User Reviews (12)

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  • Warning: Spoilers
    Sure, the series' approach might be a bit fluffy, but a 1927 HD-JD with only 800 orig mi in the first episode? Yes, it's real, and so are all the characters within.

    Passion, in my very limited opinion, is always worth watching, and Mamoa & Co are definitely passionate about what is onscreen. The content thus translates as authentic, regardless of one's opinion on motorcycles, as the creators have chosen to let "the Art" speak for itself. If you previously struggled to find artistic merit in machines such as vintage motorcycles, these "artists" will likely change your mind,

    And if you are a fan of roaming, this show will satisfy on a deeper, less tangible and wholly visceral level: it is visually lush, historically informative and infused with an aspect of Mamoa's personality that charms and entertains, at the very least.

    Highly recommend.
  • Watching episode one, it feels closer to Parts Unkown than any of the other attempts. Maybe it's because Momoa has that same rebellious passion matched with a deep and genuine curiosity to understand people and their personal experiences. The cinematography also has a very similar feel. I love that it begins in Maggie Valley. It goes deep into the culture and history of the people as well as the beauty of the land they live and love. It's a beautiful blend of oration, storytelling and filming. I will definitely be watching more episodes. I'm not a biker at all but I think this show will offer something of value for everyone. At the very least, just watching Momoa is fascinating as he is one of the most unique public figures we have.
  • I watched the first two episodes of On the Roam with Jason Momoa. I enjoyed the first episode. I already knew he was a Harley Davidson enthusiast, but I was still surprised by his depth of knowledge and sheer joy and passion he not only shows for motorcycles, but well, everything! Jason Momoa has played roles like Kahl Drogo in the epic series Game of Thrones and my favorite, Baba Voss in See. In these his sheer physical.presence and menacing looks keep enemies at bay, but in On The Roam, it's his passionate joy and thirst for art, in all its amazing forms that are on full display. Episode 2 titled Painting with Light featuring photographer Todd Hido is where this show really had me hooked. I watched this episode twice and now I'm a fan of Hido's work as well as Jason's. If you follow Jason on social media, he is always promoting work by local artists in many mediums. He is genuinely a fan and now friend of Hido's and you get to see that friendship evolve right before your eyes and it's truly touching. I can't wait to see who else he introduces us to in upcoming episodes. The man has great taste, ohana, and I for one am along for the ride wherever he may roam.
  • WarRelic220 January 2024
    Don't get me wrong, I'm a fan of Jason, and I have been building custom motorcycles for a a large part of my life, but this is just too much fluff for me to watch. As a builder of custom bikes, I see all manner of customers, from Hell's Angels to Dentists, and the driving force for the builds, for me, was pride in my work. Now everything has become "all about the show", no substance, no clarity, just someone faking an existence for the sake of the show. It was like watching Bear Grylls (quite possibly the greatest phony of all time). My hat is off to the great craftsman he meets along the way, but when it comes right down to it, It is all about the money.
  • Sounds deep? It is. A lot of people totally misplaced and misunderstood the show. It's not a motorcycle or petrolhead show, it's not an art show, it's not even a show. It's a roam through life, it's literally in the title. Jason tries to find things about himself through all of his projects and in the process creates or continues legacies for his family, for his friends, the people he reveres and learns from. He roams from one craftsmanship to another intertwining them with his proffessional and personal lives and always concludes there's more to be found. Monumental work in which he invested a lot of himself, both financially and affectively, not necessarilly in this order and it boasts with the creative energy of exceptionally well crafted things of the past (sometimes directly from their creators) that is redirected towards an always uncertain future which never scares him. He's not a man of many words and perhaps that shows a bit too much, but his energy is infectious and you get to share his genuine awe. As long as viewers keep an open mind and don't typecast him, it's just great to watch.
  • chrisbart19 January 2024
    I was hoping this would be as interesting as the excellent "Ride with Norman Reedus" but it its not even close.

    It was like watching a 45 minute Harley Davidson advert directed by someone who usually makes after shave adverts for Jonny Depp. The cringe factor was off the scale and not even an appearance by Mike Wolf from American Pickers could save it.

    Lots of slow motion shots of hipsters in ridiculous matching outfits that no biker would be seen dead in.

