet another thin storyline overstretched to fill schedules. Sometimes I can live with that, but not when the "plot" is so weak and where it's impossible to care about the characters who are badly written and acted. If the BBC can't do better than this, its days are numbered.
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