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  • joelherro29 December 2010
    its been a while since i saw this, but it stuck in my mind as one of the better animes I've seen recently (and I've seen heaps)...note: i think this is based on a manga or game, but I've neither read it or played it (whichever)...

    the story is not told in a linear fashion, so we see currents events spliced with earlier times and it can get confusing...essentially, these 2 'sisters' have incredible martial arts skills, magic type powers and have demon infused blades/familiars n stuff, and they help the government destroy monsters...but things go pear-shaped...

    its bloody and violent and not really for kids...i liked it, and id like to see a second series to clarify some unanswered questions...
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Kagura and Yomi are the best of friends; while they aren't actually related Kagura lives with Yomi's family and they consider themselves to be sisters. They aren't ordinary school girls; they are part of an organisation that fights against supernatural dangers. That is until one day something happens to Yomi and she turns her sword and her fearsome spirit-beast on her colleagues and more surprisingly on Kagura.

    The action then skips back and we see how the two girls came together and how they began fighting the supernatural; it takes many episodes before we get back to the point where Yomi has become the danger and Kagura must decide whether she can kill the person who was closest to her. During these episodes we also learn more about the other members of the team, many whom we know are doomed as we saw then die in the first episode, and the spirit-beasts they summon to assist them in battle.

    Having bought this series because it was on sale and not knowing anything about it other than the brief synopsis on the box I didn't know what to expect; thankfully what I got was a fairly gripping series with some surprisingly bloody action and more importantly characters I cared about. The way most of the series is shown in flashback means the viewer will grow to like Yomi before she becomes a menace and thus hope for a resolution that doesn't involve her dying… I'm deliberately typing this up before watching the end to avoid hinting at how it is resolved! The story is solid and I liked the character designs. The animation looks good too. Overall I'd recommend this to anybody wanting a good anime with plenty of action although it isn't really suitable for younger viewers due to the bloodshed and some nudity.

    The comments are based on watching the series in Japanese with English subtitles.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This 12-part TV series focuses on two main protagonists, Yomi Isayama and Kagura Tsuchimiya. Both are part of family lines that produce exorcists with the ability to see Category A/B/C/D paranormal creatures (D being the least threatening). Training their whole lives, they carry specialized katanas infused with blessed/holy powers (they're basically female versions of Constantine). They develop an extremely strong sisterly bond that is eventually put to the test.

    To be honest I put off watching this for years. I had originally thought that it was a show with just mindless killing by chicks with swords. Don't get me wrong there's killing (a lot) and chicks with swords (oh yes.) However it turned out to be much deeper than that.

    Even in the pilot episode GRZ packs a punch which is what made me continue on. I found each and every episode to be well executed, which is a rarity in TV shows; even short ones. Bottom line, if I could change anything about the show it would be more episodes because of how much I liked it. If I have one regret it would be not watching this show sooner.

    Although it's an anime it's rated M for mature. There's graphic scenes depicting a lot of bloodshed and violence, some nudity as well. There's also a few scenes that can be classified as "shoujo-ai/yuri" (mostly done on a teasing/playful level). I do not remember hearing a lot, if any swearing. Also as a forewarning if you tend to get emotional easily, have a Kleenex within reach.

    Overall if you can deal with the aspects above then I would highly recommend this show; even if you're not an anime fan. It truly is a beautiful yet tragic story. As good as this show is, it requires very passionate/emotional voice-acting to make it work. So I would also recommend watching it in its original Japanese dialect. The English dubbed version was okay but sometimes just didn't seem to fit the characters i.e. In the Japanese version when Yomi and Kagura are younger they sound younger vice versa for when they're older. The English version they sound the same throughout; the Nabuu brothers and Michael sound COMPLETELY different, not in a good way etc...The annoying part is the changes from the original script that needed none; as a result the show seemed dry compared to the Japanese version. Just a personal opinion but after I listened to a few episodes in English and compared it to the originals the difference in feeling is pretty noticeable. Very re-watchable series though.
  • It is completely unique, the only thing I have ever seen that deserves a perfect 10. It boggles my mind to see that such an amazing anime, can be tied in score as Naruto, possibly one of the worst anime's to exist(believe it).

