User Reviews (11)

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  • 1st of all, there should be a lot more videos, less talking. 2nd What is Tori Spelling doing on there? She's nearly 50 years old, with clothes and hair like a 20 year old rap star. Talk about cultural appropriation. I guess that doesn't apply to the rich, wanna be stars. She talks about the most disgusting stuff, and won't shut up. Anything to desperately seem relevant. Her attempt fails hard. Snooky is Snooky. What we have come to expect of her and it's her show. She kinda has to be "messy." I'm not familiar with the guys, but many shows, they speak just enough, and are entertaining.
  • Just what we DON'T need is another watch with me internet fail videos. Being hosted by a troll doesn't help either!!

    Then again when was the last time MTV was relevant??
  • Just another copy of an already tired show from MTV who I guess can no longer come up with any new ideas at all. And the host Snookie and Tori Spelling, where Tonya Harding and Brigitte Nielsen not available?
  • Instead of trying something new, they just retool the only shows that they got lucky with. It's really cringeworthy and embarrassing to watch them pretend to laugh at their own stupid stories instead of just playing clips. Tori looks like the scary personification of Messyness.
  • ckarvanek30 December 2021
    Drydek started something great for MTV starting with Rob and Big. Then onto Fantasy Factory. Then Ridiculousness. But what the h**l was MTV thinking when they decided to air 3 more internet video shows.. (Adorableness, deliciousness, and this autrocity) all within a year?? Messyness is nothing but horrible, inappropriate behavior from people I've never heard of. All while drinking on set. Some wonder why todays younger generation are so out of line.. well here's the reason. Snooki made a fool of herself on Jersey Shore and did it worse here. No wonder MTV only runs Ridiculousness. It's the only show with decent ratings.
  • I love Ridiculousness. Been a big fan from the beginning when they were on the camcorder stage. Messeyness is just gross commentary on videos. The videos are not bad, but Snookie and Tori adding their personal views is just horrible. They are immature and disgusting.

    Please remove this from one of my favorite tv channels.

    I am a 67 year old hippy widowed white woman who lives in the suburbs of Mpls, MN. I just love Rob, Steelo and Chanel. I've watched them grow and become the talented people they are today. I smoke weed too, so maybe that's why.😂 But seriously, I think calling Messeyness a spinoff of Ridiculousness is a slap in the face to Rob, Steelo and Chanel.

    Peace ✌

    Diane from MN.
  • tweeties21 January 2022
    The show is ok BUT Torri Spelling looks terrible and so fake. What did she do to her beautiful face and just being herself? Stop all those injections! Nicole looks good just the same as in Jersey Shore! This show is trying to be like ridiculousness. Not sure the ratings will soar but will see.....
  • sjens-401991 October 2022
    Warning: Spoilers
    I binge watch Ridiculousness, like Cuteness and Deliciousness, but Messyness sucks! The hosts are not funny and are drunk. Some of the f the videos are funny but the hosts are drunk and boring but they think they are funny and laugh at what was happening other say. I'm surprised Rob Rydrek allows this show to go on. It's just my opinion but I think the creation of Messyness with that cast really puts a bad mark on his creative genius. His choice of Steeli Brim and Chanel West Coast was brilliant! The three of them play off each other beautifully and the casts of Deliciousness and Cuteness were just as carefully chosen. How did Messyness fall through the cracks?
  • MTV is really not being creative with their show line up lately, instead they are mainly just trying to one up Ridiculousness at this point.

    The show is pretty much MTV's attempt of making a edgier adult version of Ridiculousness. But the way they handled it was awful.

    They chose probably the most annoying hosts possible, all they do is talk for long periods of time about uninteresting and unrelatable stories instead of watching videos like how they advertise the show, but instead, in the entire runtime, there are barely any videos whatsoever.

    So basically, all I have to say is this show is just not entertaining at all.

    I won't be shocked if it ends up being cancelled in the near future...
  • What else is there to say about this show? If you've seen Rediculousness then you've seen this show. All you have is that Snooki replaces Rob Dydrek as the host, and other people are there, and that's it. This is the fourth spin-off to a series MTV is obsessed with airing anyway, so of course they'd rehash the same thing.

    If you're a big fan of the original show, go right ahead, but if not, avoid this series.
  • I am glad that they don't replay videos like they do on ridiculousness, no one wants to repeatedly see someone throw up, let alone see them throw up at all, so it would help if they got rid of the throw up videos on ridiculousness, this show is created by the same person that created ridiculousness so there's no reason why they have to replay disgusting videos let alone play them at all, they can play ridiculous without vomit involved, and if people aren't allowed to submit videos, where are they getting them from?, i'm surprised people watch videos where people get hurt, these are someone's children. They are watching.