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  • Wexford doggedly continues to look for Stella's killer, and find the missing little boy, with Mike's attentions elsewhere, it isn't long before he blows his stack.

    I would have to say I think this is one of the best entries in the show, the quality of writing is so incredibly high. It works on every single level, the mystery is engrossing, but more so, it's the part that the main players have in it, the conflict between the show's two stars is so very interesting, and something we don't often get to see in such shows.

    You may just need to watch the ending once or twice again, to fully understand all of the points, but it's good that such a dark tale gets a relatively happy ending, bittersweet in a way.

    A great story for Mike, and it brought out the best in Ravenscroft, love it hate his character, he got under your skin, the blowout scene between him and Wexford was excellent.

    The only cringe moment was Sheila's dog food advert, Soya.... Even that dog looked embarrassed.

    What a pity this has never had a full DVD release. 9/10.