User Reviews (91)

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  • This was a very intelligently done comedy with goofy lovable characters. Lately there is dearth of comedy shows, but smart comedies have reached a point of extinction. Couple that with so many dumb shows with laughter tracks and racism. The camera style and the look makes it look very cheap (maybe it is), but the execution and the story just blows it our of the park.

    It takes us to the crazy parts at the start of the Pandemic and explores different themes. Whoever wrote it and directed it is going on my watch list.

    Sprung is all about lovable ex-convicts who are forced to bond together due to the lack of opportunities and the Pandemic with a Robinhood twist thrown in. Highly recommend it.
  • This series is off to a great start! If you're a fan of Garcia, (My Name Is Earl, Raising Hope, Yes, Dear, The Guest Room) you'd know this was a Greg Garcia joint right off the bat.

    It's also nice to see Dillahunt & Plimpton (Burt & Virginia Chance from Raising Hope) back together. Their chemistry is undeniable. Plimpton's character, Barb ("like the wire with the sharp needles on it") is so over the top, it's hilarious watching Martha just run with it. Philip Garcia's Rooster is the guy to watch, that character is a riot!

    The premise is brilliant and similar to Earl, without being derivative. The set up for each episode opens the door for a slew of guest stars and could lead to an enjoyable and lengthy timeline.

    This is seriously one of the best new comedies on TV. I just hope that it being a Freevee exclusive doesn't limit its reach, Sprung has multi-season potential.

    Looking forward to much more Sprung! Gregory Thomas Garcia is BACK!
  • ... but WITH Martha Plimpton, it becomes "must watch".

    Seriously, this is one of the funniest shows in a while, but Ms. Plimpton's character takes it over the top. I can't imagine anybody else playing Barb this great.

    That said, "Rooster" Phillip Garcia is the second highlight for me. His antics, though sometimes over the top, made me chuckle more than once.

    Fingers crossed for a second season with the same writers and director.

    Still not 600 characters? Seriously IMDB, not every review needs to be that verbose to say what a show is about. This is about Sprung, the show Sprung, Sprung ist the name of the show until 600 characters are reached.

    Talking about stupid rules, this is one of them.
  • I loved it! Genuine humor, adventure, heartfelt moments. It has everything. Humor really stands out among other hundreds of series that only trying to seem funny. Could be the best project from Gregory Thomas Garcia yet. It was a joy to see Garret Dillahunt and Martha Plimpton working together again. Lets hope the rest of the season holds the same level of goodness.
  • I don't often put a review on IMDB because lately they want 600 characters in a review and who has the time. But this show is so clever and so hysterical in a smart way. So many stupid, silly comedies out there I have no patience for, at times I wonder who watches those shows.

    But Sprung is so well written with huge imagination and colorful comedic sense. It takes us back to the lunacy times when Corona just happened in a realistic yet hysterical way, when some prisoners were let go before their time.

    Sure worth watching, I have seen 4 episodes on Amazon that are released so far, hope it continues this way.
  • I was referred this by my friend and found my brother watching it so I jumped in and watched with him. I'm glad I did because it was great. It stars a bunch of unknown actors outside of Garret Dillahunt (Justified, Fear the Walking Dead, Deadwood, etc.). Like another review already pointed out, it has the same feel as My Name Is Earl. The show is about a guy named Jack (Dillahunt) who recently gets paroled with his cellmate Rooster (Phillip Garcia) and he goes to live with Rooster and his mom, Barb (Martha Plimlton). The woman (Shakira Barrera) he was flirting with in prison also gets paroled and goes to live with the three of them. Jack wants to go straight and become a teacher but gets pulled in by the others and the four of them then use their criminal expertise to rip off bad people and do some good. This all takes place at the start of the pandemic, which makes for a very funny setting.
  • I always looking for a Serie which could be the next Leverage which also was a funny Show,same Idea Bad Guys/Gals doing good "Sometimes the Bad Guys are the better Good ones" was kinda their Slogan,hihi.