    I gave it 3 stars because there was quick glimpse of a Brough Superior but I won't be watching another episode I felt embarrassed for the cast.
  • I started watching this because I am a huge fan. I was a huge fan of just another gorgeous body. I watched thinking oh maybe I will get to see a great behind, as we know Jason loves to show us his body. And yes, I got to see the world famous arse. But I stopped watching the show because of a gorgeous body and started watching the show because of a gorgeous mind.

    I was shocked to see such a depth of emotion in the show that I was not expecting. It's not so much in the first show, that's to me a typical guy being a guy show. I was shook watching the second show. Watching J, not Jason, J come to life and show his joy of life and art was amazing. And the shows became more about his friends and then the third show showcased his friends completely and gave details of their lives and J was just a commentator. And each show goes on like that.

    Listening to the stories of his family of friends was brilliant. These are blue color workers, long haired, tattooed, cursing men who the general public would normally ignore and he gave them voices. He didn't focus his show on himself, he focused on the people behind him and brought them to the front.

    The things we do learn about J himself are also amazing. I never thought I would have so much in common with an A lister. When he described loving old beat up things and seeing the patina and beauty in age. Ugh. I felt that. I'm the type of person that can fall in love with a pair of old cracked glasses from my great grandmother. To see him smile at the beauty of light shining on an old chair was cool.

    I wish I could personally thank him for the show. This review will have to do it for me. I can't wait for season two. Good job J. Damned good job man.
  • djdmuscle11 February 2024
    Jason seems like a decent guy but these is the ultimate puff piece of film making.

    It looks pretty but there is zero substance to it. Jason seems happy to endlessly repeat himself about how stoked he is without offering any insight at all into the subject.

    The first episode I'd love to have heard about the technical aspects of the bikes. Other than how rare they are we learnt absolutely nothing. Quite something for an hour or TV.

    I love that he's ecthusiastic for these subjects but as it is it's like listening to a young child try to explain what a nice Christmas they had when they can't get much beyond "it was great".
  • BIG_Norm_ONeal29 January 2024
    I enjoyed learning about the different relationships that Mamoa has around the country & the world. His passion for Harley Davidson is awesome, especially those old school KnuckleHeads. I also enjoyed the jewelry that his friend makes, I found their website, there are some very nice pieces out there! Then the Blacksmith shop in Hawaii, bad a**! If you are a Jason Mamoa fan, he takes us up close & personal with a few of his hobbies that also commingle with his movie characters. The rings he wears in Aquaman & the swords & knives in a couple others.

    You will also see him visiting places off screen that are in some of his movies which is also very cool. I look forward to future episodes.
  • trentjohnsoncj11 February 2024
    Bad ass
    On the roam Was really kick but to watch Definitely showed a different part Of jason That's really cool and his knowledge Alongside all the talented people Definitely the people I would hang out with I waited every week to watch the new episode To see what new cool stuff he was going to do Definitely never disappointed The last episode Almost had me in tears was really hart warming Bringing back all those bikes and guitars Not to mention the cool pictures and the hand crafted weapons Only bad thing I can say Is there isn't more episodes yet And if that's the only bad thing I can say then your doing a really good job can't wait to see more of this.
  • ben_durrant7 February 2024
    Was really looking forward to seeing this, but it is full of artistic rubbish.

    As a petrol head, you want to hear the bikes, not see the bikes in slow motion with music over the top.

    Love Jason Momoa, but this was truly awful.

    You seem to just get into a conversation that Jason may be having with someone, then it will suddenly cut to 5 minutes of slow motion of them riding around, with no sound other than music. Then cut to Jason sitting in some grass with the camera artistically blurring out the out the grass.

    Watched a couple of episodes but won't be watching any more.

    Such a shame!

    It may be for you, but not for me.
  • From the moment this started is was cringeworthy and I think it probably ruined the Aquaman series for me. I'll never look at this guy the same way again. Total cringe is the only way to describe it. From the Metallica music in the opening, to the generic skateboard trick that has nothing to do with the show. This was hard to watch and seemed very fake. It felt like this guy was trying to jump on the ride of other shows like this that may have worked but he's just cringe. I don't see Aquaman anymore, I see a dwarf from lord of the rings. Not even a good dwarfs, one of the background dwarfs. This is not worth even a second of your time.