User Reviews (11)

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  • Naturalragman16 November 2021
    My Lord! What a load of Cr*p. There is a sucker born every minute and only a sucker would fall far this garbage. This has been litigated over and over. There was a minute amount of any kind of problems.
  • Fascinating documentary. The anomalies presented were new to me. There are inarguable facts presented that after searching the internet, I can't find them to be debunked beyond the "deep analysis" like they are conspiracy theories, right wing loons, no basis in fact - nothing of substance.

    Why are Democrats fighting so hard if there is nothing to this? Why doesn't Eric Coomer explain his Antifa association? There's further proof that Dominion execs were wrong and are accused of lying about their machine's internet capabilities. Why do all MSM and big tech delete, cancel, and refute evidence and inquiry to the elections?

    The 2020 election may not be a fraud, but fighting the audits is making public opinion grow in favor of more audits.

    For the first commenter for liberals, if you want this to go away because you are confident there was no malfeasance - let the audits roll so you can win your point.

    The fact that all libs are fighting this makes America believe something was wrong.

    People are not as stupid as leftist condescending actors believe. The truth always comes out, and standing in the way of a credible search for truth is a statement in itself.

    I implore all Americans to watch this and make up your own minds.
  • It is the most partisan and lying documentary, I have ever seen.

    Just google some of the stats they present(all lies).
  • I find the testimonies of various data experts to be compelling, and this documentary lays out concerns for election integrity well. I haven't read all the negative reviews yet, but the ones I've read are ad hominem attacks on Trump and not legitimate rebuttals.

    So far, I reject every one star review as lacking substance. It looks to me as if people are trying to torpedo any kind of enthusiasm for this documentary's efforts. I am not brainwashed as these reviewers claim. They are.

    I'm tired of people saying, "Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain," so to speak, as the crooked Wizard of Oz said. People need to take these efforts claims very seriously.
  • For some reason, they make a big deal in the publicity for this video that the maker of this product "did not vote for Trump." Do you believe that? You shouldn't, not for a second. But it's just one more (small) lie to add to the pile of big lies, heaped high, in this video. It's ridiculously obvious that not only did he vote for him, but he is brainwashed and deluded, to the extent that he felt the need to make a conspiracy theorist's ode to Trump's Big Lie.

    This video is only interesting as a American-grown example of agitprop. Post-WW1 Germany had the Stab-in-the-back Theory; Trump has his 2020 Election Big Lie. Trump assuredly knows he's lying. But Trump's followers... who knows? Many probably don't even know they are lying to themselves, which is a sad comment not just on Trump's mendacity but human psychology.
  • The election of 2020 was widely the JFK moment of my generation. As millions of others - we saw a president that brought border security, the best economic numbers in decades, and no new wars. Who ran a very intense re-election campaign, won massively on the election night.

    Only to be 'defeated' by the most inept candidate in the history, with a terrible career bureaucrat track record, who didn't even campaign in the first place, and ran on higher taxes, opening the borders for illegals, and destroying the energy industry.

    The same candidate who lost a record of 83 % of the US counties, 18 out of 19 bell weathers, yet somehow managed to over-perform Clinton in 2016 by as much as 300 % in some districts, and eventually beat Obama's 2008 record by a 12 million extra mail in votes (!!!).

    The evidence of fraud was more than overwhelming, only to be scrubbed under the rug by the corrupt corporate media cartel, with pretty much no judge in the country having the courage to rule on the merits of it.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Another attempt at right wing propaganda from the 45 cult. Spoiler alert: it's terrible.
  • There are two ways to watch this film.

    Either you consider it a documentary, and in that case don't bother and directly bleach your brain cells as advised by the hero of the movie.

    Or you watch it as a political thriller, and you'll have as much fun as watching the Manchurian candidate, seven days in May or even Lincoln vs Zombies.

    Such movies are why i love propaganda films! If you know the facts, not what the movie tells you they are, you can have never-ending entertainment watching the fictional reinvention of reality, plus a free ride inside the brains of conspiracy fans, frightening but laughable like a carny terror tunnel.
  • There was a lot of talking in this documentary and it was pretty thin on facts (of which there are plenty, eg. Drop and roll, observers not allowed to observe, shredded ballots, Jan 6 allowed to happen and instigated by the FBI, files deleted by MCBOS, etc). The documentary is likely to preach to the choir and may not convince many who think Biden is legitimate.
  • Everything here is crafted innuendo, disinformation, and gaslighting. The avowed purpose of the creators of this political weapon is to create public doubt in the validity of the 2020 US general election.

    That's not easy to do given that there is zero evidence anywhere of any significant fraud, after 17 months now and150+ court cases devoted to finding such. And given that of the thousands of people necessarily involved in game-changing fraud, from election workers and officials through dozens of teams of lawyers and dozens of judges, and the judges who review those judges, all the way to the US Supreme Court - not a single one has come forward with even a claim of bribery or corruption.

    The weapons at hand to these liars are video snippets (seen and dismissed by everyone) and baloney "affidavits". Such as "I solemnly swear I was suspicious / an election worker was rude to me / wore a BLM shirt " (actual examples). All of which were laughed out of the courts where they even qualified as admissible, and nearly got the lawyers sanctioned.

    This is being done for three reasons:

    1) Donald Trump's ego is engaged, and he has an army of thoughtless drones to scream his rage for him.

    2) The Election Steal Big Lie has become a $100M+ self-supporting industry, bringing in at least $400M in 2021 alone.

    3) Republican analysts publicly concluded in the 1980s that unless voting could be restricted, their party would steadily lose ground. Dems know that the opposite works for them. Those have been the classic battle lines for decades. Screaming that the 2020 election was rigged directly supports hundreds of Republican statehouse bills across the nation to decrease turnout by simply making the act of voting more difficult - under the guise of "election integrity".

    The Big Lie is therefore a win-win for Trump supporters and the GOP. Garbage like this video are in direct support of it, to the huge detriment of our nation. Because of such misinformation, around 50% of Republicans now believe - on zero actual evidence - that the 2020 election was stolen.

    The Election Steal Big Lie is the worst political crime against our nation since the Civil War. Here you see it on film, in action.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Finally the truth about the 2020 election comes out for all to see.

    The truth has been uncovered and can not be ignored.

    The facts presented can not be disputed or denied.

    The evidence is there and can not be buried.

    Those who wished so strongly to make it go away failed completely in their endeavors.

    Pandora's box has been opened with documentaries such as this and can never be closed.