    AND here it is,not a Successor per Se,but same Spirit. I have to say very funny,sooo enjoyable,the cast are great,each one of them give the Show a FeelGood-Vibe to it(i am a great Fan of Garret Dillahunt). I dont know about how much of Sprung is true,but i can imagine it myself.😄

    Big Recommendation,watch it,i am sure you´ll looking forward to see all the Episodes like i do now. Give us more more more,hihihihi.👍
  • gina_gemini19 August 2022
    It was just the other night I was thinking about "the guest book" and missing shows like Earl and I was craving something similar that I came across this show and couldn't be happier.

    Thanks to Greg Garcia for putting out another show with his signature style of comedy. I really needed a show like this and I am looking forward to more episodes.
  • sarah_sle26 August 2022
    How is this show not being viewed by everyone!? It totally rocks! Love the actors and the comedy! PLEASE DONT CANCEL IT!! Keep it on for a long time!!!
  • librau219 August 2022
    I had no idea what this was going to be like. The first two episodes were unexpectedly funny with a few truly touching scenes. Martha Plimpton is at her hilarious, face-contorting best playing a sleazy mother of a con released from prison early due to CV-19. He brought two other cons home with him with no place to go. Of course, cons will be cons so petty crimes ensue. This is a keeper!
  • Headturner130 September 2022
    Which is quite high for me. I might as well say an 8 next to any of the other new releases I've watched the past few months! The acting was good by all. No one took me out of it( as everything lately). There's always that one person who does but in this no one did. It kind of reminded me of Outlaws which I really liked the second season of tho this was not as funny, it kept me engaged throughout. I don't think I've seen Clare Gilles anywhere before but she played her part extremely well. I hope they make a second season and they all meet back up for more shenanigans! Jeez! Need more characters.! Just watch!
  • I'm actually quite surprised by how much I like Sprung. I was recently looking for something mindless that I could watch when I was on the treadmill and didn't have to pay close attention and found this. I not only watched it when I was on the treadmill but it was so good I didn't want to wait to the next day to watch another episode so I watched a few more after I got done. The next thing I know I binged the entire season over the course of a weekend. It kind of sucks that it's only a limited series and they're only doing one season. It had a nice ending but I still think they could do more with it if they wanted to. I hope they change their minds and do at least one more season!
  • This show will seem familiar to you if you've seen My Name is Earl and/or Raising Hope. If you've seen both, imagine the MNiE plot (roughly) with some of the main characters from Hope. I do take some issue with the evident double standard. In Raising Hope, Martha Plimpton plays opposite Garrett Dillahunt as a happily married couple, with the inimitable Cloris Leachman as the crazy old lady character. Just over 12 years later, and Dillahunt plays the romantic lead here, and Plimpton has been relegated to the Mamaw role while Shakira Barrera is now the romantic lead opposite Dillahunt. I have no problem with the subject matter of this very funny show, but Plimpton has been wronged.
  • Lowlifes, criminals, and the scum of the earth can bond together to become a loving family of small scale crime. Why work when you can steal or deal drugs? Why live in a small shack by yourself when you can be part of a gang and live in a dilapidated house with several other unemployed thugs? Why eat out of a can of Chef Boyardee when you can microwave and share a family size Banquet meatloaf dinner with the other crooks in your gang?

    Sprung is all about ex-convicts who had no idea what work is, and they want to keep it that way. Uneployment can be sad and lonely when you are broke and alone, but it can be the path to friendship and woke family when you are living in a big house with a bunch of losers.
  • WarRelic219 August 2022
    Probably the funniest show on tv. This is what comedy is supposed to be, crazy from the start to finish. 2 episodes in and I'm hungry for more. Kick back, relax and have fun.
  • anilakygt20 August 2022
    Some shows are out there trying so hard to be anything. This show...10 minutes in is hilarious with natural humor and acting.