    Though there have been complaints about how its a non-linear plot, making it confusing. I believe that this is an anime, for the more experienced viewer, for example, someone who just started watching a year ago, most likely would have a problem keeping up with it, but anyone who is a more veteran viewer of anime, will love this. So many things will blow your mind, withing just the first 3 episodes. And there is always action.
  • imdb-ary12 February 2012
    Warning: Spoilers
    I think the first episode ending was a wonderful hook. The second episode drew you in more. But Ga-Rei Zero, despite strong action scenes, and great leads fails, and really, fails utterly because it doesn't remain true to it's characters.

    As the back story develops after episode 2 the bond between Yomi and Kagura receives a full accounting, and it is the rather well developed main characters and wonderful interaction between them and also the members of their team that made these several episodes captivating. I was less impressed throughout the story with the monster designs and I found all the Clan family heads less than believable - they were there for the plot's sake.

    What happens to Yomi, to make her change? The drastic change, I assumed, was akin to being turned into a vampire - that is, the evil Yomi was possessed, so she was not responsible for her actions. When the Bane stone, a rather poorly defined object of 'pure supernatural energy'makes it appearance I guessed it had something to do with it.

    So Yomi, the adopted, loved, in love, daughter of a powerful clan head, a loyal, honored member of an organization that battles those who would release the 'foulness of death'upon the world then has a very bad day. And before she is turned to the dark side, she commits an act completely out of character, she kills someone. (This scene has another thing wrong with it - the person she kills, had just escaped the thralls of the Bane stone, but seemingly lost all memory of it, yet earlier when this had happened to her she was in shock because of her actions.) Yomi would not have done this act.

    Sigh, but she did, and then the primary antagonist (PA) shows up and the next thing you know she's in a coma for 2 months, suspected of heinous crimes, and when she wakes up, probably permanently physically disabled, seemingly doubted by her (ex)-fiancee and Kagura (who both commit actions I found highly unlikely that upset Yomi). So she's alone and lo and behold, the PA again shows up, heals her ailing body with the bane stone offers it to her and sigh, she takes it. The Yomi I had come to know would have been filled with remorse at her killing someone, she would have used some very nasty Japanese words, the PA would have left her, a broken proud warrior.

    But the screenwriter probably had the ending in mine when he started writing this series, but fell in love with Yomi while creating the character, and made her much more.

    But if the Bane stone can take possession of your soul, and force you to commit evil acts, which it seemingly does, when sigh Yomi has become evil, there are really only 2 possible choices for the story. Either Yomi has the ability to overcome the lurid presence of the Bane Stone, and the focus should be on her internal conflict using her powerful will to at least have a chance at redemption (which still might have included her sacrificing herself). Both drama and tragedy can come out of this - it is a good choice but melodrama won out. Additionally, this could have been Kagura battling the 'banality of evil'' that Yomi had become but also, you know, trying to get that glowing stone out of her and maybe big sis would come back! But melodrama won out.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    From first minutes you see some sort of story with flashbacks and perhaps a long going war with demons. There are lots of clichés and commonplace relations between main characters. It was like somebody is trying to deceive you but doing this so farcically that you would rather laugh then believe. For that I was smiling through all first episode till all characters has died (what? :0 ). I didn't even understand how full of action and explosions movie (that was rather implausible by the way) became a short brainless life story without meaning (at list anything to think about). And few words about composition: Oh great, okay, it looks like somebody discovered to itself that the last thing in time line of the story could be moved to the beginning, but guess what? It wasn't helped at all. Because still the story is too boring and it's end is obvious.

    I just wonder if it was worth every minute that I lost watching this.

    IMHO, it is one of the worst Anime ever..