    Definitely 10 out of 10! I hope it keeps up its 8.5 rating on here and beyond.
  • ecembrew-339985 September 2022
    What a refreshing show this is..... Martha Plimoton is hilarious. This is the show the networks probably have passed over hundreds of time for a cookie cutter show. Poor Rooster his mom never gave him a chance in life. I think I knew this show was going to be a good one when Martha Plimpton's character was driving an AMC Pacer. I like it's adult themed but without the toilet humor, which gives depth to the characters. This is my new Community, or my new Ghosts(even the British version)which was my new Psych. A very refreshing show. I just hope the producers, execution producers and writers don't end up ruining the show. Overall an excellent job in production, writing and acting.
  • Nobody does white trash as classy as Martha Plimpton does! And it's taken to new heights with the help of Garret Dillahunt. Only now Plimpton is mature! The team is back together! Add the rest of their zany, and incredibly talented cast, this is beyond a winner. Not one of them is weak and they are all fully formed characters you love by the second episode.

    The one surprise to me is Wiggles! She is so flagrantly, well, Wiggles, and yet the show would not be the same at all without her. She and her special brand of ditziness is utilized in the perfect way to add a lot to this piece!! She's color and flavor that would be missed if it were not there.

    This is a whip smart and funny - on so many levels - series to watch to forget the crap going on in the real world. When you think it can't gets better - it does! (The series. Not the world.)
  • Hilarious trip down a short Memory Lane, Sprung seems to combine the style of the 70's with the angst of the Corona Virus. Think Raising Hope combined with the rustic Pittsburg vibe and you get the setting for a funny 4 person crime spree.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Two dudes doing time are released due to corona virus epidemic. One is a ridiculous criminal ready to do any crime and the other is an older inmate doing 20 yrs for selling weed in the 90s. Oance out the mother of the ridiculous guy hosts them all together but only to make a crime team. The weed selling guy spent so much time in prison that he learned from the others how to do sorts of things.

    The show is a family like comedy, fine paced, not too witty, with surprising plot and well 2 known actors. I recomand to watch this serie.
  • I loved this show for so many reasons. Cast is top-notch and operating at their peak, led by Dillahunt and Plimpton, who have mad chemistry with whoever they seem to work with, especially each other. Dillahunt is the beating heart of the show and Plimpton's Barb carries a large responsibility for the comedy in the piece. New faces are vey talented and interesting as well. Writing is witty and creative and fresh without feeling the least bit preachy or formulaic--I was never told how to feel about anything, I could make up my own mind.

    And I also didn't know how much I needed a laugh. After the last few years, we've all been through so much, and it felt good to look back and say "yeah, that was some weird stuff we all just went through and are still coming out of." I was also unexpectedly moved. I won't spoil where, but I did not see either of them coming.

    And the music is great.

    Give it a watch. Support this show. Tell your friends. Stuff like this on these small streaming platforms need help finding visibility, sustaining life. This one deserves it. Great job Freevee. Great job Greg Garcia and crew.
  • Martha Plimpton is absolutely fantastic as usual. Dialogue gets quite gross in some places, honestly almost stopped watching but the supporting cast is pretty great (hahaha oh wait Martha isn't the lead). Interesting premise that hasn't really been done in this way before. I'm enjoying it.

    Show feels old school like My Name is Earl so has a nice nostalgia to it. Wardrobe is fun & hairstylist is excellent!

    One thing I'm really sick of are these boomer/Gen X created or produced shows obviously catering to their personal old age crisis. I hope the cringey implied romance between the aged lead and the much younger lady doesn't go anywhere. I will have to stop watching then. How about a sweet platonic mutual respect thing?
  • The entire ensemble is about perfect. Garret Dillahunt is brilliant as always and Martha Plimpton is fearlessly hysterical, but everyone shines, there are no weak links here. The writing hits a perfect balance of humor and humanity, wholesomeness and vulgarity, all against the backdrop of the craziness in the beginning of the pandemic. Just wish I could binge em all now....
  • I lasted 1 1/2 episodes... Hoping it would get better.. but... NOT....

    This show is sooo stupid it deserves zero stars!

    First you try to take advantage of a stupid decision made during a pandemic.. leaving the reality of the outcome in the background like it never happened. THEN you write such a bad script that there is no real content worth watching. This is what you call a DUMPSTER SHOW....
  • Yall this show is so good freevee my lord and saviour you have made the best show ever. Im emotionally attached to every character even though im only two episodes in, everyone working on the show has done such a good job from the main cast, to the background characters, to the writers ,and everyone else.
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